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Mint Petal

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Everything posted by Mint Petal

  1. Banned because I'm not talking about any ol' blank flank.
  2. I'd say I'd be a unicorn if anything. Seeing as how I do really intricate things requiring precision, a horn would do nicely for that.
  3. The only thing I really use is Steam nowadays, since I've stopped playing xbox and went to PC gaming. My ID is kaasha56 if anyone's interested!
  4. Seeing as how the general audience of MLP are mostly gamers as well, why not make a video game thread so they can discuss things? I know I'd be all over that!
  5. Let's face it, if you bought the pony figures with actual hair, their hair comes out as an absolute mess! This really irked me, so I decided to follow a guide on DeviantArt to get their hair accurate, so I did so! I think they runed out well, don't you?
  6. No problem, I've seen and heard worse. Anyways! Banned because of chocolate rain!
  7. Mine would be a telescope next to a a test tube, seeing as how I love many sciences (astronomy, physics, physchology, biology, chemistry, etc)
  8. Banned for not knowing if you like bananas.
  9. Yes, I know, Equestria Daily already did it, but this is a different community, so it'd just be a little something interesting! Self explanatory, what month did you officially become a Brony? I can't remember exactly when I did, but I'm thinking it was somewhere around May.
  10. Because let's face it, I can't draw for a hill o' beans,but I did manage to make an OC of mine using a pony creator on DeviantArt... ...um, if that's okay with you... This is Sky Charmer, my (first) OC! If you're interested, she got her cutie mark one day when she was really bored and decided to fiddle with some clouds. After some time, she learned that she was really good at manipulating them, shaping them to be whatever she wanted. When all of her peers loved how well she could do that, her cutie mark appeared. Hope you like it!
  11. I'm absolutely open about my brony...ness Being basically the ringleader of a herd of bronies at my job, I'd have to be open if I wanted more to join us, but I'm not the type that just focuses on getting more people. I do occasionally wear a Brony/20% Cooler shirt under my work shirt for when I'm on break though XD
  12. Lyra! Get off of that thing! Taken with a screenshot of me playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  13. "Whoa ho there, loverboy!" That line almost made me fall out of my chair, just seeing Spike's reaction to it! "I've got my eye on you!" "And I've got my eye on you!" Also a great reaction line!
  14. Luna definitely! Too bad she's not an option, but oh well. Reason being is that she controls the night, something that I love, mainly because I'm an astrophysics major, and love to stargaze, especially in the extremely dark, southern Utah skies.
  15. Well, here I am! Feld0 knows me from a LONG time, back when...I forget Anyways, I'm Kaasha, a Luna fan! I hope to have a good time here at these forums! Luna's my favorite pony because she is in control of what I love best, nighttime. Seeing as how I'm majoring in astrophysics, this really applies to me, seeing her creations up close and personal, studying how and why they work; genius I say! And that's just about it for me!
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