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Arylett Charnoa

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Blog Comments posted by Arylett Charnoa

  1. SCS, Thanks. Others I've been talking too say that I should get rid of them, but then if I do I don't really have any friends left. So I don't know what I should do, I just feel hurt and too tired for this. 

    And I don't really have control sometimes when dealing with my thoughts, I try to keep steady and all that, but I keep trying on keeping them down, especially with the whole jump in front of the truck thoughts. 

    It can be difficult to get rid of the only friends you have, especially if they're abusive towards you. I completely understand this. But if they are detrimental to you and won't apologize or admit their wrongdoings or even talk to you about this, then it would be best to cut them off. Being alone hurts, but I think that having fake friends is even more painful. They're like a burden, a noxious influence that continues to make you sink deeper and deeper into depression. You don't need that right now. 


    Controlling your thoughts and yourself is an exercise that is so difficult. It takes years and some serious hard effort to get stable from something like that. Without your meds, I understand that it's even harder. I don't know the reasons why you can't take them, but I do think that taking some time away from your computer and from the source of your pain is a good idea. Keep keeping it steady and fight viciously. I know it's an obvious thing to say, but I think in times like these, encouragement is important. You can do it, you can keep stable.


    New friends can be made, even if it seems hopeless. In this world, there's billions of people, and at least one of them can be a good kind friend. The kind you can have the conversations you want with. Sometimes you have to seek them out, and others, they'll come to you. But don't let the bad people discourage you. The good people will be found. There are people who enjoy your art. That much is obvious from the fact that you have commissions to do in the first place. I think that's a huge achievement, as I rarely get a commission coming down my way. 


    Regardless of what they say though, you must continue your art if you enjoy it. Nothing else matters except your own enjoyment. You must do things that make you happy, for your own sake. Don't stop.

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Wow, this is super useful. Thanks for the information. I could've known this earlier before I went through the trouble of retyping a whole damn post that was very long, but oh well. It ended up being better than the first incarnation and I mashed together the two to include the best of both worlds.


    Still, this is totally something EVERYONE should know. I've already found a lot of posts through this method.

  3. Once again, I'm really sorry to hear about all of this and your bad health. I only hope that my RP can bring some joy into your life, and make you forget the awful depressing troubles of the rest of this place. I really appreciate you staying for it and quitting all of your other RPs to partake. I'll definitely try my best to keep it alive, interesting, and fun for all. Let's make it an awesome go!

    • Brohoof 2
  4. It isn't just nowadays. The sexual prudishness is a holdover from older times such as the middle ages, where their religions deemed it was inappropriate for some reason. At the very least, our society had become a bit more open to it since. But it will probably be long after we are dead when it loses its stigma. Which is sad, as I believe that speaking of it can be healthy for some and like to do it myself at times. I also think it's much less harmful than all the violence they don't censor. It really is a double standard that makes no sense.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Yeah, I've pretty much felt a bit... out of place considering some of the other pony fans. It's a colorful enjoyable show and also my latest obsession, but it certainly isn't the best thing in the world and I'm honestly gobsmacked that it has such a huge fandom for being such a simple thing. There are things I cherish far more than ponies. Sure wish there were things that I cared about more that had this much attention. 


    Back in the day, I used to get a bit irritated, find it stupid, confusing and find those people to be of... questionable sanity... I really don't let it bug me anymore. It's just like all that other crazy stuff on the internet. The internet is a place of nonsense, with memes and insane things constantly happening with no real rhyme or reason. They can do what they want, even if it makes no sense to me. :3

  6. Personal? 


    That's quite a strong word to use for stating favorite episodes of a cartoon show.

    Well, a lot of people in fandoms can get VERY worked up about what their favorite such-and-such is, and cause horrible pointless nerdy arguments, so he probably put that up just in case. Though I haven't really seen much of that sort of discourse here.


    Seeing as how the list doesn't seem to explain WHY those are favorites though, I also doubt that would cause any controversy. It'd be nice if you let us know. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I think it's due to the fact that when you're older, you have more responsibilities to distract you. As a child, holidays take center stage because the only real thing you have to worry about is school. That's why everything seems to go by faster. Now you have a million different things to look forward (or not) to, and your mind can't focus on those holidays. Although seeing as how you're only 15, I doubt this is the case. (Unless you have a job already.)


    That and as Tails said, adults tend not to treat holidays towards each other and teenagers like they do to children. Your parents hype up these holidays and give you all sorts of magical stories. But as you grow older, your friends (and parents' behavior) just kind of become apathetic to it all, which really dullens the enthusiasm. I think part of it has to do with the fact that as teenagers, they want to appear "cool" and grown up. Showing enthusiasm is not cool, and not grown up. A lot of society seems to be under the view that holidays are for children to enjoy only, and kind of force that joy out of you.

  8. Hey, you have posts all over RPW. I can give you millions of warning points at the click of a single button.

    And I can take all kinds of heat. You have no idea what I can take.

    I'd like to see you try! I can use my mind control powers I have over Zoop by controlling the bald in his head, and make him remove all that, and ban you.


    Also, you can't take nothin'! I'm a Flareon, dammit, and I have lavagasms all day.

  9. You can't really judge the whole of forum roleplaying from this place. Because honestly, RPing here is pretty bad, as most of our roleplayers don't know how to run a proper roleplay. That said, here i why I disagree. This really seems to be your problem with BAD forum roleplays:

    • Lack of Endgame: Depends on roleplay. You can't say all roleplays lack an endgame. I have a clearcut goal in my Shifted, to defeat the Changelings and get back home. Most of the roleplayers here don't create serious efforts that are long-term, and have no goal ascribed.

    • Improper DMing: Again, see above. Though I personally prefer a looser approach. Forum roleplaying to me isn't Dungeons and Dragons. I don't like somebody controlling me, telling me what I can and can't do. I think more subtly prodding people in the proper directions works best. Don't like control freaks. I prefer building a story with someone else, splitting the work more evenly. But prodding them a bit if they get lost. To me, that's DMing that keeps my interest. If I feel involved and actually relevant and somewhat in control, then I'm more likely to do a better job.

    • Lack of Decisions: Again depends on the roleplay.

    • Lack of Adversity: See lack of decisions.

    • Randomized outcomes: Not a diceroller. Not into classical DM-style roleplays. But I'm sure you could find that on a forum roleplay. It wouldn't be difficult to execute, and it's not impossible or restricted from the format.

    • Too many characters: Again, depends on the roleplay. Want a smaller roleplay? Make one. Find one. Most roleplays aren't as big as Shifted. I prefer bigger ones on forums because they're much more likely to stay alive. If you want a smaller one, the disadvantage is that you need a group of extremely dedicated people to keep it from dying. More interaction with others, split-ups, even if they're not relevant to you? They keep the RP alive. I've seen a huge RP last for two years like that. Bigger is more likely to be most lasting. I've been in an extremely tiny RP. Two people. The other person bailed.


    Really, your gripes can be addressed. It depends on what kind of forum roleplays you join. You're not likely to find anything engaging here, honestly. Which I'm trying to fix, but the point is, there's a wealth and rainbow of many different kinds. And none of your gripes really actually address the formatting of forum roleplaying as a whole. You can't judge from one location. Go out there, and try other types of roleplays. But if you don't, and not here, I don't really blame you. I have very little interest in any roleplays here that I haven't created. And you're not likely to find what you want in the roleplays I create, as I don't like dicerolling, I don't like controlling DMs, and I like big to keep it alive.

    • Brohoof 3
  10. I mostly avoid the community as well, to be honest. I RP ponies because I'm an avid roleplayer and I like to RP stuff, not really because it's ponies. Hardcore bronies are far too much for me, and I get a little weirded out by people who stay they hate earth and want to live in Equestria. I also don't think love and tolerate is a particularly realistic philosophy, and don't believe it in myself.


    So really, I feel you. Most of the time, within all the memes and stuff, I feel out of place in the community too. I just enjoy the show, and I create art because I like to draw it, but I'm not really IN LOVE with it like some people are. You can still be a fan of the show. Most of the time, I keep to myself in the things I like and stay away from their communities. I find my experiences better that way. You're just not a community goer.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Arylett-style Blawg! :o


    This sounds like something I'd write. The overall tone, the bolding, the length, and talking about the past and how it's affected you. I approve! I read the entire thing.


    Interesting to find out you used to be an admin of two forums. I actually made a similar progression myself on here. First as a chat moderator, then a moderator, then a global moderator. It's sad to hear that your first forum had to have the Wasteland Effect, but hey, at least there's ponies!


    I don't really have OCD, but I sometimes am really insane about refreshing and checking this place as well.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Nice summary of history. I find it interesting how in the beginning, it was all focused on call quality. Now, it's focused on fancy gadgets, internets, graphics, and games. Personally for me, 2005 was the ideal time for phones. A phone is less a phone nowadays than it is a mini-computer disguised as a phone. Touch screen phones are actually not really conducive to long-time phone chats at all. They heat up, and the sweat from your face makes them really dirty and nasty. They're designed on the principles of internet usage and textage.


    And for someone who only uses phones for... well... what they were designed for, I find this era of phones to be rather useless. As well as smartphones. I can see the appeal, but I think personally they're pointless and computers are much better. I don't really understand why people insist on posting in roleplays from them either, but that's another story.


    In other words, interesting article!

  13. ;;Hides alien antennae;;




    Now, I know what you're thinking. If he was poisened by radiation, then why doesn't he turn into a giant green monster when he turns angry? And I'll tell you why. You see, everyone experiences radiation differently. Plus, it was only recently that this growth appeared. So with his different reaction, combined with the protection of alien magic, the radiation was reduced to making a growth on his head. Yep. Mystery = solved.


    • Brohoof 3
  14. Humanization trends? I think you summed them up perfectly.


    Though you missed the part that most artists tend to go for a generic cute anime style, and make the ponies extremely attractive according to their preferences. (Which usually includes big breasts, as we've seen with Fluttershy.) I honestly don't agree with the majority of humanizations. The oversaturation of anime style and emphasis on sexiness overwhelms me. I prefer more realistic depictions.


    There's only two depictions I've seen that have satisfied me. One was posted by a member of these forums, which depicted chubby Pinkie Pie which I totally agree with. And then there's another I saw once on DA where they actually gave the Mane Six more realistic/toned down human eye colors whilst making them resemble their ACTUAL eyes at the same time. It was quite cool, and I prefer this type of humanization. I've never been one to like random purple eyes. It works on ponies, but not humans.


    Let me find the depictions...


    Can't find that chubby Pinkie Pie one. But here's a good example of Rainbow Dash in the series.


    As well, this creator gives the Mane Six appearance FLAWS, making them look even more realistic. The faces look like actual human faces.


    That's really my opinions on it.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. I can understand how you feel. A lot of my school life has simply been just... being ignored and tossed aside. People called me "that girl" or "quiet girl." I didn't attract a lot of attention. Which is why I'm bemused by how much I seem to attract on here. O_o


    Always being jealous of people better, of people more notable. I feel that jealousy. My parents paid more attention to my sister and her dramatic antics. My talents felt subpar in comparison to others who had more flexible and beauteous abilities.


    It's hard not to want to try hard when you want something so badly, but... these things just tend to happen. People don't try to be famous, they just... become it. I didn't intend this, I wasn't even doing anything but being myself. But... somehow, that garnered attention that I'm still not sure why it does.


    Find your niche. Find a talent, a skill, hone it. Show it off. Improve it. Slowly, people will start paying more and more attention to you. Post whenever you have something thoughtful to say. Do it frequent, but not too spammily.


    That's really all I can say. Good luck. :D

  16. Why hello there. I see what you've posted.


    (By the way, Arylettopia isn't a blog. It's just a silly website with ideas. :P)


    I'm quite flattered to hear that I'm so admired. That my words pull into you. Honestly, I've never really thought myself to be all that special. I just... do what I do and it's normal to me.


    I've looked at the characters you were referring to, and I must say I like Clarendon's design! I don't think her special talent needs to be changed. You have a good grasp of color scheme in it, and I particularly enjoy the fact that she has a British accent. (Or Italian, it seems to have been changed since I've read your other entry. Even more unique.)


    I also find Greenbelt's feisty personality to be fitting, and almost have a sort of humanlike realism.


    Design is a hard thing to grasp, And originality? Well, just don't try too hard! You'll pull your own head muscles. It's nice to derive inspiration from others. I often do so! I use other's concepts to inspire my own sometimes. I'll base a few poses on some art I may see loosely, take things from different art styles, things like that. But also remember! Everyone has their own flavor. And you just have to find yours. Don't try too hard to imitate me. Just let the creativity flow rather than intentionally trying tot be original.


    Also, I think Artsy would be a little weirded out by having a fan. I don't think she'd actually be so notable as to have one. I'm personally kind of bemused about it myself. But I wouldn't mind one who admired her, really. Just not as much a fan or a groupie behavior. XD

  17. "Pretty awesome, huh pipsqueak?"

    "R-Rainbow Dash...this is so cool! I can't believe you get to look at this kind of thing every day! You're so awesome!"

    "Yeah, it is pretty cool. But I'm way cooler than this is!"

    "Haha! You sure are!"


    Excellent. It sounded just like both characters, and almost like a well-written fanfiction. I enjoyed most of your story descriptions for the pictures, they were quite interesting. And your positive opinions about the art were a joy to read. I think you have earned a follower.

    • Brohoof 2
  18. Hmm, i got no notification from when you quote or when i get brohoofed in a post. You know why?

    I don't know about that. I believe if you click on Follow This Entry for this specific entry, you should get notifications on it. Don't quote me on that though.

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