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Chrysteel held his hoof. She used her wings in manor that won't slow him down. She then says, in a whisper to him, "I have an idea. But I need your trust."


He suddenly feels the Love of a mother who protects her foals and a hope to drive away fears. Chrysteel glows a silvery pink. She says in a sing song voice, "What do you think? Not even the others know about this."

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Arcing Storm
@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Swinton


"If it means that you can stop them without hurting them, go ahead. I don't want anypony else hurt while I'm dealing with the Sombran Empire." Storm answered, slowing down and hovering in place as he waited for Chrysteel to use the spell. Let's hope that this will work or I'll have to leave her behind. He sighed mentally.

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As the three would draw close to capturing the two, Chrysteel closes her eyes and the three can feel the air around them become thick and heavy. It feels as if some unknown force is angry with them.


She turns to face them hovering. When she opens her eyes, she has a certain look, that would make some of the most frightening creatures cower in fear, becomes apparent. It reminds one of a kind being that no longer is. It looks just like Fluttershy's Stare.


She says to them, in an agitated tone, "Why are you following us? I want to be alone with him. Go home now!"


From what Storm can see, they seem to have upset her somehow. From what the three can see, She is as angry as a dragon ready to kill.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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caliber carefully, but quickly, deflected her sword away. "well, im from fillydelphia!" he said, as he tried for a different style. fencing. using quick, rapid thrusts, he continued. "and as you know, i decided to leave when i was about twelve. i know, thats a young age to break away from my parents, but hey. i was brought up with no form of entertainment except fairy tails. i guess thats why i decided. and, there was also the fact my house burned down..."

"I must have missed that story, or was too busy to listen. Another urban area." I recalled the sword I'd used as a projectile in time to get poked at with thrusts as he continued his story. Reacting to get grazed by the flat parts of the blade, it still hurt on the right of my neck and left side. Didn't feel blood quite yet, but the feeling of friction was.....unpleasant. Quite fast this one, and with only a single sword. I was able to block about 80% of the thrusts with my katanas though, knocking them away on those times.


"I completely understand. I left to study inventing and enchanting when I was fourteen, traveling for two years. I trained with many masters, not all of which I remember anymore." I conjured four more katanas for a total of six floating around me now. Let's see how this would work out. I went into a mad spree of thrusts similar to what Caliber did with his one sword, but using my six. I hoped I wouldn't injure him too much with all the pokes. "How did your house burn down? What caused it, exactly?"

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caliber's eyes widened when the extra swords appeared, and was suddenly weaving about, trying his best to evade six swords at once. he kept up with the talking, however. "my house was hit by a stray lightning bolt. some hay caught on fire, and, well, you know how fast hay burns." he was already pushed to his fastest, flipping about, and seemingly break dancing to evade all the pokes. and even then it still wasn't enough. his cloak had  more holes then he'd care to admit, and he was pretty sure he was bleeding on his cheek.


in one fluid motion, he tried to parry a strike, and let his sword get ripped from his grip. it was flung into the air. caliber, spinning on the ground, brought his legs up, and caught the sword handle with his foot. he then started spinning rapidly doing a handstand, swinging the sword in his foot in wide circles. he was starting to enjoy this, and he had started sweating.


"i had four masters, myself. and i remember each and every one of 'em perfectly. there was Ruk, the zebra, i swear, no-pony in Equestria could make a guy work as hard as he worked me...Ruk focused mainly on physical training. thats how i got my 'almost as strong as an earth pony' frame"

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For a while the three in the air merely stared back, rather uncertain of their next action.


"You've flown past the authorized perimeter. We've come to guide you two back." Spitfire said coldly. "I'm disappointed in you, Arcing Storm. You fly the most, you know it's for forbidden to fly this far away." Fleetfoot nodded in agreement.


"Please turn around and go back." Soarin sighed. He didn't think they'd listen but it was worth trying.

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Chrysteel says, "I am sorry for this but you must understand. I HAD ASKED YOU TO LEAVE. NOW SLEEP."


Within the aura her horn flares bright and all three are hit with the true weight of the aura. In their minds they hear, 'Sleep.'


In the outer world they hear, "Hush Now, Quiet Now. Its time to lay your sleepy heads..."


(She uses enchantment spell sleep. Willpower to resist, or fall asleep where they stay.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Amber, I think we need to do something about the Sombran Empire fast!" Amber's panicking was contagious, "What do we do? My element is still stuck to my wing, and useless for defense!" Midnight sadly flapped her wings. Omigosh omigosh! she inwardly screamed.

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"Calm down, Midnight."He wrapped a wing around the smaller pony and another around Amber. "We'll find the others and figure this out together. Besides, mine is still stuck to me too." He jangled the element around his neck. "Everything's all right." He cooed.

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Almost automatically, Amber shook off Starchase's wing in a twitchy, compulsive motion and backed away a few steps

"...Sorry. I'm alright. It's fine." Amber stuttered. There was a blankness to her eyes and she could feel herself sweating coldly. She sat down on the cold floor and put a hoof to her head.

"What should we do...?" she asked aloud.

"What can we do?"

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Midnight bit her lip in thought, then an idea popped in her mind. " We should use our alicorn magic against the empire! Amber, you said yourself. If we converge our alicorn magic, we'd be over powered!" The hope lost in the young pony had finally found it's way back into her heart.

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He felt rather hurt that Amber shook him off like that and Midnight didn't seem to be any less anxious. Folding his wings back into place, he felt ​irritated by their rejection but didn't show it. Instead he laughed forcibly, trying not to cringe and gritted his teeth. "Launching an attack is probably not a good idea." He looked absolutely insane. "Besides, haven't enough ponies, died already."

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The dodging, the weaving. He was quite fast. "Coincidentally I was struck by lightning multiple times while in a storm which activated my family's affinity. Perhaps we should stop? You're hurt." But no, he was already reacting.


I could use my magic, but this was a sword practice duel and that wouldn't be proper. I was impressed with the agile spin and at first thought he was just showing off as he told some more of his story. Unfortunately he wasn't and I got some gashes across my lower neck. I winced and felt a bit of liquid. Okay, that's not gonna end well. "Now we're both bleeding." I commented as I wiped some of the blood with the side of my left front hoof.


I laid down to let the bleeding coagulate a bit with the cuts upward. "I think we should rest and pick up later. You're quite good, and I need practice."


I then looked at his sword again. "So Sir Caliber, how did you get your sword?"

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caliber halted, and allowed his sword to drop from his leg. he straightened himself up. "from a dragon." he said simply, as he picked his sword up, "when i first started out, i thought "i need a sword to go with my cutie mark!" so, being the idiotic kid i was back then, i tried to steal from a dragon. he wasn't happy about it, but as fate would have it, he owed my granddaddy a favor. he let me pick one thing from his vast pile of treasure. can ya guess what i got?" he held up his sword. and then sheathed it. then he noticed the wound he caused.


"here." caliber took off his cloak, and offered it to her. "bandage the wound. my bad." he grinned.

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"I guess you got this ornate sword, huh? Nice dragon, that one. I heard the fully grown ones are pretty fierce." I thought about having to fight one. That might actually be fun.


I shook my head. "No thanks, I'll be fine. You should bandage yourself from my pokes." Sparky wheeled over and moved his right claw against my lower neck wounds. A sticky substance was secreted to act as a disinfectant and coagulant. I continued to lay, resting and letting my breathing return to normal.


"So do you have any idea what your Element could be yet? And have we always had wings?" I was starting to get a bit confused all of a sudden, with recent events flooding back into my mind.

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caliber shrugged, and put his cloak back on. "iv had worse wounds than this. i'll be fine. as for my element...hmm...maybe loyalty. im not that sure, since iv made...mistakes concerning just that."


he raised an eyebrow when sparky sprayed some liquid on her neck. "antibiotics, im guessing?" he asked. and when she mentioned the her wings, he looked at his own wings. "oh, yeah...thanks for reminding me." he took out his sword again, looked around to make sure amber wasn't around, and again pressed his sword against the wing bases. "any chance sparky could sear a wound shut?" he asked causally. "like a blow-torch, or...?"

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"Well be careful then is all I'm saying. But it's probably not Loyalty then." I looked at what he was about to do.


"Disinfectant actually. But I don't know if he could, even with his eye beams." I looked around and noticed a guard was observing us. "I'm sure this Uni guard would try to stop you if you tried. How about we go find the others, or press him for some info instead?" I wondered what he would decide to do.

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Arcing Storm
@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Swinton


Chrysteel says, "I am sorry for this but you must understand. I HAD ASKED YOU TO LEAVE. NOW SLEEP."

Within the aura her horn flares bright and all three are hit with the true weight of the aura. In their minds they hear, 'Sleep.'

In the outer world they hear, "Hush Now, Quiet Now. Its time to lay your sleepy heads..."

Storm gritted his teeth, thinking over his decisions and tackled her so her concentration on the spell went into disarray while shoving her to the Wonderbolts trio. He immediately sped away from her and the group, flying from cloud to cloud to lose them. I'm sorry, Chrysteel. I promise I'll return. Storm flew from cloud to cloud, trying to lose them while he flew his way into the Sombran Empire's aerial territory.

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The trio were momentarily stunned but regain their formation as they chased after Arcing Storm and ignored everything else. It was midway till they realized he was alone. "Arcing Storm!" There shouted rather alarmed as they become aware that they were trespassing into Sombran airspace. They could do nothing but retreat and watch as Storm became smaller and smaller.


Hanging their heads low as they sped back to base. They were met with a rather insane prince and two vexed princesses. It didn't look good. "Your highness," Spitfire interrupted them. "Arcing Storm has entered Sombran territory. And Princess Chrysteel, she's unfortunately, gone."


"What do you mean gone?!" Starchase roared. They took a few steps back, surprised at his outburst. And they'd thought he'd go easy on them, being the mildest element.


"The element of change has refused to accept change. There was nothing we could do." Soarin tried to defend themselves. "At least we still have the spirit to go on."


"And the wisest mind in Equestria on our side." Fleetfoot piped up from behind the two. "So what do we do now?" They turned to look at Amber.

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caliber wondered what to  for a moment, and then realized just whats how crazy this day is. "yeah...we should go ask him questions." he said.


he stomped over to the guard, put on his best 'ill kill you with little to no reason' face, unsheathed his sword, and made himself look bigger.


"why are we here?" he asked in an icy cold voice.

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The guard saluted them. "Because you came here, your highness." The guard remained stoic and gruff. "The elements were called in for their expertise." He was secretly trembling inside, teeth chattering beneath his helmet but he tried his best to not give anything away.

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Amber blinked, staring blankly at the ponies in front of her.

She blinked again. The wisest mind in Equestria? Why were they looking at her?

"Who, me?" The Alicorn asked, rather dumbly after a moment of silent shock. She could feel her throat dry as the Wonderbolts, as well as her friends, stared at her, eyes full of expectation and hope.

"I--I'm still trying to figure out what's going on here," she managed in a tight voice. And with a touch of concern, she added, "Chrysteel is really gone...?"

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"Yes, she is truly gone, I'm afraid." Spitfire bowed her head. The three shared a quick look of doubt hearing their all so mighty tactician seemed to be having an 'off' day and their hopeful element seemed rather...depressed. "We'll leave you to your planning then." They slipped away silently.


"So there's six of us left..."Starchase sniffled. His life seemed so, bleak for once. 

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caliber narrowed his eyes. "oh?" he decided to take a peek at his aura, which betrayed that he was terrified. "the elements, huh? so...who called us in?" his eyes glittered. "who runs this place? and why am i here without knowing whats happening?" 


caliber struggled not to laugh. 

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The guard was confused. What was with the elements today?! It's like they swapped minds with school fillies! "Your highness, I can assure you that you came out of your own free will. We only receive orders from above. Nothing personal, Sir."




As Arcing Storm flew on, the skies turned darker and colder. The bright sky was a gloomy shade of grey. The weather was harsh, meant to deter intruders. Only strong fliers could brave through the cold draught and howling winds. The dark towers of the castle would be the last thing he'd see.

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