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Naught Important

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  • Birthday 1998-09-17

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  1. Why do people hate school? Knowledge is power, so be thankful that some people devote their time to give you some.

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    2. Naught Important

      Naught Important

      What if, Kyouko, you were forced to participate in a life-or-death game show, where you had to answer a bundle of academic questions in order to live? You would need it there.

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      Knowledge is knowledge, sure I agree most of it seems kind of useless but at least be grateful that you are in school. If the teacher is teaching you useless stuff then tell them. Also work hours.. I don't want to go there but school is still easy considering you just sit inside and learn. You're not outside in the cold working all day every day for a low income just to be able to feed your family. You have to realize that you're lucky to even be in school.

    4. Soundgarden



      You're basically mocking your status update by saying that

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