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Arylett Charnoa

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Character Comments posted by Arylett Charnoa

  1. I was scanning through the OC database and stumble upon Anatase. Let me just say she is by far one of the most interesting OCs I have ever seen. I actually felt some personal attachment and sympathy with her when I read her backstory. Well done, Anatase is one heck of an OC.

    Thank you! I'm glad it resonated with you. I did get a small tear in my eye when writing some of it.


    Of course, it's not finished yet, so I still have work to do.

  2. Such an interesting and original character! (Please excuse the unintended pun.)  I really like her magic abilities (the "Dreamscape" in particular) and how she got her cutie mark.  The ideas are so utterly original, and it's obvious that you've some intense inspiration and a good deal of thought into Artsy.   :D

    Oh my, didn't think you could comment here. I guess they changed that. XD


    In any case, thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you like her so much! Hee. I based her on myself (ponysona and all) and due to having some insane weirdo creativity brain, I figured that such magic would make sense. 

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