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What's your favourite hot or cold non alcoholic drink?

Rarity Paige Belle

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Hot? Strong coffee with a little cream and sugar. Especially from Starbucks. Mmm.

Cold? Cherry Coca-Cola. Nothing beats it.

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I have a feeling someone posted non-alcoholic beer. If I were to find my favorite drink, it would have to be better than existing itself. If I ran out of it I would die though... Currently, Fanta is delicious.

Enter the Forest...

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  • 8 months later...

Favorite hot drink: Hot Chocolate with marshmallows. Mmmmm :)


Favorite cold drink: Arnold Palmer Half and Half Iced Tea. It's basically lemonade and iced tea mixed together. Very good when it's hot out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hot: Tea


Cold: Coca cola


Seriously? This requires 100 word count? All right, I like tea when I'm in for some calm, contemplative stuff like working or reading while coke is more for my casual and gaming time.

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Hot: Coffee or hot chocolate, I guess


Cold: Coke, Sprite, or even just water.


idk, idk if i really have any favorite drinks. I just drink what I like and don't drink what I don't like lol

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Hot: Tea. It tastes nice and is perfect after a long day.


Cold: Water. Like tea, it's perfect after a long day, and it tastes refreshing. Of course, it's also healthy and keeps you hydrated. I also like chocolate milkshakes and iced tea.

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I like hot chocolate for well, hot drinks. It's really good during a cold day, and drinking that helps remove the chill. As for cold drinks? Water. I could drink a cold cup of water and feel hydrated for a while.

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Orange juice... Celestia do I love my orange juice  :wub:


As for hot? Hm, probably hot chocolate haha, not really much of a coffee guy.


Sableye is best... whatever he is, diamond demon thing. He's still awesome. 

(I know he's a Pokemon, psh)

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  • 7 years later...

Mine would be tea. I prefer it warm, without sugar or milk and often (no always) from the dark side of the force like Earl Grey, Darjeeling etc. I also drink herbal teas and fruit teas but not so often.

For very special occasions I put some rock candy in my tea, but normally I enjoy it black, like I said :>


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