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Arylett Charnoa

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Everything posted by Arylett Charnoa

  1. Hello! How you doing? Salutations! Hola! ;;Shakes hoof;; What is going on, my friend? What's the deal, buddy? Hiya!
  2. 8/10. You? Yeah, you're good. I actually know of you, for one. I don't know most of these new timers. ;;Shakes fist;;
  3. I am not a rabbit! I am a Diamond Dog. You ponies... Due to your problems in perceiving something as the incorrect species, and that silly looking face, I forsee no difficulty.
  4. If your wings are dexterous, perhaps you could operate a gun and shoot me. A pony that can use more weapons... may be a challenge.
  5. 6/10. Something about you hits my good side. Perhaps it's the very simple avatar, signature, and name. It just all gets to the point with no frills, and that is refreshing.
  6. Extremely excited for this. I really enjoy the Equestria Girls series and particularly loved Rainbow Rocks. It's pretty much the best MLP-related thing I've ever seen. From the trailer, I honestly believe that they will deliver just as good. The concept of human Twilight is not only interesting, but very appealing. I love her nerdy appearance and attitude, as I find it much more relatable than the normal Twilight. She wears GLASSES! And she looks adorable. :3 Also, her poses and uncertainty remind me of myself. Actually, so far, the premise just seems like a story I'd write about one of my 'sonas. Usually, I'm not excited about very much of anything. But just something about Equestria Girls is just so refreshing from the normal old MLP and the second movie was just so good with such resonant humor and dialogue to me. So it's nice to be happy about this.
  7. I haven't used a different name online since I was 15. Before then, I'd constantly switch names. But nowadays, I'm always Arylett. It may have varied or changed somewhat from Arylett Dawnsborough to Arylett Charnoa, but I identify most with Arylett itself, and respond to it much more than my real name. It IS me, and it's been me for several years. Anything else doesn't feel right.
  8. Continuous emotional slog.

  9. Definitely not. I would probably be suffocated by the... overabundant assets.
  10. I am what you would refer to as a Diamond Dog, thank you very much! Not a pony, definitely not a rabbit, and I have no idea what that last one is, but it isn't me. Not threatened in the slightest. A single poke could topple you over.
  11. Anything that causes no real harm is okay, regardless of whether you agree with it . I think it's stupid and pointless and really do not understand the appeal, but other people are often incomprehensible to me, so let them do what they want. Not like I understand why I like the things I do either.
  12. It's an anime character. She could be anything. From a regular girl to secretly an alien android with a secret compartment of death. I am wary.
  13. ...Oh my. Oh... I'm quite fluffy. And I can still grab things with soft paw pad hands... and... these ears. They feel nice being scratched. I look god.
  14. Nobody. I don't find ponies to be cute and I haven't found any OC that I've had that reaction to yet. Maybe some day... most likely not though. I guess Doctor Wolf is the closest to being cute to me though.
  15. Perhaps I may create another roleplay here.

    1. FortyTwo42


      I'll almost surely be interested in joining if you decide to do this!

    2. Arylett Charnoa

      Arylett Charnoa

      Ooh, well, we'd be interesting in having you.

    3. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      I've never tried a roleplay thread here in my life, but by the looks of it there's a ton of interesting stuff going on!

  16. Thinking about making Youtube pony episode opinion videos.

  17. I don't know what sort of lazor beams you have, robot pony, but I will have to stay on my toes...
  18. I have a bit of a disdain for alicorns that are not significantly larger than regular ponies, so I prefer her as a unicorn. It just makes her seem a little bit more relatable, and fits in much better with the race dynamic of the Mane Six. (Two unicorns, two pegasi, two earth ponies) The balance has been skewed off now and it bothers me because of OCD nitpickyness. Also, the way it was done too quickly and poorly in the episode it was done has kind of tainted it a bit for me. I just really have trouble believing she earned it due to the episode being so rushed, and I can't quite get over that. Also, they seem to mostly have her act as a regular pony rather than a princess, not showing many plots about what being royalty must be like and how the change has affected her. She's not the same anymore, and whilst I would've preferred they save alicornhood for the last episode of the series, they could at least handle things a little more appropriately. Honestly, I find it worse to treat things like the same old when they are clearly quite different. The addition of wings may be minor aesthetically to most people (not to me though - if you add even one detail like that to a simple design like a pony's, it changes it significantly), but in what it means within Equestria, it is very major. She is now a member of royalty, somebody of important status. It should have changed a lot of things. I don't mind change if it is handled properly, but I really don't think her alicornhood has been at all due to the nature of the show. They really can't go into that sort of detail due to being slice of life, although I also understand that the change was controlled by toy mandates likely, so it isn't their fault as much. However, I prefer unicorn Twilight for that reason as well. Because with her, it makes sense to just act like a regular old unicorn.
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