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private A Night to remember


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"LIAR!" Screamed the purple alicorn, as she continued to walk towards Ivy. Her horn was glowing a blood red. "Get ready Ivy...get ready to be alone..." She started to cast a spell full of hatred, but this time instead of purple smoke...it was red. The floor started to shake and melt around Ivy, and with it...the surroundings to.

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The Doctor looked at the melting floor, and realized he was melting too, along with all the others.

"Oh, no. Oh, nonononononono!!"

He tried to break free, but the more he struggled, the faster the process.

"Ivy! This is important! Listen carefully!"

He was now sinking, holding up his hoof, looking for something to grab.

"Your mother used to travel with me! She met your father in the past! He was an emperor! He followed us! They got married! Their honeymoon was in the TARDIS! And--"


River shouted.

The Doctor rolled his eyes.

"What I'm TRYING to say is..."

His face was just over the level of the floor.

"... You're half Time Lord, Midnightive!"

And with that, he was gone.

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Ivy blinked and was confused she repeated why he just said "Half time lord?!" She looked around. She blinked "Illusion your bring them back or i wont talk to you!" She looked around in the blackness she was in. "Its only fair! Once bringing them back... I will talk" she said.

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Just after the doctor had melted out of existance, he fell into a pit of darkness. There in the corner was an alicorn,she was lying on the floor, her wings were spread out, she did not look normal...not anymore..she looked grey...and so did her coat. Her colours were fading. But held by her hooves was a small purple heart, glowing as bright as day.

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Back on the surface. " So you demand me to bring them back do you? Well no-one ever brought you back for me did they?" Illusion said as she calmed down. "I always loved seeing a smile on your face..." She had relised what had happed out of her rage. She sighed and with it a big purple glow errupted from her horn.


In the darkness, the alicorn quickly gave the doctor the heart, "please take it!" she pleaded. "Its the good heart of Illusion! You'll need it to find her" her speech was slowly drifting off as her colours full faded, and with it so did her life.

Edited by Illusion
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The Doctor gasped, as he suddenly was back on the surface.

He looked around, and was relieved to see that River was lying next to him.

Unconscious, but okay.

He stepped up Ivy.

"You are a Time Lord. You are one of the most powerful being in the universe. Don't let a dream stop you."

He backed away, letting Ivy and Illusion face each other.

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Ivy looked over at the doctor. She didn't understand what being a Time Lord ment she had so many questions to ask. She smiled over at Illusion "don't worry... we'll save you... and I’ll spent every day with you..." she smiled. She let go off Illusions hoofs.


Ivy woke up and looked over at the doctor. She sighed "Was that even true... or just some trick played on me in a nightmare..."

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The Doctor smiled akwardly.

"Yeeeeeeaah, well, you're mother used to be my companion, and your father was the emperor of one of the greatest civilazations in history. They met each other on one of my journeys, when your father's kingdom crumbled, and then they got married, and I offered a free trip on the TARDIS as the honeymoon, and let's just say they 'had a good time' in the TARDIS, where the radiation from the Time Vortex affected your developing embryo and gave you Time Lord DNA."

A moment of silence, as the Doctor awaited a response.

"Look at the bright side, now you and River have something in common!"

He laughed nervously.

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River looked at her, lovingly.

She still had a lot to learn.

"It means you understand time travel. It means you can regenerate, live forever."

She smiled slyly.

"Best of all, it means you're one of the only ponies who can find the Doctor."

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Ivy run and hugged Prince "It means i get to live with you longer " She smiled. She hugged for ages "As Alicorn you would lived long past me, but because of this i get to live with you" she said smiling. She was so happy she almost forgot everything "Oh... so i can find the doctor" she was so happy. She then paused "So now we got out of that... now what?"

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The Doctor as deep in thought.

"To defeat a puppeteer, we need another puppeteer."

He said.

River frowned, before widening her eyes.

"Oh, no. You can't do that. He hates you."

"He owes me a favour."

"What garantuees you he won't try to kill you?"

"Well, he may be a manipulative god of dream and illusion, who tried to kill me many times before, but he obeys his own rules."

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Ivy looked and at the doctor with more fire in her heart then she did to start. "Let's go find illusion..." she smiled. She looked at the doctor "Did anything in my nightmare, help you find anything?" she asked.

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The Doctor was perfectly aware of what she meant, but decided to give a diffrent answer.

"I'm going to recall a favour an old enemy of mine owes me."

He smiled.

"To defeat a dream god, you need a dream god."

He took is screwdriver and pushed a button.

The light suddenly went orange, as it made an angelic noise instead of the classic wirring one.

As the light faded, they noticed a brownish earth pony now stood before them, wearing a chinese-merchant sort of clothing.

"We meet again, Doctor."

"So we do, Toymaker."

"You do realize that after this, I'll be free to try and kill you again."

"Just like old times."

The Celestial Toymaker smiled.

"What can I do for you?"

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The Doctor smiled.

"This is the Celestial Toymaker, AKA the Crystal Guardian AKA the physical embodiment of Dreams and Illusion."

He walked over to the Toymaker, careful not to touch him.

You never know what he might have in store.

"If there's anypony who can beat the Princess of Dreams, it's him."

The Toymaker chuckled at hte compliments.

"The moment this is over, I'll start setting up our next game."

"Sure ya will. Now, let's get going."

The Toymaker dissapeared in burst of orange smoke.

River raised an eyebrow.

"Where's he gone?"

The Doctor smiled slyly.

"Off to set up our cheat route through the next nightmare. Speaking of wich..."

He spinned and inspected the group.

"Who's next?"

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