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The Leafeon Pinkeh

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About The Leafeon Pinkeh

  • Birthday 1998-02-18

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  • Gender
  • Location
    P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.
  • Personal Motto
    Nico nico nii
  • Interests
    Youtube, Cats, Pokemon, Manga, Zelda, Youtube

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  1. I.. am back! o:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      @Gamma I've actually been on a trip to do a volunteer thing out of state d: it was really fun, but its tiring to work for 6 hours straight without much break to sit down o:

    3. GammaDove


      I never had to go out of state for volunteering things, the last thing I did was make 100,000 meals for less fortunate people. -__- It was long, but at least I know it was for a good cause. cx

    4. FlutterAether


      Back......in black? c:

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