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Message added by MangoFoalix

Please put your spoilered posts in a spoiler for others sake please. This episode has already premiered in Australia but is premiering this weekend so for our American members, please be kind to them and don't spoil.


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    • Pinkie: *mane deflates* ("I HATE IT!" >__<)
    • Pinkie: "I thought coming here and listening to REAL yovidaphone playing would make me happy. It makes me feel worse." ("I dislike it!")
    • Pinkie: "I feel nothing." ("…meh…")
    • Pinkie: *plays yovidaphone happily* ("I like it!")
    • Yigrid the Yak: "Yovidaphone is instrument of happiness. Playing yovidaphone make pony happy. ("I LOVE IT!" >3)

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32 minutes ago, Senko said:

I think it might be a general sign of a depressed pony. Pinkie has always tended to show her emotions more than others both good and bad when she's happy she's really happy and as we see here when she's sad she's really sad. 

Any examples of other ponies that are like Pinkie when depression kicks in? Because Pinkie's the only one who is really dark and grey when anything bad happens. 

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6 minutes ago, TransitPony said:

Any examples of other ponies that are like Pinkie when depression kicks in? Because Pinkie's the only one who is really dark and grey when anything bad happens. 

Only in the discord episode that I can think of but that's why I think its a progression thing normally a pony doesn't get that upset only Pinkie who wears her heart on her sleeve even more than a normal pony. We see sad ponies affecting their surroundings and we see them go gray in the discord episode. I could well be wrong but that's my current theory.

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4 hours ago, Senko said:

2) I thought Applejack just said moon as in 1 non-month equivilent from when they first heard her playing to when they had their intevention hence there being time for a contest, dress making, apple bucking to take place.

A moon == 1 month makes sense but I have a recollection that it equates to something longer in some of the episodes last season, or maybe it was in the movie?

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25 minutes ago, Truffles said:

A moon == 1 month makes sense but I have a recollection that it equates to something longer in some of the episodes last season, or maybe it was in the movie?

I've seen it mentioned elsewhere that word from the show's producers/writers is a moon doesn't equal any earth equivilent. So all we have to go on is the various usages in the show. However my point there was more that only 1 moon has passed with Pinkie's playing not several so its only been 1 month, 1 month and 3/4's, 1 3 week period or what have you.

What I do find interesting is that they say things like "It's been hundreds of moons since the Yakyakistan borders have opened" but elsewhere say years which does rather argue a moon is long enough that the phrase "Hundreds of moons" is either more applicable or equally applicable as the phrase "Hundreds of years." Same with seasons so it may be something odd like 6 months or 9 months. As if it were a 1:1 ratio then 12 moons would be a year and hundreds of moons could only be 24 years or so which isn't that long. About all we can rule out is that a moon = 1 night as that would make the statement "Its been hundreds of moons since the Yakyakistan borders were open" or "It'll be 30 moons before the portal opens again" non-sensical as both of those would be periods of less than a year. Well unless Ponies have a very different sense of how long is long that is. However we also know Luna was banished one thousand years ago and Discords plunder vines should have captured her and Celestia "thousands of moons ago" so assuming she was bamished not that long after Discords defeat then a moon is probably somewhere between a month and a year in length.

On the other hoof apparently 6 moons pass between the end of Equestria girls and the beginning of Rainbow Rocks and 6 months+ for that seems too long.


Edited by Senko
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Am I supposed to ignore this episode until official air-date? Pony playing is perfect.


The episode could have been handled a lot more intelligently, like, Hey Pinkie maybe you should just practice in private and not being a public hazard to every pony.

but instead Applejack goes in and tells Hay all lets tell her that she is bad at it, however all of us are actually too afraid to tell her so I just push the responsibility to the pony next to me, sounds good, sounds excellent.

All of them together :You stink at playing this instrument, you should never do that again

Pinkie Pie : Oh, okay. I didn't even wanted to play this stupid instrument anyway, baka

* transforms into Pinkamena, runs away crying


In reality this entire episode felt like passive aggressive garbage that you would you see in season 1 but not in season 8 where every-pony knew each other feelings and should have behaved like normal intelligent people

Edited by R.D.Dash
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This was a weird episode. The entire concept felt kind of forced and unnecessary. Lots of drawn out scenes too.

What I did like about the episode was there were a lot of scenes for the Mane 6 and a lot of interactions. 

For some reason I found it funny how Rainbow Dash was the one to help Pinkie with baking cupcakes to try and cheer her up. That was just adorable. 

Edited by JH24
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There's apparently actually it's referred to as a yovidaphone instead of a zenithrash, like it was when we got the initial synopsis. Apparently the writers found out that there's a Japanese metal band called Zenithrash, forcing them to change it for copyright reasons.

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Rainbow Dash, NEVER come to Sugercube Corner to help Pinkie making Cupcake while her mane look flat. How many times you have to die in some bloody fanfiction to give you some deja vu about your horrific endings.

*I feel bad for missing Cupcake reference in my first watch.

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Very interesting episode on a side of Pinkie Pie we rarely see. While I think that the mane 5 should of been more considerate and careful in wording how terrible Pinkie did play the yovidaphone, her reaction did cause an stir not just for herself but also to her friends. They know each other for this long and somehow I feel like there's still some boundaries or uneasiness especially talking seriously around Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie presumably not aware of it and may of overreact. I do say this though that seeing the mane 5 trying to cheer Pinkie Pie was endearing and sweet. 

Interesting, I can see her depression and how the "aura" around her affected the things like flowers and balloons really shows how potentially powerful Pinkie is but of course, she's Pinkie Pie after all. We later see her cheer up again after her friends told her that it doesn't matter how you play it but it's the Fun out of it that truly brings her happiness again. At the end, the result was a solid and well-ended Pinkie Pie episode.

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Meh.  Just meh.  I enjoyed the episode, but I didn't think it was anything special.  What does it in for me is just how quickly and easily Pinkie Pie gives up.  You'd think the happiest, most optimistic pony in all of Equestria would be a bit heartier than that.   But, there were plenty of laughs, plenty of gags, and the moral was fine, so I cannot complain too much.

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Oh, it looks like the banner is a spoiler of this episode. Bummer, and I thought I was going to wait till it actually came out. Well, looks like I have to watch it now since I'm curious. :pout:

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Not a very good episode. What is the lesson supposed to be, give up on everything that you love when you’re told that you suck at a new hobby? Not a very good lesson to teach kids. Some good jokes and a nice refer nice to a previous episode. 

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Eh... It's not the best I guess. It was an okay episode.

14 minutes ago, Twilight Luna said:

Not a very good episode. What is the lesson supposed to be, give up on everything that you love when you’re told that you suck at a new hobby? Not a very good lesson to teach kids. Some good jokes and a nice refer nice to a previous episode. 

I guess the lesson was supposed to be even if you suck at your hobby you should keep doing it because it makes you happy?

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5 minutes ago, TheTaZe said:

Eh... It's not the best I guess. It was an okay episode.

I guess the lesson was supposed to be even if you suck at your hobby you should keep doing it because it makes you happy?

It was supposed to be but Pinky’s reaction so extreme that it got overshadowed.

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Just now, Twilight Luna said:

It was supposed to be but Pinky’s reaction so extreme that it got overshadowed.

The thing that I didn't like about the episode is that they pretty much said Pinkie has two extremes. SUPER HAPPY or super depressed. There is no middle for her. I was hoping they would do something about how her other hobbies should make her happy, but nope.

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4 minutes ago, TheTaZe said:

The thing that I didn't like about the episode is that they pretty much said Pinkie has two extremes. SUPER HAPPY or super depressed. There is no middle for her. I was hoping they would do something about how her other hobbies should make her happy, but nope.

Yeah, the writers didn’t really think things through with Pinky. I did like Rarity and Rainbow’s attempts to cheer her up though.

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Just now, Twilight Luna said:

Yeah, the writers didn’t really think things through with Pinky. I did like Rarity and Rainbow’s attempts to cheer her up though.

The second attempt to cheer her up was good though. If she actually attended the party the town threw for her it would of been a bit better of an episode, but they threw that to the wayside and we got what we got in yak-yakistan.

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1 hour ago, Twilight Luna said:

Not a very good episode. What is the lesson supposed to be, give up on everything that you love when you’re told that you suck at a new hobby? Not a very good lesson to teach kids. Some good jokes and a nice refer nice to a previous episode. 

Probably be true to yourself, but possibly badly executed

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3 hours ago, Twilight Luna said:

What is the lesson supposed to be, give up on everything that you love when you’re told that you suck at a new hobby?

It's more that you don't have to do that. 

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1 hour ago, TheTaZe said:

The second attempt to cheer her up was good though. If she actually attended the party the town threw for her it would of been a bit better of an episode, but they threw that to the wayside and we got what we got in yak-yakistan.

Meanwhile in Ponyville Lyra's asking Bon Bon if the guest of honor or the hosts of the party are going to show up.

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I like the episode, especially the humor in it, but I would've expected them to at least ask Pinkie to be a bit more considerate when playing the yovidaphone. I mean, playing it at midnight, during an activity which requires immense concentration, or outright destroying somepony's livelihood with it, all really aren't very friendly things to do. Plus, I think it would be a stronger lesson than just supporting your friends in whatever they do. 'Do what makes you happy, but be mindful of others' or something.

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PInkie leaving Ponyvlle? Oh come on, that' just stretching it. seems a little out of character sort of.  Did the writers forget she did a whole one pony band thing? and the flugal horn thing was played for laughs.

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Honestly: did the instrument ACTUALLY HURT anyone's ears? It really hurt mine! But in all things considered, it was really interesting! It made me feel the pain the characters in the show were feeling so I could really relate to them! Call me crazy if you want, but I feel weirdly connected to the characters after this! XD


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Yakity Sax Episode Spoilers


When the Remane 5 were discussing what to do to make Pinkie Pie feel better after they hurt her feelings,

I shouted "Apologize!" during the entire secene.

The scene with Maud Pie was my favorite part of the episode.


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