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Zach TheDane

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It just seems like they get angry and yell a lot for some reason, at least the ones I've listened to.


Well like he said, not the right ones. I can tell you from experience that that's not all of them. Have faith.

Edited by Steel Accord
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My Dad is a pastor actually, and yeah he certainly isn't the type to stand up in front of a lot of people and yell at them *shot* Communicating God's word in a loving and caring, but also a clear and unapologetic manor is most important to him.


That being said, I don't see much of an issue with some preachers preaching loudly. Sometimes it just has to do with the voice they have and how they speak. Some people have naturally quiet voices, while others are quite naturally boisterous. That won't be the case for everyone, as yeah typically you don't want a preacher who's angry all the time *shot* but you see what I mean~


One kinda just has to distinguish for themselves. And in the end, what matters most is if the words being spoken are true words, the volume of the voice speaking them likely comes after that in order of importance =P

Edited by FritzyBeat
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I do music sometimes OUO


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Well I would contest it's not the actual volume that is up for question here, it's the manner. "Loud" in this case being synonymous with "harsh." And I would also contest that the words themselves are what count. Anything can sound important with the right level of gravitas and the most powerful words can loose their meaning if they are stuttered or mumbled.


God's Word is one of love, it should not be delivered in an angry shout.

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Well I would contest it's not the actual volume that is up for question here, it's the manner. "Loud" in this case being synonymous with "harsh." And I would also contest that the words themselves are what count. Anything can sound important with the right level of gravitas and the most powerful words can loose their meaning if they are stuttered or mumbled.


God's Word is one of love, it should not be delivered in an angry shout.

Then again, Jesus got angry, God has been angry~ and both have shouted in anger at some point. I don't think anger is really the issue as much as it's intent, and whether it's convayed in the right way for that situation.


It's ok to be angry for the right reasons, the fact that we know Jesus and God have gotten angry themselves shows us that, it's just that they were always angry for the right reasons, and their anger wasn't out of malice towards someone, it was warrented for the situation.


That's why we have to be careful with comments such as "you shouldn't deliver God's word with an angry shout". It's a very absolute statment, and will always come with exceptions.

Edited by FritzyBeat

I do music sometimes OUO


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So, uhm... I have some depressing news.


Being one who goes to a military college, the "corps of cadets" are required to participate in physical training on certain days, with their respective military branches. This evening during physical training time, one of the freshman who was with the Marine branch began to have a seizure and heart issues. EMTs were called out and they brought him to the hospital. Unfortunately, the freshman flatlined before reaching the hospital, and was unable to be brought back.


This is the second death that's occurred while my attendance at my school(of different causes).


Just hoping you guys could pray for him, his class (or BR's if you want to call them), and those affected by it.



Edited by Sudo Krenton
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Then again, Jesus got angry, God has been angry~ and both have shouted in anger at some point. I don't think anger is really the issue as much as it's intent, and whether it's convayed in the right way for that situation.


It's ok to be angry for the right reasons, the fact that we know Jesus and God have gotten angry themselves shows us that, it's just that they were always angry for the right reasons, and their anger wasn't out of malice towards someone, it was warrented for the situation.


That's why we have to be careful with comments such as "you shouldn't deliver God's word with an angry shout". It's a very absolute statment, and will always come with exceptions.


An absolute I intend to uphold. Priests, pastors, and holy men should simply NOT shout at their congregations. If their anger is legitimate, it's not the gathered's fault or crime unless they, to a man, have committed the same immoral act. Looking at the unrepentant sinner in the eye, that's is when God's word should be used in such a vindictive manner, and even then it should be controlled not raging.


@@Sudo Krenton,


I'm so sorry my friend. As one who's been down that road, I can imagine how it feels to loose one of your fellow cadets. Our only loss was a dishonorable discharge which filled me with more disgust than sadness.


I will pray for him.

Edited by Steel Accord
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I'm so sorry my friend. As one who's been down that road, I can imagine how it feels to loose one of your fellow cadets. Our only loss was a dishonorable discharge which filled me with more disgust than sadness.  


I will pray for him.



Yeah, I've had three of my friends kicked out for going against the honor code. One of them swears that he was falsely accused, and the other two turned themselves in(at least they were truthful about that). I was close friends with them... and one of the only friends for one of them, sadly. 


Thanks though. It's greatly appreciated. This whole place has turned it to a depressing place tonight and all the cadet staff and chaplains trying to keep everyone easy.

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@@Sudo Krenton,


Oh trust me, I know exactly how you feel. My own corp. was a collection of shitbags sent there by bad parents thinking the school could "fix" their kids in the wake of their own lack of parental discipline. I was one of the few cadets that actually volunteered to be there and I meant it when I swore upon that honor code. 

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Hello Erri'pony and I just found this little niche of the forum. If ya have any questions 'bout me that ask away. (I am a non-denomination Christian who knows a thing or two about the End Times)


Hullo and welcome! Glad you found us. ^^ 

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An absolute I intend to uphold. Priests, pastors, and holy men should simply NOT shout at their congregations. If their anger is legitimate, it's not the gathered's fault or crime unless they, to a man, have committed the same immoral act. Looking at the unrepentant sinner in the eye, that's is when God's word should be used in such a vindictive manner, and even then it should be controlled not raging.

Yeah, i can agree with that, focusing specifically at Pastors speaking to the congrigation, though i was mostly refering to any person speaking to anyone else in any given situation, not standing in front of the congregation specifically :3


And yes, I agree one definetly shouldn't be overcome with rage, but shouting angrily doesn't always equal rage. That being said, if one were to shout at someone, it would NEED to be out of kindness and a genuine care for the individual, one might still feel anger in said situation, but again, the focus is on helping the person, not just yelling at them cause "rawr I'm angry".


But yeah, I am all for convaying things in a calm kind tone. Personally, I don't yell a whole lot X3



Also, hello Darkhearted Brony~ :3

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I do music sometimes OUO


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So, uhm... I have some depressing news.


Being one who goes to a military college, the "corps of cadets" are required to participate in physical training on certain days, with their respective military branches. This evening during physical training time, one of the freshman who was with the Marine branch began to have a seizure and heart issues. EMTs were called out and they brought him to the hospital. Unfortunately, the freshman flatlined before reaching the hospital, and was unable to be brought back.


This is the second death that's occurred while my attendance at my school(of different causes).


Just hoping you guys could pray for him, his class (or BR's if you want to call them), and those affected by it.




My condolences.


It always pains me to learn about someone's death, even if I didn't know the person. It feels sad and wholly unfair that one's time on this earth was cut short so abruptly... I will be praying for him, and may his soul rest in peace in Eternal Life.



@, @@FritzyBeat, @@SCS, and @@Steel Accord: About pastors or priests yelling while preaching.


It does not really appeal to me those overly energetic and flashy preachings, I just cannot concentrate with them. They also takes the attention away from the Word of God and place on the preacher, thus making the assembly more interested on the preacher than on God Himself. I do understand that in order to keep the speech interesting to hear it is necessary to vary the tone, and at some points you need more energy in your voice. But still, it is important for it to not be exaggerated and noisy.


About yelling to people in any circumstances, we should default to calm but sometimes it is necessary in order to either defend ourselves or some third party This does not go against love, actually love does demand it since it is not loving letting some harm to happen while you can do something about it. This is called "righteous anger", which is when the anger is directed towards some evil action, and not the person who commits it. Some people needs energy in order to listen to reason, but some other people never listen and then sometimes the only way to protect yourself is to cut ties with this person.


In the parts of the gospels in which Jesus got angry, His anger was always righteous. This can come as a shock when someone does not take the full picture into consideration, but if Jesus remained silent He would only be allowing some bad thing to keep happening. Anyways, this attitude is reserved for those who even though they know they are wrong, they still want to keep their wrong ways and adamantly refuse to change. About the sinners who know that they are sinning but honestly want to change, those are met with compassion even when they do not succeed in abandoning sin, as long they have the honest desire to change that is the enough to God work on :).

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"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist;

but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

~ G. K. Chestertonsig-34493.Do4gzZF.png

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I'm checking in to recommend The Church History by Eusebius (specifically Paul L. Maier's translation) for anyone who may be interested in early Christianity. Eusebius may be prone to embellish and quote at length more than is commonly accepted for modern historiographies (the final book of Church History was likely completed in and around 326 CE) -- but he paints a vivid picture of Christianity's growth in the Roman Empire up to the ascension of Constantine. His accounts on the martyrs are especially captivating. Maier's commentary is worthwhile as well.

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Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Does anypony besides me find that other religion thread to be disappointing and depressing at time? Just how numerous those that lack faith are? Not even lack, but also have active disdain for it? I wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't so numerous and was a bit more even.

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Yep. This is the most depressing of the threads I've currently read.


Okay it's not THAT bad! There are people who do post that practice one religion or another, trust me, you weren't around when "anti-theism" was an actually active thread.

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Okay it's not THAT bad! There are people who do post that practice one religion or another, trust me, you weren't around when "anti-theism" was an actually active thread.

I aware, I'm not being offensive, just stating what I'VE SEEN.

NOTE: I've been a member for all of four months. So before you criticize me or anything. Realize who you might be talkin' to.

Not to be rude either. Trust me, we don't want to fly into that storm.

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I aware, I'm not being offensive, just stating what I'VE SEEN.

NOTE: I've been a member for all of four months. So before you criticize me or anything. Realize who you might be talkin' to.

Not to be rude either. Trust me, we don't want to fly into that storm.


Dude, I meant no offense and was trying to be comforting.  :confused:

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