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Blog Comments posted by Evilshy

  1. I wouldn't call somebody a phony for watching the show but not knowing what bronies are. If anything, they are the purest fans, because they came to enjoy the show without the benefit of the incredibly productive fanbase.

    I probably wouldn't still watch the show if it weren't for this site, which I only use because the userbase is awesome. MLP is just this show I sometimes watch when I'm bored.


    Hell, by the end of Season 3, I was only watching the show so I could discuss it with all of you :P



    So just becuase someone likes the show but dosn't like/know bronies we have to go off and label them a "Phony" nice logic you got there buddy.

    This fandom. Gets more immature everyday.


    I thought he pretty clearly was referring to people who have pony related wallpapers and such, but hate bronies :/

  2. I don't see why everybody hates GameStop. I mean, yeah, their trade in value is shit unless it's a new game or system, but it seems simple enough to not trade in there.


    They have really good deals on games for older systems (well, at least until they phase them out :P). I got plenty of PS2 classics for $5-$10 each. Hell, I got multiple Shin Megami Tensei games for around $20 each there, and that's a great deal for those.


    And maybe it's just my local GameStop, but all the employees are really cool people. I sometimes go in there just to talk games with whoever is currently working :P

  3. "Ah. Well one year ago today I was "formed", my presence was made known and I became "alive". It's very hard to explain...but I consider it the day I came into being."


    Hmm... so... when you became fully sentient? or sapient, perhaps?

    Seems hard to judge the exact point something without a physical existence becomes alive. But it's your birthday, and seeing as only Chigens can interact with you directly, I guess it's all up to you :)


    Sorry, I'm a scientist. I like to quantify and explain things.

    I'm actually somewhat surprised I can even accept the existence of Tulpae (as described) without hard evidence :/

  4. Something I'd like to point out:


    Trailers, such as the EqG one, are supposed to showcase the movie. You're SUPPOSED to make some judgements based on it. If this wasn't people would go to movies based on the title alone, which would be pointless, and not many people would see movies.


    XB1 reveal was a tech demo, the point of which is to show off the console, to make people want to buy it. If what was shown today is the best they have, then I do not have high hopes for the console.

    Also, we can't forget that most of what was revealed was like telling a movie buff that in order to watch the new movies, they have to buy a new DVD player that can't play any of their old ones, they can't borrow movies from friends or rent from a store without paying, and they have to be connected to the internet. Oh, sure, it won't stop their movie if they lose their connection, but you can bet that the XB1 is going to need to be online when you start a game to verify that THIS ISN'T A BORROWED GAME YOU THIEVING FUCKING PIRATE.


    Yeah, I prefer PC. I don't go out of my way to insult Apple. But I do give my opinions on the matter whenever the topic comes up. And I don't know of any task a Mac can do better than a PC (except perhaps run/use proprietary Apple software/hardware, of course :P).


    As for EA... yeah, they're not as bad as they are made out to be, but they have made quite a few poor, user-unfriendly decisions that make one question the intelligence of their execs.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Eh, only reason I ever liked consoles was A; to play old games, from when the majority of god games were for consoles, and B; since I could get used games for cheap.


    XB1 can't do either, so I have no interest.


    And really, we shouldn't act like used game restriction wasn't a bad idea. A big advantage of consoles over PC is that they can play used games. And online requirement is just stupid.

  6. Muffins, because poppy seed, blueberry, and streusel (not on the same muffin, obviously).


    Cupcakes just make me wish I had a whole cake. Also, cupcakes usually have a higher frosting to cake ratio, and I don't like frosting much :/


    But I'm Evilshy, and on my own team. I work to bring down frosting and quietly further my own plain cake and muffin-related agendas from the shadows.

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