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private A Night to remember


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Prince finally walked into the door. He walked up to the waiter at the stand. He was dressed like canterlot royalty fir sure. "Royalty only sir" he said "We know" prince replied "Then go!" "Listen-" prince looked back at his friends then talked in fancy terms "I am sir Lightning De Canterlot " "What family may I ask my good sire" "The Celestian Roual family" He showed the waiter his wings. He nearly fumbled at his mistake "Terribly Terribly sorry sir I-I-" calling my friend rifraft huh? Well guess what?" said prince getting in the nervous waiters face "YOU'RE WRONG!!!" Yelled Primce using his Canterlot voice, sending the waiter sliding across the floor.


((GOD Why you ninja me!? Nvm))

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River stares into the Doctor's eyes, as he looked at the menu.

Those beautiful, TARDIS blue eyes of his, the ones she got lost in every time she looked at them.

This was no exception.


She snapped back into reality, as the Doctor called her name.

"Are you ready to order?"

She examined the scene.

Both her fiancée and the waiter were waiting for her response.

"I'll... I'll have the carrot fingers and custard, please."

"Certainly. Carrot fingers and custard for dessert."

Both her and the Doctor frowned.

"No. The carrot fingers..." she started,

"Go IN the custard." he finished.

The waiter looked at them dumbfounded, but quickly regained his cool and dismissed himself with a quick nod.

"Very well."

He walked away.

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"Ponies talk big but this isn't very complex. I basically-" the waiter took his order "Mon se?" "Jes" "Very well" "Non ti, so like I was saying, these are just simple things with fancy names. I basically just ordered a large fruit salad.See?" Prince took a dinner roll and balanced it on his nose.

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*But what everypony didn't know, was that this was all a mirage planted by the evil Illusion...a mirage to throw you all off the trail to finding the real her*

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The Doctor looked at River Song.

He inspected her, and he knew she knew he was.

She was just so... Mysterious.

She had lots of secrets. Being the daughter of Amy Pond and Rory Williams was one of many.

He was so deep in thought, he got startled when she spoke.

" Sonow that I've technically met you for your first time, and now I'm here, does that mean our timelines will proceed in the same direction?"

The doctor waved his wine glass.

"Probably, though I'm not sure."

"Timey whimey?"

"Timey whimey."

She chuckled.

"You're so funny when you try to figure me out."

"Am not!"

"Oh, don't be such a baby sweetie. It was a compliment."

He pretended not to care. And sucked at it.

"Well, you'd give up the universe for me."

"You'd give up the TARDIS."

He gasped.

"Sexy? Never!"

"you let me drive her."

"Just because I couldn't move."

"Because I kissed you?"

He blushed.

"no! I mean, well, maybe, not, course there's so and so..."

She giggled, their muzzles mere inches away.

"Who's your favrouite pony, Doctor?"

She whispered.

The wildly blushing Doctor stuttered.

"Y... Y... Ivy."

She frowned.


"No, I mean, Ivy!!"

He was waving his arms at her, and pointing at the filly on top of the hill.

A purple alicorn had appeared before her.

River rolled her eyes, dissapointed.

"That was a mood killer..." she muttered.

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Ivy's head hit the table as she got more confused. She looked at the waiter "i'll just have a hay chips and a flower sandwhich!" She said smiling. She looked at the top of the hill "Daww wasn't i cute!" she said smiling. She then lookedat the doctor "Looks like your smooth" she giggled.

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The Doctor facehoofed. How could Ivy be so thick?

The while reason they went back in time was in the top of the hill, and she just ignored it?

From the look on River's face, he could see she was thinking the same thing.

It hit them both at the same time.

They both got up at the same time.

"We need to get to Ivy."

She said.

"I agree."

Replied the Doctor.

They ran towards her table.

The reason everything was all so perfect for her was so that she wouldn't see what was around the corner.


They were in her nightmare.

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Ivy looked at the top the hill, she trotted towards the window. "We're the best of friends you know..." she sighed. She turned round see saw that everypony had left but the doctor,prince and River. She blinked "where did everypony go?" she got down off the window and walked towards them.

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"If this her nightmare then why am I here?" prince asked still alittle peeved at the doc. He placed another dinner roll on his nose and waited fit a response from either of them.


He got up after them still balancing the Dinner roll. "I don't like." he said seriously.

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The doctor spoke calmly to her.

"Ivy, listen. This is serious. We are In you niblblvlvlblblbk."

Before he could finish the sentence, the floor beneath him melted, and he was dragged down by some sort of liquid tentacle.


Shouted River, jumping to his rescue.

She reemerged a few seconds later with the Doctor in her arms, both gasping for air.


the Doctor said between gasps,

"I guess that proves my point."

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Ivy eyes grew as she saw her mum come out of the shadows. Ivy was backing away from, her mum. Ivy put her ears down and looked so scared.


Ivy's mum looked at Ivy "look what you've done you've made me loose a son and you've lost a brother"

Ivy's eyes water "I...i didn't mean to..." she trailed off.

Mum looked so angry at Ivy "You made me loose a son and worst of all you don't even care!"

Ivy shock her head "No...no i always cared..."

Mum spoke to her "Even worse your not doing your job your not part of this family anymore!"

Ivy cried into her hooves, this was a dark memory she hidden away for awhile.

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"Hey Hey Hey now!" said prince jumping in front of Ivy. "We all forget that stuff right?" he said with a laid back voice. He walked around her but saw her displeasure "Why not just forget about this and we can be best friends ya?"

Prinfe tried to take off some off the heat and the attention.

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A small purple alicorn emerged from behind Ivy's mother, with tears streaming down her face. "You abandoned me...you left me all alone in this cruel world where no other pony understood me" She looked to the floor and stopped. Her eyes that were filled with lonliness, soon turned to rage. The alicorn lifted up her head and started to walk towards Ivy. "You abandoned me..." she whispered, "You condemned me to a life of lonliness..." her whispers started to get louder and louder, "You were my best friend...what kind of pony leaves their best friend behind? Well... let me tell you one thing..Ivy...now it is your turn to be adandoned..."

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Ivy had floods of tears turning down her checks. "I never left you... i wasn't allowed out... not after what i did" she paused. She looked at her "After a 3 years i had freedom again and everynight for the next 3 years i went up there to wait for you." She was still hiding behide Prince "i've failed everyone... even you doctor in that nightmare" She looked at the floor.

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The Doctor looked curiously at Ivy's mother.

"I know this mare."

He said without thinking.

River Song looked at him, dumbfounded.


The Doctor perked his ears up when he realized what he had said, and quickly dismmisses it.

He protectevly hugged Ivy.

"Listen Ivy."

He said lovingly.

"This is no time to cry. You're a strong pony, you've been through worse. The only way your fears can get you is if you MAKE them fears."

He let her go, and backed away as the nightmares approached.

"How 'bout you tell us what happened?"

River looked around her.

She was never good at paying attention to the main problem, but sometimes this was an advantage.


She said, flatly.


"Where have you taken this filly?"

The Doctor thought for a second.

"A lot of places, but she's always been very brave."

He smiled at Ivy.

"Well, maybe she's just really good at hiding it,"

She pointed behind them,

"But I think she was more scared than you think."

He turned around and jumped.

Behind them stood three statues representing Pegasis, their hooves covering their faces, along with a group of robotic ponies.

"I-ivy... I didn't realize... I'm so sorry..."

He said cautciously.

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Ivy hugged back and looked around. She looked as more ponies gave around her "I've failed them all..." She shock her head. Her tears stopped and she got from hugging Prince. She looked at her mum "You... you blamed for everything i didn't mean for us to loose a brother" She looked at the floor.


She turned to all the other ponies she let down "You wanted me to be something I’m not so away with you!" She shouted. She smiled as they all faded away. She looked at Illusion as she stayed there. "I...i can't get rid of you... not just yet" she sighed. She turned round to see what the doctor was facing. "Oh..." she rolled her eyes.


She had an idea "Maybe if we get the top of that hill where i met illusion everything will go away!" She asked hopefully.

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The Doctor ran with them up the hill, never taking his eyes off the statues.

River was next to him, using her screwdriver to short-circuit the cyberponies.


"Oh, shut up."

When the last one fell, and the pegasis were out of sight, she finally stopped to catch her breath.

She grabbed the Doctor by the tie and waited for Prince and Ivy to run ahead.


She whispered.

"You said you knew Ivy's mother."

He nodded nervously.

"She used to travel with me a long time ago."

"And you have nothing to do with what's happening now?"

He shook his head.


She squinted her eyes.

"You're lying."

"No I'm not!"

"Sweetie, I can see right through you."

He sighed.

"Fine. The stallion she ended up marrying doesn't striclty come from the same era as her."

"You mean..."

"Sssh! Ivy doesn't know!"

He looked worried at the mare on top of the hill.

"And right now, she doesn't need anymore trouble."

River remained in silence.

After a while, she spoke up.

"Her mother... Well, her nightmare is blaming her for something. Something about a brother... Do you know what she was talking about?"

The Doctor shook his head.

"No. Untill I met Ivy, I didn't even know she and Aucoltus HAD kids..."

River put a hoof on his mouth.


"Hmmph hmmph."

"Great emperor of Romare empire."

The Doctor could see where this was going.

"... Hmmph hmmmph..."

"Dissapeared under mysterious circumstances."

She took the hoof off his mouth.


River facehoofed.

She gave him an irritated look.

"You need to tell her."


"She needs to know. It might help her, too."

The Doctor could see what she meant, but didn't really want to be the bearer of very, VERY confusing news.

River smiled, and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"You can do it, Sweetie."

He blushed wildly, and jumped to his hooves. Anything to get out of this akward situation.

"Sigh. Alright, I'll tell her."

He trotted up to I'vy's side.

"Ivy, there's something you need to know."

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Ivy blinked and was looking up at the sky. They breeze went through her mane and she smiled. "Just like it used it" She turned and looked at the doctor. "What’s wrong doctor?!" She asked. Her eyes had brightened up from down by her mum.

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