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Everything posted by DarligPegasi

  1. @, Blue Splash frowned. He did have a nickname, in fact he had several but most were given to him by his father, so he hated them by default and the others were given to him by his mom, which made them special. He honestly wasn't at the point where he would let some pony who he just met, call him by one of them. "No." He said bluntly, and then grimaced. He didn't want to start on the wrong foot with his roommate. "Sorry."
  2. @@GaleFenrir, "Psych Ward?" Ciel echoed, "That's an interesting name." When the long and drawn out speech ended and the way too happy mare told them to go to the canteen, Ciel got up quickly but then sat back down, recalling what Gardenia had said to her earlier.. "Well that was one of the most boring speeches that I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing, but let's wait out the crowd.." She suggested, in attempt to not blatantly refer to Gardenia's phobia. Then referring to their earlier conversation, "I haven't actually met any other unicorns. I'm not very social as you can see and I tend to not make any efforts in the friend making area." she laughed.
  3. @@slimmyjimjim, Amour was about to ask if they had any specials, when the tone of the mare's voice caught her attention. "Honey, what's wrong?" She asked. Her expression remind Amour of her sister Ciel, who had been depressed for awhile. She had always cheered her up with playing games of cake tag (running around screaming while throwing cake at each other) or telling stupid jokes.
  4. Oh my God, NO! I love Granny Smith! She's awesome and should never ever die! In fact Princess Celestia should turn her into an alicorn! Now I'm sad...
  5. Amour pranced into the bakery, whistling to herself and thinking of all the tasty treats she was going to indulge in. Should I get a cupcake? Or maybe a strudel, I've never had a strudel... She paused abruptly when she realized that she had stumbled into a bit of an altercation. Normally she would butt in and try to force whoever was arguing to work it out, (and possibly go on a date!). But in her current career slump, all she wanted to do was stuff her face with sugar. So she sat down at one of the nearby tables, and waited (impatiently) for someone to come take her order.
  6. @, ((Yeah, sorry about that!)) Blue Splash Blue Splash turned around to see a bright yellow pegasi with a spiky blue mane, approached and introduced themselves. He grinned, and extended a hoof. "Hey! I'm Blue Splash!" he said cheerfully. "So, roomies, huh? You don't snore do you?" he asked, jokingly. He himself was told by his dad that he snored heavily, so he didn't mind if his roomie did as well.
  7. OOC: Clickity Welcome to Blank Flank Academy! Where nopony is judged and everypony is given a wide variety of sources and materials to help them find their special talent! Blue Splash Blue Splash trotted into the lobby of the Academy, his large grin almost comical. He was ecstatic! He had been waiting for a school like this for years! Of course there were schools for pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies, and he could have gone to one of those if he wanted too, but this school! This was where he would finally be able to trot around without being stared at. He trotted up to the front desk, and smacked his paper down with accidental force. "Whoops, sorry." he laughed nervously as the stallion at the desk glowered at him. "Uh, ehm," he began, clearing his throat. "I'm Blue Splash-- "Dorm of the Sky, room 2." the secretary grumbled, shoving a paper his way. Blue Splash backed off quickly and hurried down the hall where a sign that read 'This Way to the Dorms' was displayed. Oh great, I just got here and I already made some pony mad. Masquerade "I'm here!" Masquerade trilled as he made his way to the secretary sitting at the front desk. "Hello!" he exclaimed and the secretary gave him a hesitant and mumbled, "Hello..." "I'm Masquerade!" "Yes, I see your name-- "I'm a unicorn as you can see, and I'm here to get my cutie mark so I can become an entertainer," "Uh, yes, so your in the Dorm of Sp- "And when I was little my mom told me that-- "Yes, okay! You're in the Dorm of Spells in Room 5!" the secretary stated loudly and Masquerade grimaced. "Okay, geez. No need to bray." he muttered, as he made his way down the hall leading to the dorms.
  8. @@GaleFenrir, Ciel sat down quickly avoiding the gaze of the staff mare who had been glaring at them, and rest her face on her hoof. She had never been fond of announcements. They had always seemed so drawn out to her, and why couldn't they have just received a memo or something? Ciel scanned the surrounding seats and saw a few unicorns as well as the unicorn from before, scattered around. She hoped that when classes started, she would be able to get along with them, like she did with Gardenia. "So, have you met any other earth ponies yet?" She asked in a low voice, hoping no pony heard her.
  9. I don't adore them or love them like I love alicorns, but yeah I like dragons. Not the ones in the show though. I prefer the eastern dragons (like the one in Spirited Away) and some western dragons, like the one BBC's Merlin.
  10. @@GaleFenrir, ((Geh, sorry for the delay!)) Ciel shook her head, "It's no big deal, but we should probably enter anyway. That mare over there looks like she's going to rip our hooves off." she murmured, gesturing at a large mare who was holding a check list and heading in there direction. Ciel quickly stepped into the auditorium, using her magic to let the door fall softly behind them. "Let's just take a seat in the back." she suggested.
  11. @@GaleFenrir, @, Ciel shook her head adamantly. "No, no. Besides she's an earth pony, so you guys should talk, you know? Since you'll probably be seeing a lot more of each other." To prove her willingness socialize she stepped forward and approached the brown pony. "Hi." She said blandly. She had meant to sound inviting or excited, but that was the only thing that came out of her stupid mouth.
  12. @@GaleFenrir, "Fear of touching others, huh? Then school wasn't the awesomest was it?" she laughed, and then closed her mouth abruptly. "Sorry that was mean. If it helps, I don't like balloons?" she offered. And it was true she didn't like balloons, as she didn't know when they would pop and scare the life out of her. They reached the auditorium doors, where a brown, black maned earth pony with a cutie mark that looked like a dust cloud stood. Ciel halted and scuffed the ground with her right hoof. Getting chatty with one pony was fine, but add another pony to the mix and she wasn't so chatty anymore. It wasn't as though she was shy, but she just wasn't the social butterfly, like her sister.
  13. I love Corgis Daschunds Pomeranians Chihuahuas Great Pyrennes German Shepherds Great Danes Pit Bulls Huskies Wolf Hybrids I feel like there are more, but I can't remember. O.o Akita Inus and Shiba inus.
  14. @@GaleFenrir, Ciel nodded quickly, slowing her pace so that the faster more 'in a huge hurry' ponies could speed past them. "No problem!" she said, smiling. Sometimes she wasn't all too keen about being near other ponies as well. A sudden though tugged at her mind and she turned to look at Gardenia, "You aren't claustrophobic or something are you?" She wasn't all too sure on how to deal with people who got panic-y. Especially since she didn't know where the nurses office was yet. "Not that there's any problem with that, it's just that I don't know where the nurses offices are yet..." She trailed off when she noticed the brick path that had been mentioned in the intercom announcement. "There's the path!" she said triumphantly, pointing a hoof in the general direction. (( I did not know that! Thanks for that tid bit ))
  15. @@GaleFenrir, Ciel breathed a sigh of relief and chucked softly. "Yeah, getting lost together totally trumps getting lost alone." She trotted out of the door, nodding in thanks to Gardenia, then let out a little shriek of surprise as a few excited mares dashed past her speedily. "Oh for the love of Luna..." she grumbled, rolling her eyes. She took in the direction that most of the mares were running in, and pointed in the general direction with her hoof. "I guess it's that way?"
  16. @@GaleFenrir, Ciel nodded in understanding, but before she could reply the intercom came on and they were told to head to the auditorium. Wherever that was...Ciel got to her hooves and cast Gardenia a nervous smile. "Uh, do you mind if I stick with you? It took me almost 30 minutes to even find this dorm. Imagine how long it'll take me to reach the auditorium!" she laughed. She really hoped, her roommate would say yes. If she didn't, then Ciel figured she could find a map or maybe follow somepony. But she really didn't want to show up late or miss the announcements.
  17. @@GaleFenrir, Ciel grinned, "Right." She finished organizing and unpacking all of her belongings, and flopped onto her bed, doing her best to make it somewhat more homely. Her bed at home and the one at Amour's house was a lot larger than this one, so it was kind of awkward getting used to it. "So, did you decided to come here on your own or was it someone elses choice?" She asked, because she figured that not everyone at this school came because they wanted to. Not everyone's parents were as laid back as Ciel's were.
  18. I agree. I mean the only antagonist that I actually wanted to see reformed was Trixie! Because she wasn't completely evil, she was just a bit jealous, boastful and got carried away. Those are redeemable qualities. Chrysalis was willing to make Shining Armor her love slave and let her changelings feed on all of the ponies! And she was a manipulative liar. King Sombra enslaved a whole kingdom! Gilda was a bully who refused to be reformed. And Lightning Dust was a risk everypony's neck, daredevil who didn't care about the consequences. And Discord, well I honestly didn't want him to be reformed. >.> I like his chaotic-ness and slightly harmful humor.
  19. Well I've never tried this but it seems logical: Walk into the store on your phone looking slightly pissed off and horribly confused. Pretend your talking to a little kid and head to the pink toy isle where the ponies are. You *speaking on phone*: Um...Okay, (insert girls name that isn't common but not a ridiculous one, like Fern or Tallulah) What was the thing you said you wanted? A teddy bear? You: Oh a pony! Ok okay sorry, my fault. You: And which one do you want? You: The one that makes rainbows? Which one is that? (or describe whatever pony you want) You: Oh the one with rainbow hair, of course silly me. *if someone's nearby roll your eyes, shrug and smile* Grab whatever pony it is and go pay for it. Then leave.
  20. UGH some people just can't be satisfied with anything. I think at most they'll change the whole school setting to a uniform school or something or make everyone wear long dresses and pants. ;P
  21. Oh my freaking goodness, those would be awesome. Here are some of my predictions; Pinkie Pie will get arrested/detention for using a party canon in school. Fluttershy will try and be all friendly with some animals and get attacked. Rainbow Dash will try out for track and accidentally do a sonic rainboom. xD Or she'll try and save somebody and jump off of something forgetting she can't fly. Can't think of anything for Twi-Twi and Rarity though. D: And I like your AJ one.
  22. In my opinion there are only five breeds: Alicorns, Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth Ponies and Changelings. I think crystal ponies are just earth ponies because if they weren't then when Cadence and Shining Armor went to rule them, wouldn't they loose their horns (and Cadence's wings) to turn into crystal ponies? Instead of just getting crystallized. And also if they are an actual race, then it wouldn't have been so easy for the Mane 6 to get crystallized. I think they're just really shiny.
  23. I'd open up an art center. So I could teach people art. And if that isn't really business-y, I'd open a smoothie bar! Cause I like making smoothies!
  24. 1.) How old are you? I am 18 years old. 2.) What is your level of educational attainment? Uhhh I'm about to become a freshman in college. 3.) What groups or cultural identities other than Brony do you self-identify with? I am a whovian, spn fan, sherlockian, merlin fan, HIMYM fan, somewhat anime fan, slash fan, I used to be a warrior cat fan but that kinda died...I feel like there are more things that I am apart of...Uhh...I'll get back to you on that. 4.) What attracted you to MLP and brony culture? Well I first started watching the show because this girl said she liked it, and I wanted to check it out, because I wanted to know why a teenage girl liked a little kids show. (I don't think like that now ). But yeah I love the show now, and I have always loved shows that had animals as main characters, so that definitely grabbed my attention. And also the lack of juvenile and corny elements kept my attention. 5.) Do you consider MLP-related activities to be your primary hobby? Nope. It's not really a hobby, it's more an interest. 6.) What percentage of your leisure activities would you estimate are related to MLP? Like maybe...5-7%. 7.) What portion of your friends also consider themselves bronies? I don't really have any friends. ^^ 8.) If you have non-brony friends, are you ‘out’ as a brony to them? If so, has this affected your relationship with them in any way? See above. 9.) Do you feel that bronies as a group are put upon or stigmatized on the internet? (Or society as a whole?) Yeah, and I wish people would just take a seat and focus their attention on more important thing. >.>
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