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What Grosses You Out?


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I find babies to be gross. The way their saliva goes everywhere and how they smell is just... ugh. >_>


Hair is also gross. I cannot eat things with hair in them.

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The color yellow- i wanna throw up every time i see it.


Public restrooms- i didn't know toilet paper went on the floor?


Bugs- i almost died from a bug. It tried to kill me. I saw the knife!


Messy people- this isn't your house so how about you throw your trash away in the TRASH can.

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-Needles. They make me feel sick. I never look at them when I get my blood drawn.

-Cockroaches. I go running like a little girl at the sight.

-Catheters. I cringed when I was told I needed one for my double jaw surgery last year. I was more afraid of the catheter than the surgeons breaking my jaws.

  • Brohoof 1
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Small clusters of holes- I'm afraid of them, but they also gross me out too. (See surinam toad)

Dog vomit grosses me out. I can handle other types of vomit, no big deal, but dog vomit is a special kind of disgusting. 

Shedded hair, like in drains, or finding a strange woman's long hair on your shirt. *gag*

And finally, pretty much anything having to do with children. They're pretty much walking petri dishes of disgusting. They've always got some sort of weird smell, or disgusting crap coming out of their nose or bile on their hands. 

I'm pretty hard to gross out given I pretty much grew up in the hospital, but anything having to do with lack of cleanliness makes me want to gag.

  • Brohoof 2
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What really grosses me out is when my dogs puke, the smell really is unbearable and cleaning it up is a special kind of hell, another big thing is when people say they have to take/took a huge shit. Very, very charming and totally not disgusting.

  • Brohoof 1
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To be honest, not much grosses me out to the point of it being disgusting to look at. The only thing i can actually think of is a decapitated head. Yes, i have seen a decapitated head. No, it was not human, but an animal. Still, thats the only thing i can think of which made me disgusted just by staring at it.

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