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Status Replies posted by Gekoncze

  1. Hey - just a quick note - don't worry about your voice, I had the exactly same reaction when I first heard record of mine xD And so does almost everyone. I'm sure it'll be fine :3

  2. When the temperatures gets lower (I have no idea when) I might do some stream... with webcam ... and mic :P ... but idk what game/s ^.^' I was thinking of Crash 2 and Abe's oddysee, but idk ^.^'

  3. Tired ^.^' Gaming is sometimes very tiring. I think today's stream was success ^.^' maybe 2 or 3 ppl watched at least for a few minutes ^.^ but idk for sure cause it does not display unregistred.

  4. Tired ^.^' Gaming is sometimes very tiring. I think today's stream was success ^.^' maybe 2 or 3 ppl watched at least for a few minutes ^.^ but idk for sure cause it does not display unregistred.

  5. Tired ^.^' Gaming is sometimes very tiring. I think today's stream was success ^.^' maybe 2 or 3 ppl watched at least for a few minutes ^.^ but idk for sure cause it does not display unregistred.

  6. I would like to draw, but I can't find my favourite pencil D:

  7. Did Youtube really just automatically fuck everyone's profile to the new horrible version?

  8. Did Youtube really just automatically fuck everyone's profile to the new horrible version?

  9. Bots are sometimes really... seductive ^.^'

  10. Bots are sometimes really... seductive ^.^'

  11. It's just so much to do!

  12. Today, I've had lunch for breakfast :P

  13. Today, I've had lunch for breakfast :P

  14. So today at 18:00 GMT ^.^' game stream (Spyro, Crash) http://www.twitch.tv/gekoncze

  15. So today at 18:00 GMT ^.^' game stream (Spyro, Crash) http://www.twitch.tv/gekoncze

  16. So today at 18:00 GMT ^.^' game stream (Spyro, Crash) http://www.twitch.tv/gekoncze

  17. Okay, so tomorrow, I am going to make my first non-testing stream. It's going to be around 18:00 GMT/UTC (which is 20:00 in czech republic) I hope somepony will come to visit ^.^'

  18. Okay, so tomorrow, I am going to make my first non-testing stream. It's going to be around 18:00 GMT/UTC (which is 20:00 in czech republic) I hope somepony will come to visit ^.^'

  19. Going to do my first test stream in a few minutes http://www.twitch.tv/gekoncze

  20. Come on everypony! Smile smile smile!

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