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Posts posted by Dxthegod

  1. Henrik Sedin is best hockey brony.


    Ever noticed in a Canucks game in HD you see a rainbow lightning bolt sticker on his helmet?


    Do you have picture/video evidence? O:


    Henrik Sedin is like the best hockey player ever and he plays for the best team ever and is like amazing

  2. Hockey. Totally not saying that because I'm Canadian. I really don't know how to describe the superultraextremawesomazingness that is hockey.


    Also hockey is literally in my blood (I'm cousins with the Sutters, a famous NHL family - one of them coaches the Flames, one of them coaches the LA Kings, and one plays for the Hurricanes - last time I checked anyway)


    It's so fast and action packed and awesome and... it's just so AWESOME wub.png



    Not to mention people in the NHL are really hardcore about injuries -


    Baseball: Blister? 2-3 weeks

    Basketball: Finger jam? 2-4 weeks

    Football: Toe turf? 4-6 weeks

    Hockey: Slapshot to the face? "I'm cool, bro"



    Oh and if you're mad at someone, you can just beat them up and sit in the penalty box for five minutes

  3. MLP, obviously - I'm perfectly fine being a brony... just as long as no one finds out - the only people who know are my brothers and mom, and one or two friends (implying I have friends)


    I'm also extremely self-conscious so I hate expressing myself about everything and usually keep everything to myself anyways


    but I can't really think of anything besides that... I guess a lot of OCD-related stuff, like being a perfectionist, and downloading wallpapers - I have 600+ pony wallpapers, and I would probably have just as much Futurama/Doctor Who/etc wallpapers, but I can never find any of those...


    Don't judge me ;_;










    Oh, and an obsession with Isaiah Mustafa (The Man Your Man Could Smell Like).



  4. Let's see...


    1) Death - really, who doesn't fear death?

    2) Scorpions - God's way of saying "let's combine lobsters, spiders, wasps, and nightmares"

    3) Spiders - Well they can be poisonus, and they look absolutely terrifying. It's like they're saying "Hey, remember that shoe you threw at me? BECAUSE I DO." When it threw the shoe back, I did the next sensible thing and grabbed a shotgun

    4) Snakes - Same as above

    5) Lightning - I don't know how to explain that, but yea

    6) Heights - I don't know for sure if I have a fear of heights because I've never really experienced it, but I have a feeling I do

    7) Embarrassment/any social interaction I guess - I'm like Fluttershy times a million in real life... I don't know if this is exactly a fear, but yea

    9) I have very low self-esteem, so I guess the fear of being worthless or something

    10) I've had extreme paranoia recently about... well, everything I guess... I'm paranoid that I have depression, but I want to think I don't have depression, but a friend of mine said they thought they didn't have depression and they ended up in a mental ward... which makes me think I'm worse than I actually am

    8) G3 Ponies - Self-explanatory


    I have a really stupid fear, but I'm not quite sure what exactly it is... whenever I hear stuff going off at night (car alarms, phone alarms, anything that repeats?) I freak out for some reason... this one time, there was some PDA hidden somewhere in my room. The alarm for it went off and it started playing an 8 bit version of the Happy Birthday song (the part that goes "happy birthday dear [name], happy birthday to you" and it just kept playing and it wouldn't stop. I tried just covering my ears in my pillow, but that didn't work, so I ended up trying to find it and figure out how to shut it off and... ugh why/how is that even remotely terrifying

  5. I swear, I thought this topic would have something to do with Season 4 getting cancelled


    I was hoping it was either fake or something else... so I'm happy.


    But if it's that kind of seasons...



    Up here in Canada, we have four seasons:


    Sort of winter

    Almost winter


    Super winter

    • Brohoof 3
  6. Definitely DXIndustriesInc. That guy is legendary, and totally isn't me. At all. You'd be a fool to even think that.



    But seriously... I dunno there's too many awesome people











    Like 80 gazillion more than that




    I can't even think of some non-pony ones... uhh....








    EddsWorld (RIP :()




    All of them are awesomesauce

    • Brohoof 1

    I loved it, although I feel like there might have been too many references... if that's even possible... and it kind of felt like a huge fan pandering, with billions of background ponies (then again, it WAS a fanmade episode, so what would you expect?)


    The voice acting was... OK, but if they were going for 100% show-accurate, they probably could have got better actors/actresses




    When she ended up in the PPG universe I was confused then excited because I always used to watch that show as a kid... epic nostalgia.


    The first ten minutes felt kind of slow, and the PPG crossover was so... unexpected... awesome, but unexpected.


    I really can't think of much I didn't like about it, other than the billions of references... I honestly can't decide whether that was a good thing or a bad thing


    Final verdict:




    I'm totally not using this as an excuse to use that gif


  8. Well first off, I don't really like the old doctors (anyone before the 9th, but I guess the new ones wouldn't be here without the old ones)



    I still can't get over what happened with Rose.... TWICE.... and same with River

    I dunno, there's just too many epic moments for all of them to pick a favourite.


    I don't know what's harder, picking a favourite Doctor or picking a favourite pony...

    • Brohoof 1
  9. The only ads I've actually willingly watched (as in searched up on YouTube) are the Old Spice ones, because they're just so good. I can't tell whether I like Isaiah Mustafa or Terry Crews more... maybe Isaiah because they had him do a bunch of side-video type things (The Fabio thing; replying to Tweets; Manta Clause)


    I don't really like the other newer Old Spice commercials as much though, they just aren't as funny... BRING BACK ISAIAH OR TERRY D:

    or even both... O:


    (And don't even get me started on The Most Interesting Man In The World)

  10. Oh boy, here we go...


    Me and my two younger brothers used to play a bunch of games... SMB3 on our NES, Sonic on our Sega, Super Smash Bros, Donkey Kong 64, etc. on our N64... I remember teaching our friends how to play games and they ended up getting way better than us at them. Then they got a PS1 (back when they were new) and we would play Rayman and Crash Bandicoot a lot.


    I had one friend who I would play hockey a lot with in his garage, and he had a ton of NES games that we would always play.


    I also had a lot more friends when I was younger, and I was way less shy than I am now.



    I think most of those experiences are from when I was a little bit older than the age mentioned in this topic, but it's really all I remember, other than watching my dad fail miserably at what he called Stupid Mario Bros when I was like 4...


    But all this nostalgia reminds me of this super-duper-nostalgia from this other forum where I met my current best friends about 5 years ago (I still go to that forum a lot because of all the friendships I've made there), but I think that might be going a bit off-topic, seeing how this is supposed to be when I was younger(?)

    • Brohoof 1
  11. The only people I would even really consider to be my friends are the ones I've met online...


    I met my two best friends online about 5 years ago and it's probably the best thing that's happened to me... until of course, one of them (a girl, not that that really matters) showed us MLP and we all became bronies together :D



    I'm also extremely shy irl and everyone here is really stupid or something, and I hate being around a lot of people, especially strangers, which is what most people feel like to me, strangers. :/

  12. The Canucks are my absolute favourite team (probably because I live in Vancouver) but I was super-excited when the Jets returned :D



    Oh, another cool thing:


    According to my dad, I'm cousins with the Sutters, a famous NHL family. I think one of them coaches the Flames, one coaches the Kings, and one plays on the Hurricanes, so that's pretty awesome I guess... now if only I could meet them D:

    • Brohoof 1
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