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general media Why do we criticize or look down on people that watch something?

cider float

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In terms of watching it seems there's a hierarchy of what is acceptable and what is not. This is what I think the hierarchy is shaped like from most acceptable to least acceptable.


1. Homework/Work related

2. Instructional/Teaching

3. News/Politics

4. Sports/Full Contact Sports/Recreational Sports

5. Documentaries

6. Movies

7. Reality Television

8. Live action TV Shows

9. American Cartoons

10. Japanese/Foreign Cartoons

11. Fan videos


Yes there is a hierarchy for cartoons as well believe it or not as if it's not already looked down on society that anyone watches cartoons to begin with that you have to have people that demonize Japanese cartoons


So why is this? Is this just another bad excuse for feeling superior over others? Just like how people judge you on what you drink as well?


  • Brohoof 2
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Generally, people become uncomfortable when the see other people going against "the norm". They want folks to watch what they watch so that the feel like they made the right, socially acceptable choice.  Putting the outsiders down is an often a way for them to feel like their own choice is validated. 

  • Brohoof 6
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Wow, an entertainment acceptability hierarchy.  You should, like, idk, patent that or put in on a t-shirt or something.


Anyway, Banul is right.  Also, people will criticize and put others down for any stupid reason because it makes them feel better about themselves.  And people make unfair judgements.  It's what they do.  People are stupid.


I think a huge problem with the human race in general is that we seem to have a natural and powerful tendency to assume that others are simple, and that we, ourselves, each of us, are the only mentally complex person on earth.  So often, people seem to make all kinds of assumptions about others based on one piece of information, completely disregarding the fact that the individuals they are judging are complex, like everybody else.


Example: "If you watch MLP, you must be gay."  "If you play violent video games, you must be a violent person."  "If you think Smile HD is funny, you must be a sociopath."


Guess what?  A does not cause B.  In fact, A and B are completely mutually exclusive and have nothing to do with each other whatsoever.  If someone watches MLP, and that's the only piece of information you have, then all you can say about them is that they watch MLP.  You cannot know anything else about them based on that.  If people remember this and stop assuming that they know something about others that they really don't, we'd have a lot less problems.  People need to stop drawing conclusions that make no sense based on isolated, irrelevant pieces of information.

  • Brohoof 4
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Wow, an entertainment acceptability hierarchy.  You should, like, idk, patent that or put in on a t-shirt or something.


Anyway, Banul is right.  Also, people will criticize and put others down for any stupid reason because it makes them feel better about themselves.  And people make unfair judgements.  It's what they do.  People are stupid.


I think a huge problem with the human race in general is that we seem to have a natural and powerful tendency to assume that others are simple, and that we, ourselves, each of us, are the only mentally complex person on earth.  So often, people seem to make all kinds of assumptions about others based on one piece of information, completely disregarding the fact that the individuals they are judging are complex, like everybody else.


Example: "If you watch MLP, you must be gay."  "If you play violent video games, you must be a violent person."  "If you think Smile HD is funny, you must be a sociopath."


Guess what?  A does not cause B.  In fact, A and B are completely mutually exclusive and have nothing to do with each other whatsoever.  If someone watches MLP, and that's the only piece of information you have, then all you can say about them is that they watch MLP.  You cannot know anything else about them based on that.  If people remember this and stop assuming that they know something about others that they really don't, we'd have a lot less problems.  People need to stop drawing conclusions that make no sense based on isolated, irrelevant pieces of information.

LOL I'm surprised it's not a more widespread idea but the thing is it wad probably in everyone's mind it just needed to be said one way or another.

  • Brohoof 1
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To me this entire list is flipped with sports being at the bottom. My friend Flash Brush would think so much differently though, I don't like politics as much as she does and I hate sports way more than she does. To add on I don't watch a lot of television so a lot of these things are out of my equation, in fact no one watches tv in my house anymore. We watch a lot of netflix, amazon, and youtube. For the brony side of things I have never heard of any of us hating on each other for any reason, but that is just what I see.

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I believe it's because we cannot simply comprehend exactly why they enjoy watching what they do, specifically if it's not our taste.

For example (this is an example, complete fiction), if I disliked pancakes and I notice my friend on the left of me watching an instructional video on how to make pancakes, of course I would question and look oddly confused as to why they would want to make those gross things.

I concur to myself that 90% of the time, people aren't necessarily "looking down" on you when you watch something they don't like, just dumbfounded and doesn't understand.

Sort of like the brony fandom, most anti-bronies just don't see how boys can break out of their stereotypical spheres and watch a children's cartoon, not understanding at least why they like it. Usually, it's major confusion and misunderstanding from various sources, or experience itself that makes people express their distaste for a fandom, show, food, etc. 


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Just like Tifa Lockheart said because we all hold our opinions to things. It's just that some people out there cannot keep their opinions to themselves and feel like they have speak their mind on everything. I guess it's hard for some people to just respect what other people like despite the fact they don't like what that other person likes. I mean it really is not that hard to just respect what others like and to hold your own opinions to your own. I guess for some out there this is not easy for them.

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