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private My Ordinary Life in Ponyville (RP Thread)


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As Wymmer catches a train to Canterlot to get home he sees something rustle in the bushes. Now what can the be? He thought as he walked towards the noise. He looked in the bush and he saw the strangest thing. A hole. But this hole was bug enough to fit a... a... a Dragon... No way. Dragons don't live in holes. Haha silly me. He turned around and the split second he did he was pushed into the hole. But there was no time to see who did it. The hole seemed never ending. After what seemed like an hour he hit the bottom of the hole. He hit a mattress and the air was knocked out of him. He finally caught his breath and looked up. It was dark. it was so dark it was like his eyes were closed. He felt the walls and it was about 5 feet wide. He was stuck. He had one choice. He yelled for help.

Edited by Brony365
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Quip bounced along towards the park, he had just finished his latest work, The Earshatter. He saw a few ponies sitting in the park, it was perfect, he placed the firework behind them and set the fuse, he covered his ears and ducked down, the firework flew overhead and exploded, the sound even hurt Quip's ears, and they were covered! It wasn't designed for pretty colors, so there was no point in waiting for night. "Oh man that was awesome! I need to remember how to make that one" He said while jumping up and down happily, "I hope you guys aren't hurt anywhere, other than your ears of course" he said looking at the two ponies.

Edited by Magneus
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As Wymmer was sitting in the dark hole his voice started getting tired of yelling. Just as he started to settle down he heard a loud boom. Does this mean other pony's are near? He got a boost of confidence and opened his mouth to yell. As he tried to get his voice out he found he lost his voice. Wonderful. I lost my voice. Now what can I do?.. THATS IT!! A NOTE!! Oh. No paper. A sign? He began to scavenge the cave and found a twig and a leaf. What can I do with these? He stuck the twig through the leaf. Nope. Now I have a leaf with a hole in it and a twig. Now he began to panic. He found the voice left in him and used it all "CAN ANYPONY HELP!?!?!?!?!"

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Quip bounced along towards the park, he had just finished his latest work, The Earshatter. He saw a few ponies sitting in the park, it was perfect, he placed the firework behind them and set the fuse, he covered his ears and ducked down, the firework flew overhead and exploded, the sound even hurt Quip's ears, and they were covered! It wasn't designed for pretty colors, so there was no point in waiting for night. "Oh man that was awesome! I need to remember how to make that one" He said while jumping up and down happily, "I hope you guys aren't hurt anywhere, other than your ears of course" he said looking at the two ponies.


"It's going to take a while to make but I think I ca-" suddenly Blossom Bloom was cut off by a very loud sound. It was so loud, the ground below them shook a little. Blossom quickly covered her ears with her wings but it was too late. Once the sound was gone, her ear screamed with pain. Another colt appeared in front of her and he seemed to be talking,but she couldn't hear him. At all.


As Wymmer was sitting in the dark hole his voice started getting tired of yelling. Just as he started to settle down he heard a loud boom. Does this mean other pony's are near? He got a boost of confidence and opened his mouth to yell. As he tried to get his voice out he found he lost his voice. Wonderful. I lost my voice. Now what can I do?.. THATS IT!! A NOTE!! Oh. No paper. A sign? He began to scavenge the cave and found a twig and a leaf. What can I do with these? He stuck the twig through the leaf. Nope. Now I have a leaf with a hole in it and a twig. Now he began to panic. He found the voice left in him and used it all "CAN ANYPONY HELP!?!?!?!?!"


Her hearing was not completely gone. It came back after a few minutes and she could hear the faintest sound of somepony screaming. Screaming? Who would be screaming? and why? Wait, was it screamng she heard? her hearing was just barely coming back so she couldnt completely tell. She would look into it more after she figured out what the new colts intentions were.

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"Oh thats right, why would i ask some silly question? you probably can't hear anything cause of that amazing sound!" he said proudly, he sat down infront of her until her hearing would come back, Might be a while...


Scout heard the rather loud firework go off, I guess Quip is having fun with a new toy, he then walked over to Quip and the ponies sitting there.


"Hey Quip, new toy?"

"Oh yeah, just came up with it yesterday"

"Well i hope you don't use it on me, looks like it does quite a bit"

"Yeah, im probably going to not put as much 'bang' in it as i did this time if i ever use it again"

"Okay, well just... try to be safe with it okay? i know what kind of commotion you can cause"

"Sure thing, im probably going to have pinkie plan a party soon so i can show off my new stuff" Quip said while walking back to his house.


Scout looked over at the other ponies, guessing that they could hear again, "Are you two okay? thats just Quip being well... Quip"

Edited by Magneus
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Why am I yelling... Its useless... Nobody can hear me. UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! He put the twig through the hole and threw it out of the hole. That might help. Haha. How can I still make myself laugh in this situation? He settles his head down and starts to close his eyes. Edited by Brony365
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"Oh thats right, why would i ask some silly question? you probably can't hear anything cause of that amazing sound!" he said proudly, he sat down infront of her until her hearing would come back, Might be a while...


Scout heard the rather loud firework go off, I guess Quip is having fun with a new toy, he then walked over to Quip and the ponies sitting there.


"Hey Quip, new toy?"

"Oh yeah, just came up with it yesterday"

"Well i hope you don't use it on me, looks like it does quite a bit"

"Yeah, im probably going to not put as much 'bang' in it as i did this time if i ever use it again"

"Okay, well just... try to be safe with it okay? i know what kind of commotion you can cause"

"Sure thing, im probably going to have pinkie plan a party soon so i can show off my new stuff" Quip said while walking back to his house.


Scout looked over at the other ponies, guessing that they could hear again, "Are you two okay? thats just Quip being well... Quip"


"Um...Nice firework. It really scared me." she laughed a little as she looked at the colt who set off the earsplitting firework. She watched as yet another colt came up and started talking to the one named "Quip". As he left, Blossom Bloom waved goodbye and shouted after him "Hope we can hang out soon!" Blossom Bloom turned her attention to the dark blue colt that was now alone after his buddy left. "Hello. I'm guessing you know him haha. Well I'm Blossom Bloom" she held out her hoof to the colt "Who are you?"

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"Im Scout, im not very known around here, but RD might have told some ponies about me, she claims im the 'best scout pony in equestria' but i don't think thats true" he said as he shook her hoof, "And yeah, Quip and i have been friends since i got here in ponyville"

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As Wymmer closes his eyes and sleeps he dreams about his passed life and how his parents death. The sad look on his face. The terrible Ursa Major and its gross and slobbery mouth as it chewed on them. His look on his face as he hid in the little hole under a tree. He wakes up and a tear drops down his cheek. He thinks he may have voice. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. Golly me. I'm going to die down here.

Edited by Brony365
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"Im Scout, im not very known around here, but RD might have told some ponies about me, she claims im the 'best scout pony in equestria' but i don't think thats true" he said as he shook her hoof, "And yeah, Quip and i have been friends since i got here in ponyville"


"Oohh so YOU'RE the 'best scout pony in equestria'! Yea, RD has told me about you when we were on weather patrol. Well it's a pleasure to meet you!" she smiled as she stood up. "Have you been here in Ponyville long?" she asked,hoping she wasnt being rude.

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"Well kinda, i was given a small house on the outskirts of ponyville by Luna herself when i was 13. I have lived there ever since. So... how much does RD tell about me?" he said, he wondered what kind of things RD said about him.

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As Wymmer keeps making attempts to climb up he notices how far up it is. He tries to find his voice again. Nope, Nuh uh, But then there it was, He seemed not to be able to talk for that one moment because it was building up. Except for what he yelled probably wasn't going to bring anyone to his rescue. He yelled... "OOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEEEOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSS" *Facepalm* He tried to yell more but he lost his voice again. I give up!!!

Edited by Brony365
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"Well kinda, i was given a small house on the outskirts of ponyville by Luna herself when i was 13. I have lived there ever since. So... how much does RD tell about me?" he said, he wondered what kind of things RD said about him.


"Really? That's cool! What is Princess Luna like? I heard that she is really nice! Oh and RD just mostly talks about how nice and cool you are. Things a friend would say about another friend ya know?" she laughed a little.


As Wymmer keeps making attempts to climb up he notices how far up it is. He tries to find his voice again. Nope, Nuh uh, But then there it was, He seemed not to be able to talk for that one moment because it was building up. Except for what he yelled probably wasn't going to bring anyone to his rescue. He yelled... "OOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEEEOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSS" *Facepalm* He tried to yell more but he lost his voice again. I give up!!!


As she was talking to her new colt friend, she heard another scream. This time she heard the word Oreos. "Oreos?! Where did that come from? Am I going crazy?" she thought. "Hey, did you hear that? Somepony just screamed 'oreos'...Am I the only one who heard that?" she asked him.

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All of the sudden Wymmer had the best idea. Ill dig out diagonally so I wont fall down. He makes his way up. He finally makes his way out but finds himself lost. With no idea where he is. He decided to go the opposite of the way he dug.

Edited by Brony365
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''Uh.. Blossom?'' Splinter said while frowning at Blossom. He had gotten a black eye. ''Do we have an eye patch?'' Splinter said while hanging his head low and covering his black eye.

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He turned around to start walking but he tripped over a rock and fell into the giant slide he made. When he reached the bottom he sat up and rubbed his head but the rock hit the top of his head knocking him out.

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"Yeah i did hear that... i hope he is okay. Princess Luna is nice though, she took care of me for a little while till we got things sorted out. And yeah, friends are nice like that" he said as he looked over at the other colt, he had completely forgotten about him

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''Uh.. Blossom?'' Splinter said while frowning at Blossom. He had gotten a black eye. ''Do we have an eye patch?'' Splinter said while hanging his head low and covering his black eye.


"Huh?" she turned her head and looked at Splinter. Blossom Bloom saw his black eye and gasped "Oh my goodness! What happened?!" she asked with a little panic in her voice. "Are you ok? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

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Splinter laughed. ''I'm fine.. I just got punched randomly... Apparently.'' Splinter said while he stopped laughing. ''Some big guy in black.. Had this black beret and everything. Just don't know why he would punch me.'' Splinter said while shrugging.

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Splinter laughed. ''I'm fine.. I just got punched randomly... Apparently.'' Splinter said while he stopped laughing. ''Some big guy in black.. Had this black beret and everything. Just don't know why he would punch me.'' Splinter said while shrugging.


(Is there a reason im forced to post at a 200 letter minimum?) "Hm, sounds like somepony i used to know..." Scout said while squinting his eyes, trying to think who it was,"I can't remember his name, but i know who he is"
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(Is there a reason im forced to post at a 200 letter minimum?) "Hm, sounds like somepony i used to know..." Scout said while squinting his eyes, trying to think who it was,"I can't remember his name, but i know who he is"


''You know who he is? Well.. Could you tell him not to knock the lights out of me?'' Splinter said while trying to smile. He couldn't. All he could do was frown. It was depressing.
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Nimbus trotted into the park. He looked around for a while before taking a seat in the shadow of a tree. He stared into the sky for a while and whispered to himself: 'Nimbus, you really should take this opportunity to rest up a bit.' He grabbed a book and rested it on his face.

Edited by Zhinzo
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WAIT :o silly me :) I can just cast the teleportation spell and teleport home. Haha. Ok so what was that spell again? Hoopy Shmoopy Doo? Ok, here we gooo. *POOF*
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''You know who he is? Well.. Could you tell him not to knock the lights out of me?'' Splinter said while trying to smile. He couldn't. All he could do was frown. It was depressing.


"Not in that kind of way, a really, really, really bad way" he said with a sigh, "He is a gang leader, for a gang that is really powerful" he rubbed his forehead and shook his head, "Its best we not try to do anything about it"
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''Oh.. Okay.'' Splinter said while frowning. ''Where do you guys want to go?'' Splinter said while smiling. He cocked and eyebrow and grinned at Blossom. ''I don't really know.'' Splinter said while shrugging.

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