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Stoner Spike

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Everything posted by Stoner Spike

  1. It depends on what you mean. I could type a long strand of swear words and call it a stupid name. And ponies are amazing, but their names aren't amazing by default. When I first heard of the show, I admit to thinking that the producers were stoned when they thought of "Pinkie Pie". And then I saw what the character looked like. So, unless DoodleBoo was another version of Ditzy Doo or something similar, then I really have no idea why a name like that would be called a name.
  2. Before, during, and after rain, coffee, a new car, cleaned carpet, clothes just out of the dryer, gasoline, burning rubber, smoke during after a fire, leather, a new book. And, unfortunately, White Out...
  3. Which is why you ask for money. And then buy ponies with the money. A pastel colored pony with a brushable mane and tail is every bit girly, but if I'm not mistaken, most bronies don't care. And I'm pretty sure it isn't going too far. Clopping is where the line is, as far as I know.
  4. And he STILL has his job? Proof that America, while one of the wealthiest and well-running countries out there, is still bucked up to a certain degree.
  5. Missing homework. Other than that, there's no rules I'm aware of that I broke. It's not like I'd care, anyway.
  6. I predict that after that episode airs, half of the brony community will go missing. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  7. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2012/04/bronies-let-their-my-little-pony-flag-fly.html
  8. I have hotmail, not Gmail. I can make a gmail if it's easier that way, or you could just send it here: mariojosecarrasquel.s@hotmail.com (old email, don't care if name is exposed ) And it actually translates to "I want to see this before you put it in some other place like FimFiction." Remind me to sue Google.
  9. Timeline is actually okay, though I like the old style better...
  10. Sounds great! Me gusta long reads! And if you need a proofreader, I'll be happy to do it. Yo quiero ver esto antes que lo pongas en otro citio como FimFiction. ^Place into Google Translate^
  11. Discord can do anything he wants, but he only screws around with everything for fun, not for any real purpose. Science does not apply to Discord. Discord is best.
  12. Never. Saddest thing is actually that the show will stop airing at some point.
    1. Love Hearts

      Love Hearts

      Me too!x Love dancing to it~ ^_^


      Just wanted to say, even though it may seem like others aren't listening to your views, keep expressing your thoughts. You have a great and open mind, and at 13, it is a blessing. I took what what you said seriously, and you have valid points~ You aren't a troll at all!x

    2. Stoner Spike

      Stoner Spike

      Thanks! I was just wondering how I came off as a troll by saying "I like where this is going". Apparently enjoying heated debates is a bad thing xD /)

    3. Love Hearts

      Love Hearts



      Totally!x xD

  13. Well... Probably when I was about 2, I vaguely remember my dad placing me on top of a giant ceramic shark head... ...and then falling into the lake below it.
  14. On weekdays, I skip breakfast and listen to music until I get on the bus, where me and my friends have perverted conversations most of the time. On weekends, I don't start my days.
  15. And now, I shall slip into sweet unconsciousness. Good night, everypony.

  16. Good Times in my pants, I Just Had Sex in my pants, Kung Fu Fighting in my pants, This Way in my pants, Pony Swag in my pants, Plans and Reveries in my pants, Pass Out in my pants, Escape in my pants, She Doesn't Get It in my pants, Sweet Victory in my pants, The Ultimate Showdown in my pants, Witch Doctor in my pants, World Without Danger in my pants, You're the Best Around in my pants... I have giant pants.
  17. Pinkie Sense and ability to pull things from nowhere>Witty rabbits Think of it this way. You can sense when anything is about to happen (traps and torture=null), you can pull things from anywhere at any time (advantage), and you can talk somebody to death (chimmycherrychongas).
  18. Well, I sleep with my eyes closed and unconscious, how about you?
  19. What kind of name is Marshmallow Twinkle?!
  20. My favorite language is Comedy.

  21. The video saves to the system and then you can rip the track from it, or you can rip the track without saving the video? And this would work on a phone? Sorry, but I have to ask. My laptop doesn't have the driver for this kind of device, meaning I can only charge it on my laptop... My fingers are crossed.
  22. Anybody is a universal term. Anypony is offensive to use, because it specifically refers to ponies. It may offend dragons, griffons, donkeys, and other species due to the specific reference. It technically counts as segregation. Sincerely, Derpy Protesters Well, to be honest, it's not annoying at all. I've almost used it on accident several times.
  23. If you want to put your life on the line for my entertainment, good for you. If you want to put an unwilling animal's life to an end for my entertainment, they should kill you with swords and spears. How would you like it if you were the next unlucky bull and we were the humans saying that about you?
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