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Posts posted by TheFlowerPoison

  1. speech to text integration (and soon Siri)


    I don't think a bland and lifeless "artificial intelligence" is a selling point for a computer nor is 500g of flash, i'd rather have 1TB of hard drive space. 


    Anyways, I prefer PC because every PC I've ever used in life has always been good to me yea, I needed to fix it up but it always did what I needed it to do. And don't give me this BS that "MACS ARE 4 CREATIVE PEPOL" because I use Sony Vegas 11 (haven't gotten my hands on 12) and After Effects CS6 and have never needed anything else (I also use an older version of Photoshop  but whatever) I also prefer PC because it's interface (speaking about Win7) makes it very easy to have everything where I want it. Where Macs have this smooth and simple whatever that I have a distaste for. And besides editing I love gaming so PC has been able to fill all my needs. Sure Macs can so these things as well, but for a lot more money you could be spending on other things. But don't get me wrong, PC's can be overpriced as well. *cough Alienware cough*

  2. For a couple of reasons, I prefer PC

    1. Cheaper in the long run. (aka steam sales and most non-major games are 50< on launch)


    2. Mods SO MANY MODS for games that could have already been a lot of fun.


    3. Greater access to free/indie games


    4.A more mature gaming community (aka FAR less 5-10yr olds)


    5. PC's are multi-purpose, I could go from playing Far Cry 3 to making a PMV.


    6. Mouse and key board is better for 90% of all the games I've played. 


    7. If you have a good enough laptop, you can play any game, anywhere without much effort.


    8. A decent PC can play the near-next gen games seamlessly while the consoles almost always are sub-par in processing and graphics (do consoles use graphic cards?) witch is why they need to be upgraded every so often


    All notes aside, console is good beacuse it's easier to learn and handle (why a lot of kids play consoles) and consoles are also better for in the same room co-op. Well that's all I have also: tumblr_m2vvq8NHXe1rtckc6o1_500.jpg

    • Brohoof 3
  3. I'm with you on this one. I've read all the comments so far and it's gotten me to the point that i'm extremely curious but concerned at the same time. I've never tried or been hypnotized before so i've been reading what everyone's been saying about it to make me feel better about doing it. I know my curiosity is gonna get the better of me soon enough  ^_^

    So, I ended up doing Rarity and Twilight. Both worked really well, enough for me to try again at a later time. You just have to zone out into this meditative state and relax and concentrate. It's really fun and there's no side effects so go ahead and have fun!

    • Brohoof 2
  4. I'm with you on this one. I've read all the comments so far and it's gotten me to the point that i'm extremely curious but concerned at the same time. I've never tried or been hypnotized before so i've been reading what everyone's been saying about it to make me feel better about doing it. I know my curiosity is gonna get the better of me soon enough  ^_^

    I'm going to try the Rarity one, i'll tell you how it is in a little bit after trying to get it to work. Hopefully, this is nothing bad like everyone keeps saying.

  5. I really want to do this for fun, but to be honest i'm kinda scared, and curious about how far this can take you. I just live in a house with my parents on a second floor and i'd hate for it to appear like i'm taking drugs. I'd also hate to hurt myself in the process not mentally but I have stairs close to my room and i'd hate to fall down them. I don't think I know enough to have any fun with this.

    • Brohoof 1
  6.     The main topic of the last few weeks before new years is the good ol' question "What was your game of the year?" Now this game doesn't have to be a game that came out this year, just a game that you had fun with that you played this year.


    My top game has to be Skyrim, I had the Xbox version but now that I have a better PC, I got the Steam version for the mods and the mods make this so much better. Never before I got a more immersive experience. The Skyrim mods community is so impressive.


    Far Cry 3 is tied, but I can't garrentee it's better because I haven't really finished the main questline so I can't give a total review that I want too.. Otherwise Far Cry 3 is better slightly. 



                                              (Also cool Celestia Pic because why not.)


    • Brohoof 1
  7.                  As most people in this world, we all make content. And like most people we all have inspirations, people we look up to, or maybe the reason we started doing what we do in the first place. In this case, i'm talking about people (on whatever scale) make content related to the fandom. Including art, music, PMV's etc. 


       Since I do PMV's (I've been trying to do one a week until the end of season 3) and some let's plays (Pony games and others) My 2 biggest inpirations ever, are

    and Nerdcubed. They both (in my opinion) they are the best at what they do. So I wanna know fourms, who do you "look up to"? (Also enjoy the CMC, enjoy the adorableness.) 


  8. So I got bored of asking and paying for commissions and even though I had absolute no experience in drawing and jazz I went ahead and downloaded the 30-day trial of Photoshop since I heard it was really easy to use. Well, Day 1 of my adventure besides me not being able to talk because I was sick, but learning where everything is. Today I learned a bit more and decided to make my OC some actual art of her own. I took a rarity trace and kept the eyes and body pose but the rest is mine including the background. This was made as a logo for my channel (TFP for short) so yea there is a day and night version (I personally like the night better.)


    Day: post-9198-0-33428400-1353125409.jpg




    Night: post-9198-0-32746500-1353125416.jpg

    • Brohoof 4
  9. Well, I already made a into post on the main page, but his is just me giving a little extra letting you know i'm here to assist. Anyways, Fllies and Gentlecolts my name is TheFlowerPoison I do let's plays; PMV's/editing thingies; and voice acting. Below I will provide a video of each (though I haven't done any VAing since I got my new mic, I will soon and thus will replace the older link for the newer one.)


    PMV: /watch?v=G6sQoDeLw1Y


    Gaming: /watch?annotation_id=annotation_364509&feature=iv&src_vid=llUn1K6veFw&v=J1U-eZ4NDrg


    Voice Acting (really old will add link soon)

  10. I'm here at Octavia's hall

    rappers always talking about how "they needed to ball"

    they obviously don't get it at all

    rap is something that supposed to convey emotion

    all this hate to each other caused by a vocal witches potion

    using vulgar language in raps isn't needed at all

    no wonder the popularity of rap it starting to fall.


    how was that @@Yelling At Cats,

  11. Hello! Welcome to our humble forum. Everyone here is really nice and helpful. You'll fit right in. I'd love to see some of your stuff. Try to have fun, stay active, and make tons of friends. Also, it's nice to see another Pinkie Pie fan.


    oh i'm such and idiot, I forgot to link my channel. Well, here:http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFlowerPoison?feature=mheei'll add it to the main post aswell.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. My name is Alice also known as TheFlowerPoison to most on the internet. I'm a YouTube almost professionally, it's my only source of income since i'm too young to get a job at a store somewhere. I do Let's plays (or whatever you wanna call them), PMVS, and voice acting (not professionally, it's more of a hobby but would LOVE you make it a actual job.) and obsess of over cute things. Not like "OMG a puppy" more like "did sweetie belle just do something cute, d'awwwww". And I love cartoons, Adventure Time, My Little Pony, and Gravity Falls are just a few (and I have a feeling that i'll be adding Littlest Pet Shop to that list.)


    So TL;DR


    My name is Alice I make PMV's, gameplay-stuff, voice actress and hope to see ya'll around the forums. My channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFlowerPoison?feature=mhee


    Also, since I like pictures have some Lyra + Bon-Bon shipping



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