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Status Updates posted by Gekoncze

  1. Bots are sometimes really... seductive ^.^'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Mmm, yes, dat sexy @@@@@HOT_SINGLESINURAREA@@@@@@@

    3. Gekoncze
    4. Gekoncze


      but this one was on irc

  2. It's just so much to do!

    1. Nouth


      Winter wrap up, winter wrap up... ;3

    2. Gekoncze
  3. Tried cooking muffins today... didn't go very well, but they were yummy ^.^

  4. Today, I've had lunch for breakfast :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gekoncze


      :P I got up at 11:10
    3. qqq


      Rebel! The man wants you to wake up at 7 or 8 but you don't listen to him!

    4. Gekoncze
  5. Alright, live stream finished ^.^ I wonder if anypony from this forum watched. It was fun ^.^

  6. So today at 18:00 GMT ^.^' game stream (Spyro, Crash) http://www.twitch.tv/gekoncze

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MelancholicMemory


      I wish I could stay up for that. I loved those games. They're classics!

    3. Gekoncze


      Yeah ^.^ classics 4 the win ^.^

    4. Gekoncze
  7. Okay, so tomorrow, I am going to make my first non-testing stream. It's going to be around 18:00 GMT/UTC (which is 20:00 in czech republic) I hope somepony will come to visit ^.^'

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Your audio was lagging pretty badly earlier :P

    2. Gekoncze


      oh damn, but idk how to fix that, everytime I try to edit the configuration, it crashes...

    3. Gekoncze


      some buffer error

  8. Going to do my first test stream in a few minutes http://www.twitch.tv/gekoncze

    1. Gekoncze


      finished, I wonder if anypony here watched the testing stream. ^.^' Some ppl said the sound was a bit off... I wonder If I can repair it somehow...

  9. IT WORKS! Finally!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blue Moon
    3. Cocodrillo


      Implying someone will watch it ;D


    4. Gekoncze


      Yay! :) I just hope it'll work, I'll do first test stream today, propably some Spyro ^.^

  10. lol potato ^.^ nice bio ^.^

  11. I feel like doing something wrong...

  12. Where are you? D:

  13. Now I am going to face battle of all battles - I am going to rebuild my programming library from scratch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLL4MkXDJJ4

  14. Yay! ^.^ we have the same post count ^.^ (170)

    1. Rizoel & Crepuscule

      Rizoel & Crepuscule









      GAHH!! *Falls off chair* OW!


      Ugh.. WHAT?!


      "Aren't you listening?!"


      Huh? *Finally notices message left by Gekoncze after three days*


      Oh. Well, that's interesting. Wait, I've posted 170 times? That feels like a bit much, considering 99% of them are in the Tulpa thread.


      Hmm. Speaking of which, I...

    2. Rizoel & Crepuscule

      Rizoel & Crepuscule



      I haven't posted there in a while. I think it's about time I did. :/

    3. Gekoncze
  15. Let's do it!

    1. Cocodrillo


      Leeerooooy Jenkiiins

    2. Gekoncze


      Finally ^.^ exams finished. Leroy Jenkins, you mean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins ?

    3. Cocodrillo
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gekoncze


      I hope so o.o I am a "little bit" nervous

    3. qqq


      This is your future on the line here. A bad performance here could ruin your adult life.


      Hope this helps...

    4. Gekoncze


      o.0 it it h-helped ... a l-lot O.O ..

  16. 3,333 profile views :3

    1. Winona the Dog

      Winona the Dog

      Now go for 6,666

    2. Gekoncze


      I would rather prefer 7,777 :3

  17. uh, spend all day on literature, luckily it is complete now

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