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Doesn't the CMCs mission now negate the point of discovering your CM?


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Okay much as I loved seeing the CMC get their CMs I do have a few questions:


1. It's been said that it's important for every pony to discover their own CM for themselves, but as we saw with the CMC just doing random things don't work so how are they helping going to work any better finding some other pony's CM?


2. What happens when one finally goes? Say after many years in the future Apple Bloom is the only one still around, does she still keep her CM?

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It is important for a pony to discover their own CM for themselves, but it was never implied that somepony might need help doing it. To me, discovering yourself and your purpose in life can be very difficult and there is no shame in a little guidance. The CMC aren't going to exclude ponies who've already had their cutiemarks as well. As a wise human Cadence once said: Being around people isn't a bad thing, sometimes it's when you learn the most about yourself. And both Troubleshoes and Diamond Tiara weren't exactly close with anyone nor did they have many friends. 


I don't think the CMC will actually take ponies on random adventures to discover their cutiemarks, though I wouldn't oppose that either...could be a great gag episode. But I believe they'll simply look into situations and try to tackle that pony's inner conflict to make it easier for them to understand their cutiemark, or push them closer to getting it. 


And if the CMC....lose a member, their cutimarks will remain. It does not tie them together physically, but more on an emotional level and through their friendship which will remain even after death. 

  • Brohoof 5
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Pretty much what Princess Sunset said.


Troubleshoes is the trickiest, because his mark appeared when he felt like he was doing what he was meant to do, but he was succeeding at his rope routine at the time. So if he was meant to clown around, shouldn't it have appeared after he screwed up, rather than before? But then the CMC were the opposite case. When helping him, they didn't feel like they were doing what they were meant to do, even though they really were. So I guess marks are triggered by a certain emotion, rather than action. This was also foreshadowed near the end of Call of the Cutie when that filly said "maybe I got my mark too soon."


And then there's Diamond Tiara, who did discover her talent (getting ponies to do what she wants), but used it for personal gain, whereas it could also be used to organize others into productive teams. So in that case as well, she probably did experience the emotion of doing what she was meant to do (being the boss of a group).


But this theory implies that marks are born in, and only have a trigger to reveal themself. So even if a pony does get it "too soon", it's not like they could have gotten something different by waiting longer.


So the CMC are sort of like cutie mark doctors, helping ponies understand what their mark means if they triggered its appearance without knowing their true talent, or if they do know their talent but don't know what to do with it. But they might also help blank flanks discover their talents, especially if they're past normal cutie mark age and still having trouble. A lot of people in real life are in this situation, so it would be a great moral to show that that's ok and you shouldn't give up.

Edited by dekutree64
  • Brohoof 2
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That is a very good point. We can't be certain until the next CMC episode, but I think that what they do will be more about discovering the meaning behind their cutie marks, like what they did with Troubleshoes and Diamond Tiara. It is a very good question that made me think, so thank you for sharing it.

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They are destined to guide and lead ponies with troubling...um..."Cutie mark Problems", to help others similar to what Cherilee and Luna once did for them.


It would be good to note that Starlight and the CMC have different purposes: Starlight thinks cutie marks are Harmful; while the CMC stand to help others gain and understand their marks... I'd love to see how Hasbro plays this tale   :fluttershy:  


...and I just realized: What happened to Bab Seed? Is she still a member of the CMC...because her talent is cutting..  :scoots:

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Not really.


I just think of them as consultants who can offer additional insight, but most of the work and decisions are still left to the pony in question to realize for themselves on what it actually means.

Edited by UnknownFry
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And if the CMC....lose a member, their cutimarks will remain. It does not tie them together physically, but more on an emotional level and through their friendship which will remain even after death. 


Why you gotta hit my feels like this  :(  :(  :( ?


But I agree, you can have help and still be the one to discover your own cutie mark, or rediscover what your cutie mark means. I think their cutie marks are layered for a reason. Sure the crusaders have their own individual talents, and they probably would of found them (and a different cutie mark ) if they never crusaded together. However because of their interaction and their discovery of the groups talent, they achieved their mutual cutie marks that have aspects of their own talents on them. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I believe people misunderstand what the CMC are planning on doing. From what I understand they will just help ponies discover themeselves by finding out who that pony really is and guiding them' like with Trouble Shoes and Diamond Tiara. Granted those ponies already had their cutie marks but even blank flanks have a personality.

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How would this negate that concept exactly? I mean, they want to help other ponies find out who they are instead since they now have their marks, that still seems to be the same idea, just in a different format. Sometimes, we need some outside help to know who we are. Being someone that has plenty of self acceptance problems, I know this quite well. 

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It is important for a pony to discover their own CM for themselves, but it was never implied that somepony might need help doing it. To me, discovering yourself and your purpose in life can be very difficult and there is no shame in a little guidance. The CMC aren't going to exclude ponies who've already had their cutiemarks as well. As a wise human Cadence once said: Being around people isn't a bad thing, sometimes it's when you learn the most about yourself. And both Troubleshoes and Diamond Tiara weren't exactly close with anyone nor did they have many friends. 


I don't think the CMC will actually take ponies on random adventures to discover their cutiemarks, though I wouldn't oppose that either...could be a great gag episode. But I believe they'll simply look into situations and try to tackle that pony's inner conflict to make it easier for them to understand their cutiemark, or push them closer to getting it. 


And if the CMC....lose a member, their cutimarks will remain. It does not tie them together physically, but more on an emotional level and through their friendship which will remain even after death.


Since they've got their marks, maybe they should go their own separate ways by now. Right?

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Since they've got their marks, maybe they should go their own separate ways by now. Right?

I imagine their relationship will be like the Mane 6 when they get older: they'll still be doing their own thing but will remain close whenever one I'd in need of the whole crew. As kids, it's expected for them to hang around together more than usual, but even throughout a few episodes they will still do their own thing. The cutiemarks similarity simply represents their friendship and journey to discover their cutiemarks....it doesn't necessarily mean they will be together all the time and forever like a Cerebus.


I'm sure they will go seperate ways....but not to the point where they'll separate themselves from each other's lives

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They simply want to act as guidance to other ponies who don't understand their destiny like how Luna helped them when they were lost.

That's in essence what I was trying to say. I look at them more as social workers, helping other ponies to be happy and not to be sad over their mistake and the way their past has been. It was like that almost exactly for DT and troubleshoes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since they've got their marks, maybe they should go their own separate ways by now. Right?

No, they shouldn't. They're friends, regardless of whether they have their marks. They have no reason to suddenly not want to hang out with each other.


CMC with Cutie Marks = DISBANDED, but the last time we've seen them was the Scare Master episode

Right after they got their cutie marks, they said: Cutie Mark Crusaders forever! They aren't disbanding. If anything, having a purpose to help others find their cutie marks just gives them reason to stay CMC even longer.


And minor spoiler: Scare Master won't be the last time we see the three of them together.

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That's not the point. A cutie mark DOES change anypony else. I know now...within a doubt, The CMC will always be Forever Blank Flanks and that's why I don't let things in the past go! I only let things in the present go. Well it looks like they're gonna suffer the same fate like Babs Seed now. You know when I watched Bloom & Gloom, Scootaloo confirms that Babs is no longer a CMC due to having an Cutie Mark. And the question is: Who will run the Manehatten CMC now?

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The CMC will always be Forever Blank Flanks and that's why I don't let things in the past go! I only let things in the present go.

The thing about time, everything currently in the present becomes the past by the next instant. Since the CMC got their cutie marks weeks ago, that means them not being blanks flanks, while being something currently happening in the present, also exists in the past now too.

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I don't think so.

They will be helping ponies discover themselves but they can't magically give someone a cutie mark.   A pony get's his or her cutie mark when he/she comes to a full realization of themselves and or their talent.  The CMC will most likely help others on the path, but it will be up to those that they help to fully understand themselves.

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I doubt it. I don't think the CMC going to help the others find their destinies now. Since they've got their marks, they've disbanded after the Scare Master episode. And FYI, COLTM was the last CMC episode, so I'm just gonna pretend this episode was just a dream.

Edited by MAIKUN
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I used to wonder about this too at first. But considering each mark they got was a crusader emblem they certainly did not lose who they were. They're still the crusaders.

Why would one or two of them die and Applebloom be the last one left though? I don't follow you there.

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I used to wonder about this too at first. But considering each mark they got was a crusader emblem they certainly did not lose who they were. They're still the crusaders.


Why would one or two of them die and Applebloom be the last one left though? I don't follow you there.

That wouldn't many any sense if Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo died and Apple Bloom was the last one left.

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