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Rainbow Skywalker

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Everything posted by Rainbow Skywalker

  1. If you remove the pin from a grenade, is it possible to put it back? I need a quick answer please.

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      ...not before it explodes.

  2. Harry potter fans want to go to Hogwarts. Narnia fans want to go to Narnia. MLP fans want to go to Equestria. Hunger Games fans are ok.

  3. Which machine at the gym is best for attracting women? The ATM machine.

  4. They say that nothing rhymes with orange... WRONG! "nothing'' and "orange" don't rhyme.

  5. You know you have an awesome math teacher when they attach McDonalds application forms to failed tests.

    1. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Not gonna lie, if somebody did that to me, my fist might collide with their face.

  6. I guess I would be excited. I mean, it's Disney, and it's also a pretty fun concept. But my excitement has been kind of put into other things... Things like... DISNEY BOUGHT STARWARS
  7. I would be a Charizard. Totally I wouldn't want to be a legendary because then people would keep on searching for me, trying to catch me (cough cough team rocket), and I couldn't really go out in public. Ya know, typical celebrity problems.
  8. ERMAGERD. Let us all take a moment to hope that Episode 7 will be good.

    1. None42069


      I'm more interested in Magic Duel MLP : Magic Duel

    2. Rainbow Skywalker

      Rainbow Skywalker


  9. NO.NO. DO NOT SCARE ME LIKE THAT. NO. GRBDERBDNBDGEBDEGBEDGEBDGRGRGDRBGRGDGRRBGDRBGR!!!! Why George? WHY!?! Ok, It might not be AS dramatic as I make it out to be, but hey, If Disney dares to even touch MY star wars plot line, somebody is going to get their mickey mouse ears served to them. Hopefully it won't end up like The clone wars on CN (who's name does not even deserve to be capitalized). So I'm conflicted I guess, the only feeling I can definitely pinpoint is anticipation. Let's hope the Force is with us on this one...
  10. The name often country in antartica will officially be named equestria. Of course all of you are invited to live there. XD

  11. Axe body spray needs a suggested serving size. My friend almost choked me to death with that crap...

    1.  spas-ticShotty


      Someone back in middle school once broke a can of Axe spray in the changing room and the floor started filling up with Axe-ish mist. It was hilarious, but the smell was unbearebly strong :P

    2. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      I one had the back of my head nearly torched by a can of axe and a lighter

    3. StingeMuffin


      Exactly why I wear only enough to not have any smell at all. :P

  12. That awkward moment when you try to lightly toss your phone on your bed and end up bouncing it off 2 walls, breaking a lamp, and killing a cat.

  13. Dear Monday, you are the bane of my existence, Sincerely Everyone.

    1. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      i murdered monday. now we just have two tuesdays :3

  14. That moment when your sarcasm is so advanced that people actually think you're stupid.

  15. A rainy day is a great day for a gamer... So are sunny days. And apocalyptic days. And even monday

    1. ParsoOfEquestria
    2. longgone


      Today is cloudy, and lovely 53 degrees and a small drizzle. (miserable weather lol)

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Light rain, light to moderate winds: perfect weather for a pot of coffee and some TF2. Or a zombie shoot 'em up. Or a side-scrolling platformer...

  16. America: where you have to be 16 to join the army, but 18 to play a game about it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rainbow Skywalker

      Rainbow Skywalker

      So realize this may have been misleading, you can join the military at 16 but they won't put you in any combat situations or at least that's why I have gathered in JROTC. Thank you skull buster.

    3. Rainbow Skywalker

      Rainbow Skywalker

      *17 not 16. Sorry.

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      And 21 to (legally) drink booze. "Thanks for taking a bullet to the leg for America and successfully holding a vital position, but no celebratory beer for you."

  17. Please excuse me if I walk away in mid-conversation, you were boring me to death and my survival instincts kicked in.

  18. My friend's paintball birthday party is on the tenth. So conflicted between paintball and season premiere!

    1. StingeMuffin


      Heh. ponies before friends? :D

    2. Count Paradox
    3. Rainbow Skywalker

      Rainbow Skywalker

      @Count Ponydox I would do both but the party is basically all day long and it's an hour away from where I live.

  19. If I have ten pieces of bacon and my friend wants two, how many pieces do I have? That's right, still ten.

    1. Shiki


      Amen to that.

  20. Well to start off, I won't be goin trick or treating. I guess I didn't mention that part. I don't have a holy wig either, but I plan on using hair gel which will probably keep my hair sticking up like that for another 2 weeks . It's also going to be freezing (at least in my opinion) so if I do wear just the holy outfit I'm probably going to wear a really warm shirt or something underneath. Thanks for all the opinions! Keep me coming!
  21. I'm thinking I should start one of those blogs for all my status updates instead of flooding the status updates section constantly. What do you think?

  22. when Im eating cereal and the last three pieces are like "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN MOTHERBUCKER!"

  23. If you repeat a lie often enough it evolves into politics.

  24. I don't know why people say they are bringing sexy back. I never left, I've been here the whole time,

    1. Shiki


      Your status updates never fail to make me chuckle.

  25. laughter is the best medicine, but if you're always laughing you need medicine.

    1. Riclo


      Always laughing is good.


      Unless racism is involved. Then instant hate.

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