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What is the sickest you have ever been?


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I got a really bad bug once. It was so bad I couldn't keep food down, I couldn't even stand up like at all. If I even tried to get up I would instantly have to throw up. I lost like 10 pounds. I had to lie down on my back, for a whole day, it was terrible.

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The sickest that I've ever been, that I can remember, is when I was about 14; I had a very bad headache(but not quite as bad as a migraine), was nauseous, and had hot flashes. Had to stay in bed with quick access to the toilet if I needed to puke, and I could only stomach crackers, chicken noodle soup, water, and sprite. It only lasted about one and a half days, then I was back on my feet, as it were. Other than that and a couple of times when I was nauseous for a couple of hours, I'm usually not ever sick at all.


May have to do with the fact that me and my brother used to make mud pies, literally roll in the dirt and the woods, eat stuff off of the floor(I still do XD), eat our boogers(ew XD), drink garden hose water, climb trees, get bitten by the dang summer bugs, and all kinds of silly stuff.

When my brother and I used to roll in the woods, everything was fine until only my brother started coming outta there with red itchy spots all over his legs, then we figured out I am immune to poison ivy and oak, but he isn't, and that thorn bushes hurt. XD


I've only had flu shots when school required them(a total of three from there, one in kindergarten, one in middle school, and one in 11th grade), and here recently, I got a flu shot at work because it was only around $20, and I was like, "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, right?".


Honestly, I'm glad to be so 'lucky' because I hear about people around me always having to go in for surgeries, get tested, and all kinds of crazy medications. I don't even take Tylenol or Aleve if I have a headache, I just drink water and go outside and run around until it stops.

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One time i got a really bad headache. Like a really really bad one.


My headache got so worse, that i trow up.

And the worst part is, that didnt helped, since i wasnt sick because i ate something wrong, i was sick because of that extreme headache.

So, i was sick for a pretty long time. I did spend most of the time in the bathroom. Afraid to stand up or go anywhere.

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...well it was a perfectly natural response to surgery but it was the worst experience of my life. Imagine being dehydrated, starving, nauseous, face swollen like you got smacked in the face with a concrete block, running a nasty fever and throwing up blood all at the same time. Yeah, that was like the first week of recovery after my double jaw surgery almost a couple years ago.

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  • 4 years later...

When I had problems with my gallbladder, it really sucked, I was in constant pain and throwing up.  Couldn't really eat anything because it'd make me sick.  Thankfully, they took my gallbladder out, couldn't sleep for a few days before going in.

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If we’re only counting “sickness” as in illness, then I’m torn between three times: an incredibly painful ear infection, a stomach bug that made me throw up everything except watermelon and soda for weeks, and a time last year when my main symptom was a powerful and abnormal sleepiness. 

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This past February, I would say is the sickest I've ever been. I don't know if it was coronavirus or not, could have been. Either way, I was extremely sick for a week with some kind of respiratory virus, and a high fever that was practically uncontrollable. I was also vomiting on and off, had the worst sore throat I've ever experienced in my life, and a really nasty cough. It doesn't stop there though, lol. Just when I thought I was recovering, I developed bronchitis and had to deal with that for 2 weeks. The whole month of February was an absolute nightmare, and the world was going to sh*t on top of it. :ButtercupLaugh:

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Hmm, i have two answers i guess to this one. The worse i've ever been sick wise was when i went to the hospital 2 times for experimental treatment on the illness i had before. In short, i was fevered and i had a "period" as we jokingly called it. So that was a thing.

If we are referring to the flu. Mass hallucinations (from high fever), passing out, and sleeping for 16 hours on average a day was my worse flu like illness.

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Though this isn’t caused by a germ or anything, I have IBS.  An attack for me can last anywhere from 5-10 minutes and  it's excruciating pain the entire time in my case. 

Fortunately the antidepressant I was prescribed for depression happened to make it a lot better.  I haven’t had an attack since I’ve taken them.  It’s a godsend. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I’m always sick and tired everyday..:maud:

Aside from that, I got hit with a very bad cough and cold that lasted for almost two months. That was 7 yrs ago.

  • Brohoof 2
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So, my final school trip. They gave us really disgusting things to eat. Cheap tea served cold...and old(?) bread with jam in small plastique boxes...nothing else. I got abdominal influenza the same day. Puking every 2 - 10 minutes, doctor came a day later...and gave me an injection. It helped, but then I could only barely move my leg. :D When I got picked up and on the way home, we stopped at McDonalds. I felt immediately better! Imagine: when McDonalds food cures you.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think it was a flu I had when I was younger. I remember that on the evening, I had no problems, and at the morning of next day, my throat hurts and I had heavy coughing, fever and I felt really icky. And I felt icky 5 or 6 days. It was really an unpleasant experience.

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Three instances come to mind. Twice I had food poisoning from eating lobster (I realize now that I’m allergic) and I was up barfing and so on all night on both occasions. Another bad one was when I had bronchial pneumonia and passed out on my parents’ kitchen floor. I went to the hospital in an ambulance for that one. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I had the stomach flu as a kid and I’ve had other small ailments as a child I don’t really remember. I also had this one fever I forgot the name of where I had to call off of work cause of a miserable fever then went back the next day and had to suffer with blisters all over for a week or two. They were all over my hands and feet so touching certain stuff and walking was very hard for a while.

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