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New Beginnings[Casual/Adventure]


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@@RaritySparkleArtist, @, @,


Yuly look to Shade and start think about, And see the isn't two pony is one Zebra and one Unicorn Pony, Just Yuly can listen in so much distance she look serious to front and worried


"Beat?, what she thinking in do?, i don't have idea but just stay hidden them don't go find us..."


Smile to Shade

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@@Mrbrunoh1,@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,

 Shade was hidden but staring at the 'Striped Pony' with an awkward stare 

"Why is that Pony striped black and white? It looks strange"
She shook her head and kept looking at the two ponies in front of her with wide eyes
"Should we sneak of now? We should I think..." 
She stared at Yuly again.

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@, @@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


Yuly giggle and whisper for Shade


"Isn't a pony silly, is one Zebra, them are experts in potion and this things, now we need stay in this nplace, if i move i will made much noise, you know this"


Yuly look to Shade worried but smile and wink


"Go you, i will stay okay..."

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@@Mrbrunoh1,@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,

Shade shook her head and stuck out her tongue at Yuly

"I will not leave you... We just stay still now... Wait for them to walk off"
She kept still but smiled at Yuly every so often but she looked back at the ponies
"A Zebra and a Unicorn then...They both look pretty exotic..." 

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"Be safe on travels. " he states ignoring his natural rhyming and continuing asking down the Everfree pathway. His pace quickening as he made his, way along wanting to leave the forest as quickly as he can.

He wouldn't mind assisting the unicorn but this was not apart of his contract.

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Mariah suddenly notice one thing


"APPEAR!, APPEAR!, i know you are hidding and if you don't move i will Destruct all this place, and this is true i don't joke with this..."


Her horn suddenly get light and strong mading all ponies around the place fell her energy 

Edited by RaritySparkleArtist
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@@RaritySparkleArtist,@, @@Mrbrunoh1,

She looked at Yuly with fear in Shades eyes and looked back at the Unicorn emitting large amounts of energy
"Should we stay hidden?... I'm scared... Should we show ourselves Yuly? I trust your choices...."
She spoke quick and in fear but was still quiet and shivering slightly
"I hate ponies....."

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Yuly smile and giggle look to front and start walk to front of the place in middle of the two ponies and them


"You don't go destruct this place, is better you turn off your horn to we don't have problems, you and your Zebra friend, we don't need problems..."


Yuly look confident and nod to Shade

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Shade walked out of the Brush and stood behind Yuly looking at the ground
"Ummm... Yeah could you turn off your horn please?... It's kinda... Scary and it's destroying the area around us..."
She said this and then squeaked as she looked up at the Unicorn "Sorry... I sounded forceful" 

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Mariah look to the Changeling and suddenly her horn get super shiny


"What you thinking, i will trust in you?, after all the changelings maded in Canterlot, Let me pass or i will need use my magic, all ponies know the changelings are weak alone..."


Mariah put her horn more energy and arrogant smile 

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@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


Yuly suddenly walk to front of Shade and look to Mariah in eyes, smile and look to Mariah in eyes


"You don't crazy to made somenthings like this, i will sure.....but i will sure you will pay if you hurt Shade..."


She look with one smile and nervous, isn't the first problem in life she can use her train for one thing

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Shade backed off a little and stood right behind Yuly with a scared squeak
"See...Ponies are horrible...I am weak alone but I prefer it..."

She said as she stayed behind Yuly and was honestly terrified at the moment
"Not my fault I was made this way..." Shade was repeating this to herself and looking at the ground 

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Yuly look to Shade and made her little tail touching in her slowly trying help her in same time she looking to front


"Don't be sad, this isn't true, she isn't like the others changelings and she aren't weak, now i will let you pass..."


Yuly look to Mariah in eyes

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Shade made a squeak sound again and responded
"I-I am showing...My real side... Not all Changeling's are bad..." Her body was shaking a little.
"Do I have to be bad...Because I am a Changeling?..." Her voice was quiet but you could hear it enough
"I don't want to be bad..." She said as she avoided looking at Mariah

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@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


Yuly talk suddenly without afraid


"She is like one sister for me, and you and anypony don't go hurt her, i will die first if you think in made somenthing like this, and i just spying you to see what you doing, is just this, now you can go we don't go made somenthing with you...BYE!"


Yuly nod to Shade

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Yuly smile and nod, suddenly hug her strong and lick her face giggling


"Yes, Night you is like one sister for me, you helping me all this time with this things about forest and you are so good and cool"

She smile and giggle and look to Mariah serious


"She isn't a monster like the others Changelings..."

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Shade let out an awkward giggle and hugged Yuly back with a smile as she then responded
"Your a sister to me too..." She said to herself with another giggle
"I never wanted to be a monster anyway..." She smiled and looked at Mariah awkwardly and smiled a little to try and be kind and prove she isn't bad

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@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


Yuly see her and look confused to moment, she going to... and what she doing?


"Well but where you going Mariah, we can help you, in final this can be good, we can be friends in final of this walk..."


Start walk with shade in behind her and walk to Mariah


"What you think about this?"

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Bulawayo was near the exit of the forest. He stopped, was he to abandon his selflessness and just leave that mare to brave the forest. He shook his head and turned trotting back in pace to catch up to the unicorn.


Close to proximity he could hear voices ahead and carefully trotted in a quiet pace careful upon who could be ahead.

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Yuly suddenly scream noticing the Zebra walking away




Yuly smile confused what all happening, all are confused, Mariah one unicorn with one Zebra is like her with one Changeling the things are confused in the moment

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