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movies/tv Why Teen Titans Go Sucks


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I honestly like GO so much better than the original teen titans. I love the art style and the humor and its just a super fun and cute show. I think a lot of people have a problem with it because it's different from the original. It's a revamp and I love it. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I never saw much of the original show, so I can't really compare it to this one much. From what I saw, I thought it was good and had a pretty decent balance to it.

As for TTG, I don't like it as a stand alone show, never mind being a parody or whatever. I don't personally like any of the humour, I think it's really bad. But, I guess it must be doing something right if it's gotten such an audience, so I guess it just wasn't for me :P

  • Brohoof 2
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Well the original completely failed to do that either so I don't see the problem. Go isn't even continuous to the original. It's a completely irrelevant show with the same characters. This is like complaining that Applejack doesn't have a British accent and doesn't trip over things constantly.


Teen Titans was "popular" not because it was a good action cartoon (it wasn't) but because it was pretty much the only action cartoon available to kids at that time. Sadly, it seems the kids who watched that show have never really grown up.


I'd rather have a good comedy (Go) than a bad drama (TT).


Justice League and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)


Also I'm going to have to disagree with you, I thought the Original Teen Titans was a well written show. While there are better action shows, the original wasn't bad at all.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well the original completely failed to do that either so I don't see the problem. Go isn't even continuous to the original. It's a completely irrelevant show with the same characters. This is like complaining that Applejack doesn't have a British accent and doesn't trip over things constantly.


Teen Titans was "popular" not because it was a good action cartoon (it wasn't) but because it was pretty much the only action cartoon available to kids at that time. Sadly, it seems the kids who watched that show have never really grown up.


I'd rather have a good comedy (Go) than a bad drama (TT).

I'm gonna needs some links as proof in order to believe this. It's not that I'm accusing you of lying.

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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Your definitely right, teen titans go is not only crap compared to what it's based off of, but garbage on it's own.

Edited by 3bode
  • Brohoof 2

Look at this objectively.

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I'm sort of in two minds on TTG. On the one hand, I know it isn't trying to appeal to me at all and that it's not exactly a failure as a show, in that it achieves everything it sets out to do. It makes no effort to pretend to be something it isn't, and it's a very self-aware show as the clip linked earlier in the thread. And at the end of the day, I do think it's silly to watch and complain about a show that you clearly dislike as opposed to just ignoring it entirely. And, it might not be possible for it to do anything more than it already does. Always got the impression that its purpose is to be a show whose episodes cost nothing to produce.


On the other hand, the show unquestionably owes its existence to nostalgia and the existence of the original. But, from clips I've seen, the show is also openly hostile to anyone who even thinks about comparing TTG to the original, when that comparison really isn't that unreasonable to make :\. When you reference something constantly, use (sort of) the same characters, the same voice actors, etc, I don't see how somebody who'd enjoyed the Teen Titans show as a kid could avoid thinking back to it from time to time while watching TTG. And Go's self-awareness comes along with such aggressive refusal to apologize for its own mediocrity >_>.


While the first Teen Titans was far from a perfect masterpiece, and it sometimes failed to accomplish what it set out to do, I appreciate that it tried. Or at least gave off the impression that it cared about its own quality. TTG just feels like a big blob of apathy with a sugar coating of manic energy on top. But like I said, it's never pretended to be anything more than that. So I'll just keep on not watchin' it, take my own advice, and move on with my life.

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm watching through the original Teen Titans again just to be sure I wasn't crazy and


I don't really understand how the characters were "Flanderized" in Teen Titans GO! when they are identical between both shows.

Identical in both shows? Are you joking? In Teen Titans they were done justice. But in Teen Titans Go they all just act like idiots.

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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Even as a regular show I find it distasteful. If it had nothing to do with teen titans then it would still suck! Inconsistent characters, subpar writing, awful characters, and idiotic plots, its just a bad show. With it being affiliated with Teen Titans, it just makes it annoying. Overall, I'm not judging anyone that watches it, that's your decision. Its just not my cup of tea.

Well, you've stumbled upon my post. Congrats I guess...

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Ugh...haven't even watched Teen Titans Go. It was just so terrible when I watched it. I don't know why the writers made it like this. It's like they took an awesome show and just made it into some immature joke stuff...what a drag...

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm siding with OP on this one. It was great as a DC shorts, but after Cartoon Network pulled the plug on DC Nation and made it into a series, that's when it hit rock bottom. Parody or otherwise, its an animated comedy show that falls flat on humor. Children may like it, but even they will realize how bland their attempts were.

  • Brohoof 1


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Identical in both shows? Are you joking? In Teen Titans they were done justice. But in Teen Titans Go they all just act like idiots.

They act like idiots in the original show too, because they are idiots. Go simply doesn't have any serious storylets for them to get their act together, because it's a comedy.


The original show is absolutely loaded with dumb goofing around and anime takes, and there is little to no difference between the characters' behavior in those goofy scenes compared to Go.


Cyborg might be a bit more energetic in Go but that's really about it.

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Well the original completely failed to do that either so I don't see the problem. Go isn't even continuous to the original. It's a completely irrelevant show with the same characters. This is like complaining that Applejack doesn't have a British accent and doesn't trip over things constantly.


Teen Titans was "popular" not because it was a good action cartoon (it wasn't) but because it was pretty much the only action cartoon available to kids at that time. Sadly, it seems the kids who watched that show have never really grown up.


I'd rather have a good comedy (Go) than a bad drama (TT).


Teen Titans wasn't meant to be a comedy? The original had plenty of comedy episodes. I don't know what he's talking about, and he obviously doesn't either.


There were better action cartoons than TT even back then, like Samurai Jack. 


I honestly think people are blinded by nostalgia when they act like the original TT was some great show.

Edited by VG_Addict
  • Brohoof 1
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I like both shows, the original, and Go. I understand why someone might hate Teen Titans Go. Just because they changed the original dose not mean it's a bad show. I think it's very funny. Both shows are completely different from each other. Trying to compare the two is like trying to compare, Mario and Call of Duty. The differences are just to great.

Edited by Sporemane




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Teen Titans wasn't meant to be a comedy? The original had plenty of comedy episodes. I don't know what he's talking about, and he obviously doesn't either.


There were better action cartoons than TT even back then, like Samurai Jack. 


I honestly think people are blinded by nostalgia when they act like the original TT was some great show.


One reason old fans are so miffed at Go is because it regularly mocks fans who want to portray TT as something more than it was -- specifically, that TT was some amazing sprawling epic ahead of its time.


I've just finished season 1, and I hear the episodes get darker as it goes (which is one reason I'm keen on Terra's introduction), but so far the original series has been largely an action comedy, and when the characters get dumb, they get really dumb just like in Go.


Probably the most different character between the two is Robin. In the original (season 1 at least) he behaves almost like he's meant to be Jason Todd instead of Dick Grayson, while in Go he's considerably more happy-go-lucky because Go doesn't give him much to worry about.


Also somewhat different is Cyborg, who varies in crazy black man-ness in the original, but is constantly on high-octane in Go.

Raven is almost the same, complete with mocking her Gothness in both series, but lacks her got-old-quickly chant in Go and is generally less legitimately angsty.


I see no differences in Beast Boy or Starfire whatsoever, except that Starfire's "my world has glorpleblooks" nonsense is better-executed in Go. The two of them seem to serve as comedy relief pretty much all the time.

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Smallville's middle finger ending, constant rebooting to get the illusive "new reader" instead of properly finishing of the current story be it good or bad (weather it be comic, movie etc) and this is the reason why I do NOT like DC.  Thing is I wouldn't have even mind the new drawing styles so long as we got a continuation of the original story. Infact if they did that it would still be cheap to produce and we would get an extension of the original story, but no, DC has a hate for continuity and crossovers and the only reason why they're doing BVsSM is cuz of the MCU.


The show is just there cuz it's cheap to make. And honestly the creators of it should be charged for it.

Edited by AkiraLeeJounouchi


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Smallville's middle finger ending, constant rebooting to get the illusive "new reader" instead of properly finishing of the current story be it good or bad (weather it be comic, movie etc) and this is the reason why I do NOT like DC.  Thing is I wouldn't have even mind the new drawing styles so long as we got a continuation of the original story. Infact if they did that it would still be cheap to produce and we would get an extension of the original story, but no, DC has a hate for continuity and crossovers and the only reason why they're doing BVsSM is cuz of the MCU.


The show is just there cuz it's cheap to make. And honestly the creators of it should be charged for it.


You do realize most of the people working on Go also worked on the original, right? Not only the voice talents but also the writers?


The head writer is also the same creator behind Batman: Brave and the Bold, similarly a lighter-hearted and self-parodical take on Batman, similarly despised by certain fans, similarly openly mocked said certain fans.


The fact is that classic TT fans are taking the show too seriously (shock and awe I know) and getting mad that even the creators of the show know better.

  • Brohoof 1
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I personally see no problems. It's a decent cartoon that can kill some time if you're bored. 

Agreed, I actually like that they have a "let's make the series a bit less serious and have some fun with it" attitude. Yeah, I kinda wish they had more adventures in the style of the old TT, but what can ya do? Write fanfics, I guess.

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I really think it's becoming over hated. Every other comment I see about the show acts like it's the worst thing since Hitler when in reality there's far worse out there, like everything currently on Nickelodeon for example.

  • Brohoof 2
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I enjoy it quite a lot.


I mean to be fair, I just watch the weekend morning cartoons and it frequently comes on and it's just fun. Sure, I watched the original when I was a kid but didn't think much of it. But similarly to Adventure Time or Uncle Grandpa, TTG is a show I can sit down and watch for a couple of hours and just ENJOY watching it. It's not as bad as some people seem to make it out to be and I have laughed quite a few times when watching it.

  • Brohoof 1



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