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How do you celebrate Christmas where you live?


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This is going to be my first post in a long time, lel.


As many of us already know, all the members from the forums all come from different cultural backgrounds, so I was wondering how all of you celebrate Christmas in your household?


For me, I celebrate it the typical western way; give presents to each other, eat roasted food and all that good stuff.


So then, how are you celebrating this year?

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Probably the most common way, eat Some food, wish everyone merry christmas and a happy new year... the only difference, is instead of waking up in the morning and finding gifts under the christmas tree, we do that late late in the evening on christmas Eve.

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Cthulu left one thing out of that.  He also bring mistletoe to church to make me and my girlfriend try to follow that tradition.  By the way, we will never follow that tradition, so quit trying.  You will fail everytime.  And to answer your question, I wake up, play video games until my family wakes up, we eat Christmas dinner, and then we open up our presents.  

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Here in Mexico Christmas is as many others holydays is the perfect excuse to party. First of all among the 4 weeks of December we celebrate traditional parties called “Posadas” these ones are parties that represent the way Mary and Joseph travel to Belem. Each weekend of December the “Posada” is celebrated where the families and friends come together have good food and drinks and fun, at some point of the night is time for the “Peregrinos” to start their walk the people takes little candles and follow a song we called the Kyrie Eleison this represents the walk of Joseph and Mary from town to town some times there are even figures or kids dressed as the couple to take their part.


After that the party splits in two half goes inside the house and half stays out this is what gave the name to the parties “Posada” means Inn so here the parties sing a song where the peregrines ask for a place to spend the night and the ones inside refuses until accepting them after noticing they are Mary and Joseph. Add to this star like piñatas delicious fruit punch dancing and crazy the stuff as normal parties have


Then on Dec 24 night the families come together  in a specific house some times this reunions are large as some families gather members from far cousins and relatives (Apple’s family style ) each family bring a different dish or desert that goes from salads, creams, pasta, beef, pork ,turkey, cod and “Romeritos” a traditional “Mole” dish variant  that has shrimp and potatoes.


Then some families coo the new born Baby Jesus with a traditional song and is time for the presents =D, here the youngest members of the family choose one by one the percents below the tree and the owner shows every one what it was. Add some jokes and trolls on this one.


Normaly this ends close to 3 am, my family is a lively one, and then we say good by but just for some hours as there are a lot of food and drinks so we go back the next day for the “Recalentado” or Heat Again when the family finish the left overs and normaly every one wears or uses what was given last night as a present.


Feliz Navidad everypony 






PD. This year we will host the 24th celebration =D

Edited by Colt
  • Brohoof 3
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I don't! :D


I'm Jewish, I celebrate Hanukkah. It's not at all like Christmas, we don't have a tree, we don't (neccesirly) share gifts, we just kind of have a big dinner and eat donuts for 9 days. It's fun though, not as good as other Jewish holidays (mainly Passover, WOO Passover!), but fun nonetheless.

No school though, so I ain't complaining.

Edited by Brook
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I wake up early, open Christmas presents with my siblings, then just mess around all day until supper, when we eat some steak or something like that.  I also go to my grandparents' house a couple of days before and visit them, my aunts, uncles, and cousins.

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Just the standard Christmas celebration: Open presents, eat some food, and retreat into my lair. It just occurred to me that my family members will wake me up to begin the festivities. Trust me, that's strange. Up until last year, I literally couldn't sleep AT ALL on Christmas Eve. Last year, I got a pretty decent night's sleep, but this year, I'll be lucky if I'm awake before noon.

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First of all, pretty much everyone wakes up earlier than they otherwise would, because there are gifts to be opened under the tree.

We all thank each other, and then have a big family breakfast with eggs, pancakes, sausages, milk, etc (normal breakfast food).

We then enjoy the rest of the day and just stay at home with some Christmas tunes playing softly in the background.

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Here in Uruguay we do our usual stuff 'til 9 o' clock in the afternoon (it's still evening at that our, maybe dusk), then  the whole family starts gathering somewhere, we have dinner at 11 o' clock, we fire some firecrackers to celebrate and then at exactly midnight everyone goes to the living room to check for the presents.

It usually lasts until 3 o clock and then everyone goes to their respective houses.

Pretty common i think... :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Well I used to set up and decorate a small Christmas Tree with ornaments on Christmas Eve. Then we would go to sleep and I'd find my present on the floor of my bedroom.


Nowadays my family and I just go to Best Buy and purchase whatever products we want and go home. And I got my Christmas present from Black Friday a little while ago.


I just wish my family could celebrate Christmas very traditionally, but there's only so much you could do in an apartment.

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Well, Christmas has not been the same in the last several years. We used to always put up a Christmas tree, and do the fun open presents on Christmas day thing. But out of the last several years, we maybe put up a tree once. It was a very beautiful one, and my favorite one we've ever put up, but that was just once, and a couple of years ago. And presents. I don't know that I've gotten a present on Christmas since 2007. I could be wrong, but I'm not remembering it... I've gotten them early.


But really that's it. My parents are religious, but I suppose not in a ritualistic way. Aside from a few Christmas Eve services we have hardly done anything religious. And I'm glad for that because now it would be very awkward for me.


I just told my parents today I wanted to have Christmas on Christmas... Meaning that if I get any gifts, I want them to be opened on Christmas and be a surprise, just like in the good ol' days. lol. However, I'm not even sure I'm getting any gifts this year, and that's fine if so.

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I celebrate Christmas like anypony else would

Except, we (my family) has this tradition of opening at least one present on Christmas eve.


On Christmas day, we open our presents, then weither go out and do something fun before we eat or we watch movies on Netflix as we are eating


Not a shabby way to celebrate, eh? :3

  • Brohoof 1
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This Christmas like every other Christmas will be like any other for me, a bunch of food and spending time with my relatives. Man, I'm getting tired of the thing but I guess there's no point in whining about it now. Gotta learn to enjoy the thing...

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we don't

but there to many western peoples live here so we go at night and watch theme get drank (We don't drink) and do weird things


you can say we trolling them.


and there no Santa Claus here he will need flying camel :lol:

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I don't celebrate Christmas. Some others in my house do, so I do get presents and we have a Christmas tree up. So it's still kinda like a holiday for me, plus I get school off.

(That awkward moment when you have different religious and political views than your parents)

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I celebrate Christmas by taking long drives past the heavily decorated houses while tuning in to a christmas radio station. It is very nostalgic and peaceful during those drives which always makes me happy.

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