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Cookie Feather

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Posts posted by Cookie Feather

  1. Thought ya might need some cheering up ^.~ so i made this giftart of you <3 i hope it may make ya feel a little better ^^lll


    Didnt add the CM since i didnt knew how the full cm looked like D: so made a pose where it wouldnt show


    Also happy b-day :D

    Oh my god~! It's so amazing and perfect, oh my god. ; - ;

    *super-big huggles omg super big huggle power huggle huggles* xD

    So sweet, thank you. ; u ;

  2. awwww *hugs*


    and D'awwww, her new design is simply heart-stopping! I like the name Honey Puff, but if you see fit that she needs her name changed, I'm not going to stop you. good luck on finding a new name, I'd love to help but I'm hopeless when naming things :P

    Thank you. <3

    Names aren't my best suit as well, but I'm thinking of keeping puff in the name, but I dunno what else to put in there. ; 3 ;

  3. Hey guys -- this isn't much of a happy post but it is an art sharing one. I'm re-designing Honey Puff and perhaps even changing her name. If you're all familiar with me leaving months and months ago, it was because of a certain someone making me afraid of ponies for the time being. Well, not afraid, more so hesitent to like them. He got me into MLP and he even helped me create my ponysona, Honey Puff. After 9 months, he broke up with me because he said that there wasn't any more excitement in the relationship, etc. It's been almost 2 years since this and I need to let go, and the last step is to...rid of Honey Puff or just...make her mine instead of his memory living through her. I do hope that you guys won't look or treat me differently because of this decision, but I will be the same puff you know. I'm just letting go of my sad memories that are within Honey Puff. If you don't understand what I mean, I don't expect you too. This is just something to make me feel comfortable about liking ponies again. I like them now but I lately felt guilty about doing so...so without further stalling, here is Honey Puff re-designed.




    I'm still re-adjusting from this relationship and because of my relationship, I had to push away my friends because he told me that I only needed him and it was basically a mentally abusive relationship that...is hard to recover from. I formed a horrible habit of becoming dependant and I don't like it, and I don't like the fact that I almost lost an amazing community due to this. Just so you know, I love you, I love all of you, and I hope that you haven't forgotten about me because I most likely haven't forgotten about you.


    Thank you. <3

    • Brohoof 11
  4. Why do some Pegasisters prefer to be called Bronies?


    Why must some get offended when we call them pegasisters?


    Is there a difference all of a sudden?


    So many questions.

    In my opinion, Pegasister sounds cuter~ it has a nice ring to it as well. We are family, I got all my pegasisters with me. n w n

    So no complaining on my end.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Favorite character: Mabel.

    Favorite episode: Boss Mabel

    Why?: I really liked the 80's tone of the episode -- Mabel looked adorable with shoulder pads~


    Oh wait...about the entire show? I love it because the show has the same type of humor that I hold.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I finished animating puppet rigs for both of these. I am afraid Honey Puff's hair didn't come out great...but I don't think it will be too noticable in the final video. the puppet can be seen on the main post.

    Fantastic~! I just have one little thing to point out. ; o ;

    I'm a unicorn, I no have wings. But but great so far! I'm really really excited.

  7. Wow those are absolutely beautiful! How did you make them? Did you use a program like Photoshop or Illustrator? I can't wait to see more of your work Honey Puff. Keep up the great work!


    Best Wishes,



    I made them in Paint-tool Sai, I've made a tutorial on how to make them that's located in my blogs somewhere.

    Thank you so much! 8D

    • Brohoof 2
  8. they look amazing biggrin.png


    you should reopen your pony art request thread


    and i realised the watermark on Flower Angel: AngelButt?

    Thank you~ and Angelbutt is my deviantart name, silly, I know. xD

    Maybe I can start it up again, maybeee...if I get lots of interest.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. It's been such a while, oh my gosh! And I've got some new OC's to show ya'll. 8D


    First one is--


    Radical Comet! She is an 80's-themed pony. She's green and has a different angled horn because I was trying to capture an alien-different look. With the sweater -- come on, who doesn't love them ugly things~


    Next one is --


    Flower Angel! She is a pegasus pony that loves the earth and nature -- she really loves rolling around in leaves and grass!


    Please enjoy and great to see you all again! n w n

    • Brohoof 21

    Either I'm slower than I think I am, or nobody has realized this is in general silliness



    I don't know where else to post this.

    is this trolling or what, because I want to write a message


    This isn't trolling.
    • Brohoof 1
  11. Hi everyone, I'm very sad to say...I'm going to be leaving the forums after a short time here, the MLP fandom for that manner, and perhaps I'm just going to leave the entire internet for a while. I've been very depressed lately, MLP reminds me of someone who was very big in my life and now is gone. I'm being honest with you and it's a ridiculous reason.


    I came here with a cheerful disposition and...now I just feel empty and just, I don't know. I think I'm just going to rethink my life and improve myself and my art. I don't wanna leave, but now every time I get on these forums, my heart feels heavy and my stomach churns. It's not the community that does it, it's the person who left me with these memories of watching MLP together and all my MLP memories revolved around him. It's just...I'm too weak to get on here and pretend nothing's wrong with me.


    You all can still contact me through Steam, Devianrtart, and through my mail, vvabbit@live.com...this is just good bye to the forums and to possibly the MLP fandom. Good bye guys, I really loved you all.

    • Brohoof 12
  12. That... Just... I.... Wow. There are few words to describe this.


    On a highly related note, ss it bad that this reminds me strongly of Nyan cat?


    Thank you~ o u o


    Hah, it's not bad at all, I actually thought that the nyan cat rainbow concept would match. Rainbow farts, huehue.

  13. Pics or it didn't happen! No, but seriously try to find one of those "many" artists who make great work with a mouse. It must fit my criteria!


    Neh~ D8<

    I accept this quest. But in order to fulfill it, I'll need a bag of potatoes and a cup of chocolate milk. = u =

    And a little animal side-kick. Like a bunny.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. You do vector work, I'm assuming. I recall you mentioning it being vector art somewhere in one of your posts. If you don't use vectors for you art then I retract my statement.


    EDIT: pixel art doesn't count either. I'm referring to digital painting and drawing. Usually with a brush tool...


    Oh yeah, vectors...

    Posted ImagePosted Image


    There's so many artists out there who use mouses who are really good at art. > o >

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Most digital artists do not use a mouse. They use tablets. It's 99.9999999999999999% impossible to digitally paint or draw using a mouse and result in a professional drawing.


    Whatchu talkin' about Willis. I use a mouse. = u =; And am I an artist or not? e w e;


    If this is not traced work, good job, matching up lines are hard and you've got a skill there~

  16. So how are the requests coming along? Don't worry, there's no rush, I was just wondering.



    The ones you've finished are awesome BTW!!


    They're going well~ I've been caught up with school art projects lately, so I haven't been able to work a lot on the requests, but...they'll get done~ o u o
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