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Status Updates posted by Gekoncze

  1. Like old times.

    1. ~Rule 63~ Lyeco

      ~Rule 63~ Lyeco

      Yeah spyro. Old times

    2. Gekoncze


      I meant my mental state right now ^.^' but it is true that Spyro always brings back a lot of childhood memories :)

  2. Ember! Yay! :3

    1. Winona the Dog

      Winona the Dog

      Oh I forgot about you. lol

    2. Gekoncze


      ^.^' people tend to forget about me

  3. Thanks everypony who watched the stream ^.^ it was fun ^.^

    1. Gekoncze


      but still... I thought it would be at least about 20% cooler...

  4. Live stream today at 18:00 GMT ^.^ I'll see you at the stream. (I hope D:) ^.^'

  5. Alright, if everything goes alright, you may expect me doing live stream tomorrow ^.^ propably around 17 or 18 GMT, I'll tell the exact time soon. If it doesn't work for some reason, it'll be on thursday. ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. isded


      Looking forward to it! What are you going to play?

    3. Gekoncze


      :D you can suggest something ^.^ I was thinking of some Crash or Abe or Spyro maybe, idk ^.^'
    4. isded


      Can't go wrong with Spyro :3

  6. ^.^ I just found temporary solution for the high temperatures http://files.spyropictures.webnode.cz/200007284-b0a6eb1a0b/Fotografie-0276.jpg ^.^ so the only thing I need is to test if the stream works also online (tried stream to file) and then I'll bring moar details ^.^ if there is any game you would really like to see, don't be shy to tell me ^.^

    1. Cocodrillo


      Ten moment když Ty nap

    2. Gekoncze


      Jo no, je to trošku zvláštn

  7. When the temperatures gets lower (I have no idea when) I might do some stream... with webcam ... and mic :P ... but idk what game/s ^.^' I was thinking of Crash 2 and Abe's oddysee, but idk ^.^'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cocodrillo
    3. Gekoncze


      ^.^' yay, some ponies who might watch :) Well, first I need to get rid of the high temperatures D: they're too high while playing, I should clean the inside of my laptop somehow... Of course I'll make sure everypony knows about the stream and its date and time as usual ^.^

    4. Thunderstorm


      Already subbed to you on YouTube ^^

  8. It's always the shy ones ^.^'

  9. Tired ^.^' Gaming is sometimes very tiring. I think today's stream was success ^.^' maybe 2 or 3 ppl watched at least for a few minutes ^.^ but idk for sure cause it does not display unregistred.

  10. Today at about 18:00 GMT I am going to play populous the beginning. So if anybody was interested (I guess nobody, but whatever) you can watch its live stream on http://www.twitch.tv/gekoncze/

  11. I would like to draw, but I can't find my favourite pencil D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gekoncze


      Got it! :) It was on my table the left (not right :P) behind a notepad ^.^ And I was searching for it yesterday for hours in the whole flat. Silly me ^.^'

    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Close enough. I rarely practice that skill these days. XD

    4. thegoodhen


      Impressive! :3 Where is my old credit card? Just out of curiosity, already got a new one.

    1. Cocodrillo


      <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    2. Gekoncze
  12. Idk why, but your profile picture always seem to me so magical and mysterious :)

    1. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Thanks! :) That's good to hear as my OC is a unicorn, so magical would be an ideal feel to have in his picture, and mysterious is a cool trait to have.

    2. Moonlight
  13. I like your profile picture :3

  14. Yay! ^.^ I was just browsing bronies.cz and a funny pony appeared flying on the screen :3

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