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Underwhelmed by Season 5


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Am I the only one who feels a little underwhelmed with the season so far?  None of the episodes to this point had me watching again for any reason.  No good songs, nothing much in the way of funny stuff happening (pinkie pie aside, of course).  It seems like the show has lost something in the first few episodes of this season.  Thoughts?   Personally, my favorite episode so far was the one with Discord in it.  Favorites, anyone?   

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@Ninja(Pinkie)Midget, as your post had more to do with questioning the quality of the season in general and less to do with the episode that just aired, I split it off into its own topic and moved it to Show Discussion. 

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I agree with your viewpoint. The season is underwelming to me. The only episodes I like so far are The Cutie Map parts 1+2, Castle Sweet Castle, and the Griffinstone episode.

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As someone pointed out to me, last season didn't really seem to pick up until Rarity Takes Manehattan.  I'm still looking forward to watching each Saturday with my daughter.  Episode 100 will probably have some good stuff in it.   I'm sure there'll be some Derpy.

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I was actually real underwhelmed by Season 4 as every other episode seemed to be terrible, but Season 5 has been good so far. It's not underwhelming for me


We have to remember what kind of show this is, guys, and make sure our expectations are realistic. Season 5 has not been exceeding or failing to keep up with my expectations, It's actually been keeping pace with them... for the most part. Which is more than can be said for season 4 at the 8 episode mark      

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This season has felt the same as every other season to me! It has been entertaining and sweet and it's made me laugh. Idk, it's not like I expect much else. It's been a solid season and I think it's only going to keep getting better!

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It really depends on what gets you to consitute an episode or a certain element "underwhelming". Different people look for different things out of the show.


Overall, it's too early to start comparing Season 5 on the whole to the last four. There are certain things I look for out of this show and I think that the only episodes that I would really consider top-tier on the season so far is "The Cutie Map", being the most dense of the two-parters with so many memorable, entertaining, and thought-provoking moments, and "Bloom and Gloom" for having such a relatable conflict. I'd put "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" as my sleeper hit for its amazing comedy.


We haven't had a regular single-part episode that hit it out of the park on the level "Pinkie Pride" did yet, IMO, and we usually get one or two of those per season. Also, IMO, we may have had a dud or two but nowhere near the worst bombs Season 4 has had. To me, Season 5 is underwhelming if you compare it against finished seasons, of which it isn't yet.


It all depends on what kind of episodes you consider the best. It would be much better to compare individual episodes at this point than to compare an unfinished season against previous ones.

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I think this seasons the funniest season so far and has had a few amazing emotional scenes. Although the songs have not been anything to rave about so i see what you mean even though i'm loving it.

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I'm with Banul, other than Appleoosa's Most Wanted(which was mostly meh) I'm loving S5 so far(which I feel has had a stronger start than S4 which didn't pick up until Rarity Takes Manehattan)

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I'm going to say I agree.


I'm not too thrilled by this season honestly. Some of the episodes have left me unexcited. I really wish that for the episodes that have aired so far were better than what they stand on now. 


The latest episode that aired was okay. A cute moment and a laughing moment in the beginning and end. But overall, it wasn't really exciting.


I don't know where I could stand so far on Season 5 other than that I'm sortof leaning on the side of dissapointment.

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I think this is a fantastic season so far. The only episode that i didn't liked so far, was Appleloosas most wanted. But it wasn't nearly as bad as classics like Rainbow Falls or Spike at your Service.


Also, Cutie Map is the best episode this show has ever produced.

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The season has been very inconsistent in quality IMO; there are a few good episodes, and a few boring ones (and one of the worst episodes ever).


The Cutie Map: Amazing


Castle Sweet Castle: Great


Bloom and Gloom: Meh, I didn't like how it was all just a dream.


Tanks for the Memories: Holy crap this episode just took the "worst episode" crown.


Appleoosa's most wanted: Two Apple Bloom episodes almost in a row?


Make New Friends But Keep Discord: A lot of memorable scenes but the overall plot is kinda weak.


The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone: Is the moral seriously just "friends are good"? Boring.

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I have yet to really be underwhelmed and, as such, S5 has the potential to outdo S4 for me; with S4 being my current favorite season.


The Cutie Map, Tanks for the Memories, and Lost Treasure of Griffonstone are top-10 episodes for me, and the others were great for me as well. Even the lone episode which was a 'meh' for me at first (the Appeloosa one) has improved upon second viewings.


Really; this season has been quite the ride for me. :)

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Just judging by the first eight episodes, I think season 4 was only slightly better. It had the gems Rarity Takes Manehattan and Flight to the Finish, which I think are both better than anything that has come from season 5 thus far, with perhaps the exception of The Cutie Map.

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I still really enjoy the episodes but I feel like we need more of the main six all together hanging out etc.


But it would be a bad idea to shove them into a situation, where they really don't belong, because then we might get something like Rainbow Falls.

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Oh THANK LUNA I'm not the only one who thinks this! I kinda didn't want to say anything, but now that this topic's out there....

The Cutie Map part 1 and 2 wasn't so much underwhelming as it was too cringe- inducing for my tastes. From the WW2 militaristic propaganda/ cult/ brainwashing/ concentration camp thing they had going on. I didn't enjoy it on the first watch, or the second (thinking I'd get used to it and find something enjoyable about it, second time around, but no), and I wouldn't watch it again.

Castle Sweet Castle was a pain to watch- also kind of cringe-inducing (though not nearly as much as the season premiere), because it seemed like Twi's friends didn't know her at all. Songs weren't all that memorable.

Bloom and Gloom's dream sequence went on FAR too long for it to be enjoyable for me.

Tanks for the Memories had RD acting too stupid and destructive for her own good, and without consequence for it to be enjoyable. Though the song was good, I don't think it's something I'd go back to.

Appleoosa's Most Wanted was boring, since wild west episodes and rodeos don't really interest me.

Make New Friends But keep Discord was ick. I don't like Discord or how he (or Celestia) acted.

The Lost treasure of Griffonstone was underwhelming, since I was expecting more....oomph? Kinda fizzled, I feel, with the lesson being just "open yourself up to making a friend" and less "this is a cool kingdom that is going to be explored". Also- bait and switch with the kingdom. Didn't care for it.

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The whole season feels like someone (the FCC?) told Hasbro "Twilight's Kingdom was a little much.  You want to keep a TVY rating, you had better tone it down".  I've heard that ratings have slipped.  IDK if that is true, but if it is I would bet they are losing their older viewers.


Still, it does seem to be getting a little better.  The Discord episode wasn't as lame as Keep Calm & Flutter On (though I expected more from the Smooze).  The Griffon episode started pretty good, it just had a weak ending.  I was glad to see Gilda return, although I did expect Pinkie to throw a party at the end.


In short, I'll suspend judgement until after episode 100 -I have high hopes for it. 

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