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Posts posted by Gekoncze

  1. I think I asked once already, but it's been some time so maybe there might be some updates. How is it with dreams for you all? How often do you have tulpae in dreams. Is it usually you having dreams with tulpae or also them having the dreams?

    As for me, I have dreams with them rarely, few times in year at most. It's strange since we're always together for a long time all day. Well, I can't remember any dreams in general much lately, that could be reason too x) As for them, Millie had dream about 3 times I think.

    Millie: We need more dreams together :3 The only place where we can touch each other and feel it like if it was real.

  2. I'm super nervous about bechelor work :s It's following the same way as everything I've been excited about. The teacher liked the idea when I wrote him first, but then after we discussed it, he was very unsure and after some questions I realized it's far from being as good as I though it would be :/ He still accepted it though, so I'll see. I also got some ideas what to add to it, so that might help a bit.

    Luckily, a while ago, my cat was at me, purring and cuddling :3 making me feel much better.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. It depends


    If it is needed, I can be a leader. If not, I prefer to be a follower (usually, when I'm with friends, I let them decide what to do, where to go etc.) .. but sometimes it seems to me like the whole world is against me because of it, like if it was something bad.

    Important note: it does not mean I would follow everybody! I still have my own head and can even go all alone.

  4. [so what if I'm like the show-RD? Like I told you that one time, Krueger, the subconscious wants what the subconscious wants.

    How long have you had Millie for, Geko?]

    Well, it's completely fine if you are like RD from the show! I just wanted to remind Krueger and others of the fact tulpae personality can change.


    As for the question, It's a mystery for how long Millie is with me exactly :lol: ''  It's one of the things I regret not writing down, because, as she says, she want's her birthday that she deserves. I only know that it's somewhere between 2nd Jan 2012 and 24th Aug 2012 So it's about 3 and half years if I count right.

  5. Today I've had a dream again that included Millie on her own! It means that I wasn't around and she saw it in first person view (it was basically like switching when I'm not there). I've only had about 2 or 3 dreams like that before, but not so stable and long. Of course it ended up with nuclear reactions caused by her superpowers :lol:
    Another thing I noticed is that she's always in her human form in all dreams, probably because I imagine her like that more often. I rarely have dreams with ponies, but surprisingly I've had one today that included Discord and Twi.

    I wonder if anybody here had experience with their tulpas in dreams too, especially them dreaming on their own. :)

    For example if Crep creeps Rizoel in his dreams somehow. That could be fun for sure. ^_^


    Repost/bump because nobody answered yet and this is semi-urgent (it's kinda distressing me, and I don't want to prolong that)

    Of course it's possible you're still wanting it unconsciously, but it's only you and you who can know it. You should realize and accept that it's not going to be RD how you know her from the show, her personality is very likely to change. It's like with human beings - their personality also change during time, especially when growing up. (for example Millie now has nothing to do with the character I based her on, only the appearance is sill very similar, but is slowly changing too)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I really don't like people in comfort complaining >.<
    Theese days you get so many things people in the past could only dream about (technology, education, health care, food etc.), you're living in a (to some extend) stable country with no wars or poverty and still.. you're complaining?! What the hay!?



    Makes me wonder sometimes if making myself a tulpa was such a good thing after all...

    How does your decision of making a tulpa have anything to do with how others treat / use theirs?

    I agree with you that it's much better when tulpa can bring something good into your life like finding yourself, what you like and so.

    I also don't like them mixing it up with the original idea of a tulpa. I find it to be much more differend. That's why I now prefer to call mine 'imaginary companion / friends'.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. There was one time when Millie switched with me when I didn't want to... but she did it for my own good and I didn't fight much. I don't know who would win if we got into some serious argument, but I don't think we would ever get in one since we understand each other very well and we can read each other's mind, so there is no space for lying, we know exactly how the other one feels.


    But remember that everyone can have it differend.



    Does this look legit?

    Nice article!

    ("Fandom culture drawn from fantasy-oriented genres also frequently prompts the forcing of non-human Tulpas such as elves, ponies, or ponies." :muffins: )




    Also, I've heard some people describe their tulpas as having a physical location in their brain...wat?

    Sometimes I feel like Millie is located in the front part of my brain, but I don't know how to describe it...

  10. Another interesting thing happened to me today. I was sleeping and at one time I realized I was in a dream and for some reason wanted to wake up (can't remember why), but Millie stopped me so we won't waste a lucid dream chance. Then we switched inside the dream! :D She was standing on some street and started throwing fireballs all around o.O but they were not much powerful. The first ones did nothing, but the more she tried, the more explosive they were. She suddenly woke up when hitting some car with it.


    Millie: Hehe, you have to learn how to use magic in dreams just like ponies in equestria ;) It's harder than it looks!

  11. I wish I could hear from the original posters who made this thread and how their tulpae are doing thus far.


    Me too. Rizoel and Crep had the best stories :) It's been a while since they sent a post here. I remember the activity here went down when... nevermind. I'm glad it's still active, even tough I don't visit here that much now.


    Millie: Maybe we could tell them some of our stories :P


    ^.^' rather not, and there are not that many. I wish we could get into a lucid dream together again :3

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