CandyRush 75 March 22, 2013 Share March 22, 2013 This rp is a romance/action. You'll see what I mean once we get into it. Oh and you have to pick a state to come from, and it must be the ponified version. There will be 3 ponies from each state. Art Dream waited over in the Cloudsdale area. She wanted to be in the Alicorn Challenge. She thought that she was good enough to become an alicorn. Even though the advertisement said that you wouldn't become a complete princess, but she still was going to be a princess in training. She the noticed that Princess Luna, Celestia, and Twilight were walking up the balcony. Princess Celestia said," Hello mares and gentlecolts. Today is a day of excitement. We will have an alicorn challenge. Their will be a pretest then some little tests and finally a post test. Whoever gets the highest score becomes a princess or prince in training. There should be 3 ponies from at least every state. We will begin once everypony is here." Art Dream was excited. She sat and waited for all the others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blazin 49 March 24, 2013 Share March 24, 2013 Shade Twister was watching the whole thing from above. He was thinking "An Alicorn challenge, right here in cloudsdale!". He couldn't have been more excited to be one of the 3 ponies representing cloudsdale in the challenge! The only problem was where to go, he had tried to go to sleep the previous night but wasn't used to sleeping during the night. He wanted to be a night Prince so badly, but he didnt know where he needed to go. Desperately he flew for where he thought he saw the princesses were standing by. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CandyRush 75 March 24, 2013 Author Share March 24, 2013 Dream and Shade noticed that Princess Twilight was about to say something. She said," You two Cloudsdale residents follow us. We have to get the rest of the contestants. We will find someone else from Cloudsdale. They are taking too long." Shade and Dream looked at each other and shrugged and followed Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. They arrived at Ponyville and went to Town Hall. They were asked by Luna to put up a sign so people would join in. It said "Alicorn Challenge Join Today We Need One More Cloudsdale Resident Visitors from Different Cities Can Join As Well". They then trotted into the hall and went to the biggest room. They sat and waited for a little while before the next pony came. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blazin 49 March 24, 2013 Share March 24, 2013 Shade, desperately trying to stay awake after a extremely bad day... i mean night's sleep, paces up and down the hall. Dream looks slightly worried and decides to try to make conversation. Although quite quickly shade collapses on the ground and starts snoring loudly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LunaFlower226 38 March 25, 2013 Share March 25, 2013 Luna: I think that it will be a great idea so I will try my best as a pegasus to be a princess . I can't wait to see if I'm able to become a princess I'll try my best to no matter how hard the challenge may be I'll never give up. I wonder what the very first test will be? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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