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Everything posted by FlutteringDweamz

  1. Banned cuz rarity battling giant crabs is the most badass meme ever
  2. Banned cuz i'm best friends with a unicorn, but i rather that not be quoted on too much Also banned cuz i love cutesy artwork
  3. Shadow the Hedgehog. He wants to avenge a loved one who is super innocent. I tots relate to him...
  4. Rarity is best pony she is so beautiful and girly and awesome
  5. Banned cuz i accidentally brohoofed this post lol then i unbrohoofed it i don't want rarity to be defeated!
  6. http://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/pokemon-gold-silver/12-new-bark-town.mp3 I like this tune its super cute sounding EDIT: strange...it isn't showing the music file correctly. Its the new bark gold/silver/crystal (the old ones) tune it kind of reminds me of pinkie pie and balloons a bit XD
  7. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6d/72/44/6d7244c803b9092a48ce120995b4ebb5.jpg Check out this adorable fluttershy cosplayer darlings
  8. Banned cuz sorry i guess i didn't know what to say lol^^;;;
  9. Banned for being a pony and not a pokemon. Though both pokemon and ponies totally rock my world
  10. Banned cuz being a pony is even more fun than being a pokemon. They spread friendship
  11. Banned cuz i used to be a pokemon all the time when i was 13 years old and my top three favorite pokemon were pikachu, jirachi, and mew
  12. Banned cuz i'm always shiny! I'm a shiny pikachu That shoots out shiny thunder bolts
  13. Banned cuz unbanning is almost as fun as looking at pictures of cute things. Almost.
  14. Well, okay, even more of a flaw than how 'sensitive' i am: I have MAJOR phobias of certain words. Though that probably relates to my sensitiveness...also, i have phobias of burps, farts, and the smell of poop. Oh and i'm an aspie. Which may not be fully bad, but....it has gave me a lot of problems in the past.
  15. Banned cuz yeah it might of been my favorite movie of last year too I thought of naming my popplio on sun after moana, but i went with ariel, like i orrigionally planned, in the end lol its nature matches with its name super well anyways o.o quiet nature LOL and ariel was 'quiet' when she first became human XD
  16. Unbanned cuz i hope you'll get to see it on dvd! Its a VERY good movie
  17. Unbanned cuz i liked moana too it was a great film
  18. My over sensitivity, probably. Though maybe its not all bad, it has seemed like it in the past....lol
  19. Unbanned cuz i like rarity more than pinkie pie now, but pinkie pie is my second favorite pony! She is SO cute, and pink, and happy! Three things i like quite a bit
  20. Unbanned cuz i'm happy to see my rarity buddy again *bro hooves you* Thank you for welcoming me back!^^
  21. I like rainbow dash's additude. Its very confident. Confident is good
  22. Banned cuz i do not like you very much, but i will not flame you. A lady does not go around flamming people. I will respect you, even if you don't respect me (just so you know: i'm a super sensitive girl who doesn't like to hear about 'loneliness' much. i hope thats been settled okay! its kind of an autistic quirk with me...)
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