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Cloudsdale rp?!


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I have been looking for other characters who are living in Cloudsdale. However it is difficult to find one that doesn't have pages and pages to catch up on. :(
If anyone is interested I would be happy to start a casual rp with them. (Probably about once a day.)

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I would be likely to have that!... Once I get to writing an oc page in the first place. For now Azure's story is "find out in character", as they say.

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(bunch of gibberish to meet minimum requirements if there are any words after the second * then it was accident: *kjafio;sdhjfiouhaeraojdfcopsairgopjaw;enpoaksdpovjfso;nvpaoskep'otjwelnrvlkzcijsopfkgser)

Edited by ForEverfreePegasis
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Ehm, very well then, do you have anything to start off? Is it a cloudy day, is the weather factory suddenly dumping out snow in the middle of summer? Shall we wait for more people to come along?

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