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request shop Icons Shop [CLOSED]


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Won't be taking more orders. Better luck next time for those who didn't get a chance, and thank you for the requests -- it was a nice practice in UI/Icon design.




Do you just love a well-designed skill tree/abilities interface when you're playing a game? Do you love developing your OCs that you went to great lengths to determine their skill set with great details? One last question, do you want to describe your OC's skills/abilities with style... or in this community, "20% cooler"?




Welcome to my request shop. Now open on taking requests to make stuff like these...




Here's an example on how it looks like with some description, DESTINY STYLE as well!

((My OC page, under the Traits and Abilities section))


Currently, open for making DESTINY style icon.



Edited by DustJacket


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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I'd love it if you could make a few for my OC, Night


I would like a few Full Icon with a discription, if possible


Thanks in advance!


Here's the Icons and Descriptions! I'll add more when I can!



Icon I: Swordsmanship, two swords crossed, a broadsword and katana

Description I: Expert Knowledge of Blades,

Icon II: Cyromancy, A snowflake

Description II: User of Ice, Skilled in Ice magicks, despite not being a unicorn

Icon III: Inner Demon, a shadow with glowing eyes, grinning

Description III: A primordial demon resides in his soul, he is able to call to it at any times, but has hard time regaining control after its let loose

Icon IV: Commander, a helmet with 6 stars

Description IV: Commander of the Ice Legion, a mixed group of automations and living ponies, skilled in fighting.



Edited by Shadow Strike

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I'd love it if you could make a few for my OC, Night


I would like a few Full Icon with a discription, if possible


Thanks in advance!


I'd like to request, I just need to write up a request


Yeah me too I'll just add the right stuff when I'm on my pc.


Write it down people, write it down  :squee:


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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How many skills can we have? And are you drawing them yourself?

Uh, based upon your description on how it looks.



4. Choose either 'Icon Only' (max skill: 15)  or 'Full Icon with Description'*(max skill: 8)



OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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Uh, based upon your description on how it looks.





Also, so are you drawing them yourself? Or is it limited to what you have up in the op.


Art by DoeKitty

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Also, so are you drawing them yourself? Or is it limited to what you have up in the op.

The top are... say promotional images  :comeatus: I will not use them, unless someone asks for it.


:adorkable: Ooops, I was so excited, I forgot to write what I wanted.


But, I edited it :squee:


Hopefully that works

SLOT 1, taken.


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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I am finding it so hard right now not to copy what you have on your OC's page. 

Can I use some of the same skills? Now that I've read your skills I can't think of another way to word it :/


Art by DoeKitty

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I am finding it so hard right now not to copy what you have on your OC's page. 

Can I use some of the same skills? Now that I've read your skills I can't think of another way to word it :/

Just think it like this,


You play DESTINY (do you?), You roll a TITAN class and takes the 'Striker' Skill Tree, you also see another player rolling a TITAN class and, same as you, they roll the 'Striker' Skill Tree. 


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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Just think it like this,


You play DESTINY (do you?), You roll a TITAN class and takes the 'Striker' Skill Tree, you also see another player rolling a TITAN class and, same as you, they roll the 'Striker' Skill Tree. 


I have never played Destiny. The only thing I know about it is that the logo looks in some way like something from Halo. Which I have never played either.


Art by DoeKitty

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I choose Full Icon With Description, for my OC Silver Star Apple. http://silverstarapple.deviantart.com/art/Silver-Star-474325759


His skills include The Voice, a mind-controlling voice ability similar to Fluttershy's The Stare, his mastery over metal, which he gained by enchanting one of his ribs to function as a metal-controlling magical item that functions independently from his own magic, and his speech, speed, and strength.




1. The Voice

2. Metal Control

3. Speech

4. Speed

5. Strength

6. Magical power

7. ? (For this one, let's do his Mirror Shield. It absorbs attacks and reflects their power back at foes, or allows him to absorb them)

8. ? (Absolute Immortality.)

Edited by Asquerade

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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I'd like to request as well ^ ^


It's for my human OC Jake L.

(he's in my avatar , minus the mustache, full body can be found in my sig)

General/Passive skill : Ability to warp the flesh and bone  of his body to his will





Jake L.


1 Full icon with description and 4 icons (I hope that's okay o_o, If it's not thendis regard the description of Icon 1 and just have it all be icons.)


I'd like the color pallet to be a bit of a darker blue 


Icon 1: Omega: Body Manipulation,{Chibi Jake's head with half the face being a chibi skeleton, kind of like this http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Daily/2010/10-Oct/12/Mario%20Anatomy%20statue/IMG_6022zz--article_image.jpg } 


Description 1: Ability to warp the flesh and bones of his body to his will.


Icon 2: Bone Saw,{X-ray skeleton arm with a circular saw made of bone at the end} 


Icon '3': Say Cheese! ,{Smiling X-ray skull with teeth warped into sharp knives} 


Icon 4: Blood Shot , (cross hairs with a blood drop in the center)


Icon 5: Skeleton Key, ( X-ray skeleton hand with fingers warped into keys of different shapes and sizes)







Edited by DefinitelyNot Vulcan


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I choose Full Icon With Description, for my OC Silver Star Apple. http://silverstarapple.deviantart.com/art/Silver-Star-474325759

That's a lot of skills, Full Icon with Description only allows 8 maximum skills. Choose wisely  :P  

I choose Full Icon With Description, for my OC Silver Star Apple. http://silverstarapple.deviantart.com/art/Silver-Star-474325759


His skills include The Voice, a mind-controlling voice ability similar to Fluttershy's The Stare, his mastery over metal, which he gained by enchanting one of his ribs to function as a metal-controlling magical item that functions independently from his own magic, and his speech, speed, and strength.



Almost fulfilling the requirements, but not yet. Read the rules again.


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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I've nearly written mine up. Can I reserve slot 2 :3

That's not how it works, sorry  :rarity: Just so you know, the different slot number does not prioritize which I will do first. I will do the easiest one first.

Edited by DustJacket


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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Sorry, my 


I choose Full Icon With Description, for my OC Silver Star Apple. http://silverstarapple.deviantart.com/art/Silver-Star-474325759


His skills include The Voice, a mind-controlling voice ability similar to Fluttershy's The Stare, his mastery over metal, which he gained by enchanting one of his ribs to function as a metal-controlling magical item that functions independently from his own magic, and his speech, speed, and strength.




1. The Voice

2. Metal Control

3. Speech

4. Speed

5. Strength

6. Magical power

7. ? (For this one, let's do his Mirror Shield. It absorbs attacks and reflects their power back at foes, or allows him to absorb them)

8. ? (Absolute Immortality.)


That's a lot of skills, Full Icon with Description only allows 8 maximum skills. Choose wisely  :P  

Almost fulfilling the requirements, but not yet. Read the rules again.

connection isn't that good. How about now?


1. The Voice

2. Metal Control

3. Speech

4. Speed (Fast enough to rival most in-flight Pegasi)

5. Strength (Strong enough to break threes with a kick and use air resistance as a platform, jumping while still airborne)

6. Magical power (Second only to Twilight Sparkle)

7. ? (For this one, let's do his Mirror Shield. It absorbs attacks and reflects their power back at foes, or allows him to absorb them)

8. ? (Absolute Immortality.)

Edited by Asquerade

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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How is this:

Scarlett's Skills

The skills are in the following format:
Skill Name - (Icon: Icon Description)
Skill Description

Active Camouflage - (Icon: Small silhouette of pony with bottom half fading away)
Equipped with a stealth suit from another time, she can disappear completely from biological and technical viewpoints

Precision Telekinesis - (Icon: Unicorn horn)

With years of practice and her destiny playing a part, she has an extremely finely tuned aptitude for precise telekinesis

Marksman Proficiency - (Icon: Crosshair from cutiemark)

Derived from her aptitude for precision telekinesis, she can also wield almost any weapon with a great amount of skill

Nimble Footed - (Icon: Pegasus Wing)

Aiming for natural agility over sheer power, she moves very fast in any environment delivering short quick strikes to her foes

Inquisitive Tinkerer - (Icon: 7-pin cog)

Given the right equipment, suitable materials and some inspiration, she can create or upgrade almost any sort of device

Temporal Operator - (Icon: Simple watch-face)

Due to a freak accident and a fresh curiosity, she has an acute sense for temporal events and a partial ability for manipulation

Technical Aptitude - (Icon: Simple circuit/circuitboard design)

Armed with years of experience and training, she can learn to use and fix any piece of technology in a very short amount fo time

Meticulous Vigil - (Icon: Compass design)

With a small amount of changeling DNA inside of her, she has an acute sense of living being and their emotions around her



Art by DoeKitty

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I think this is right um hem

Sword Expert
capable of wielding any bladed weapon with ease and deadly efficiency.
Adapt Combat Medic 

Can heal major wounds including broken bones, magic and melee attacks.
Superior Unicorn Magic
Capable of casting high difficulty spells, however this will drain Sapphire's magic reserves.
Royal Guard
serving NCO in the E.U.P, morally upstanding, actively pursues criminals.
Leader of Ponies (reluctant)

Will take command when it is needed, shows good leadership traits but lacks courage to usually take up the mantle.      
Technology defective (Negative trait)
Sapphire finds it extremely difficult to understand technology, but can work basics like radios.


anyway I only want 6 are these correct for what info you need? 

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