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whats your passion?


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Warning: a reasonable amount of depressing content. Viewer discretion is advised.


Anyhow, silly non-jokes aside, I think that there is next to nothing that drives me forward these days (or in other words, there are few things I'm passionate about nowadays).

I have dreams that give me hope and inspires me. Some of them are really wild and they are probably never going to be true though, like me getting a pet fox. Of course, as I said, as time passes I'm getting more and more pessimistic about these dreams -- I am starting to doubt that I will ever gain/achieve these dreams of mine... which seriously damages my passion of trying to learn about subject related to my dreams. Also, I had a few hobbies and a quite a few things I liked, but over time they have become... not so enjoyable anymore. I used to sculpt a lot back in the day, but one day I just gave up on sculpting because I saw I was going nowhere and I keep on making horrible sculpts. I even am starting to doubt about my cooking skills. Of course, I'm never going to be, at most, similar to Gordon Ramsay, and I'm not that good now, but.. there is this self-doubt that doesn't allow me to progress (so to speak). Heck, I'm even losing interest in two things that gave me so much joy in the past: ponies and furries. Nowadays I just don't feel so passionate about doing stuff related to those two things. I also liked to program stuff, but as with everything, that passion went away.


Back in the past I was passionate about a lot of things, like foxes, ponies, furries, sculpting, cooking and so on. But nowadays I lost a lot of interest and passion in these things.

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I love video-games... But... My passion is let's playing. I love let's players, and I want to let's play!


Also... Ponies... Ponies motivate me to be a better person, a better friend... I draw them... I write them... I adore them!

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Video games, music, art and ponies.


It's great to play a few hours of your favorite game to unwind. 


Ponies inspired me to get into music and art so I'm taking art classes and piano lessons. Ponies would be my main inspiration next to video games :)

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What keeps my mind fueled up:


2.Pictures (I think really deeply about the pictures I see everyday)

3.Stories, weather it be books, films or fanfics. An interesting tale will keep me thinking for weeks!

4.Going around, anywhere away from home brings the thought of adventure and possibilities to my mind!

5.My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, I used to take so much for granted, the show taught me to appreciate everything in life, good or bad.

Edited by SwigglySwiggly
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My passion is cars and driving. I feel very passionate when it comes to cars. I have had this passion since I was really young, like I feel like I have to know everything about cars, I feel like I have to learn everything that comes to cars. I love everything about cars and seeing a beautiful car just makes me feel really excited, I already want to know everything about that car and try it out. I say driving as it is another passion, but it's the same as my passion for cars. Driving is my favorite thing in the world, I love everything about driving.


I am also passionate when it comes to engines, well again that is the same passion as cars.


I'm also really passionate about ponies, I have just had my passion for cars longer, a lot longer. Like I think I started at such a young age I don't even remember it, I was always around bigger cars when I was young. Trucks, excavators and just big things in general. So it was only natural I became interested in things that were big. Also arctic trucks, although I got to admit I did find it boring at the time. But I still loved the Land Cruiser, really big car.. I started to be more interested in sedans though, a big diesel truck is fun and all, but it really isn't the fastest. Still makes you feel like a total boss, especially if people ask you the fuel consumption, everyone thinks a big diesel truck like the Land Cruiser drinks up fuel.. Let me be the first to tell you, that it doesn't at all (the older did). Ha, the newer models can have the fuel consumption of 7.5 l/100 km and up to a steady 9 l/100 km. It's nothing considering these cars are over two tons and they have 3.0L turbo diesel engine. Other then most cars, the land cruiser handles like it looks, if you want to take it off-road, no problem. So next time you're thinking about buying a small sedan with the fuel consumption around 9L, let's just say it's a 2.0L, you can easily get a truck that has similar fuel consumption. Although some of the older ones do have problems, so they do start do drink the fuel. They are also expensive to maintain, so maybe it's better to go for the 2L sedan.


Still I'm interested in all types of cars from a small hatchback up to a big army truck. If it has wheels and an engine I'm interested. Although I'm not so interested in the 1L cars, it's just that I don't understand how an engine can be that small and not just die. I have driven one and it had the worst driving pleasure ever and I enjoy driving almost everything, 1.2L (so slow) is decent but a real car does not have a smaller engine then 1.4L - 1.6 L engines, depending on how much power they get out of them. It also depends on how they deliver that power. 2.0L and above is when you get to the real deal. (Not to mention superchargers, turbochargers and prochargers).

Cars are just very fun and I really like them. I do have a passion for video games too, but it's nothing campared to my passion for cars. I also do have passion for music, but again it's car related since I like bass. I'm not sure I do anything that's not car related except ponies.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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My passion it to help people. 


I like to see people happy, safe, and going after their dreams. 

It's why I'm studying law to help defend people's rights. I want to help protect people by insuring that laws are just and that the judical system functions the way it is needed to function. 


I also have a passion for telling stories. 

Creating worlds full of characters, giving the lives, hope, dreams, I love it all. 

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My passion..


it is to understand the minds of people, the how and the why behind actions and the motivations that can inspire people to do great things, or steer them away to contently sit in the level of mediocrity.


I would guess another passion of mine is music, and writing. Though writing is more of a love/hate relationship, I have avoided it for some time now. 


I like to create, and understand things. I think those are my two greatest passions

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I never really thought about it but I would have to say my mane source of inspiration and the source of my passion would be music which I guess was more obvious than i realized considering what my profile page says heh. I am also a huge gamer mainly the final fantasy series i've played 1-12 (not 11 though) and my fave out of them are 6-10, why am I mention this? because gaming is my secondary passion and my other source of inspiration.


To ramble on a bit I would like to mention that one of my favorite instruments are the piano and the violin, the reason behind my liking them is a mystery even to myself, something about them just draws me in :) as for my favorite type of music;

classical, techno, trance, electronica, dubstep, classical remixs, etc.


I am also passionate about my dream of becoming a DJ, I want to create musical beats that no pony will be able to resist dancing to ^_^


okay I rambled on waaay to much so thats all for now hehe ^_^


ps. I looove this site and everypony here is soo awesomely stellar :D

Edited by DJ Requiem
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Video games and game design in general. For me video games, are to me what many people find in other formes of art! It always makes me very happy to play a video game! And i really want to become a very good game designer one day, because that  is my dream! And it is very good for a person to follow his or her dream(s)!

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I never really thought about it but I would have to say my mane source of inspiration and the source of my passion would be music which I guess was more obvious than i realized considering what my profile page says heh. I am also a huge gamer mainly the final fantasy series i've played 1-12 (not 11 though) and my fave out of them are 6-10, why am I mention this? because gaming is my secondary passion and my other source of inspiration.

To ramble on a bit I would like to mention that one of my favorite instruments are the piano and the violin, the reason behind my liking them is a mystery even to myself, something about them just draws me in :) as for my favorite type of music;

classical, techno, trance, electronica, dubstep, classical remixs, etc.

I am also passionate about my dream of becoming a DJ, I want to create musical beats that no pony will be able to resist dancing to ^_^

okay I rambled on waaay to much so thats all for now hehe ^_^

ps. I looove this site and everypony here is soo awesomely stellar :D

the only words to describe your post would be passionate. That's great. I don't care if you ramble, in fact, I love it when people get passionate about something. So ramble on if its about your passion, thats what this threads all about!
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well, the things that make me feel best, and help me when im down or anything are

drawing, making music, writing, freedome and feeling like im loved

sadly it help only if im expiriancing 3 of those, and i cant do 2 things at the same time, so freedom and feeling loved are neccesary

Edited by hana
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What drives you, motivates you, keeps you happy and makes you think? What feeds your inspiration, helps you when your lost and lifts you up when your feeling down? I'm not talking about loved ones, I'm asking you guys, what are your passions? My passion is videogames, how about you guys? Name something your passionate about!

There some many things like poines,weapons, swords, watching youtube, all kinds of stuff. But my passion woild be  animals, weapons, and the right to have weapons

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  • 6 years later...

Working on my truck is my biggest passion and hobby....really just 2nd gen Dodge trucks in general are really what make my heart flutter. :wub: Oh, and horses. In fact my passion for horses is so big that it has driven me to pursue a career in the horse industry in Kentucky. 

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My passion is to animate things, man, can you imagine? Giving life to a simple draw? I feel like God making the animations, deciding the destiny of the characters, and is a world made by me only, that's why i want to make my animations perfect and refreshing, my animated world is a world that i cannot be criticized or trolled or even banned, right now i have a huge proyect that will take me few years but it seems like nothing with all the joy i have doing this!

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Animals are my passion. I have always been a big animal lover and I went to a school dedicated to teaching the care for them medically. Not only do I enjoy caring for them when ill/injured but also working with them in general. Animals just make me happy and I love seeing them happy.

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Video games would be my passion, as they have been one of the things which has managed to keep me sane after all these years.

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My passion is art and creativity. I also love learning new things and becoming the best I can be when applying them in my life. I have my hobbies (Star Wars, Disney, etc) and I make them a major fixture of my life. Travel is another big one; new experiences are the best thing in the world.  

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Fictional Characters I like specially my waifus (Include ponies) and superheroes and Spyro & Sparx




British landmarks and things, Being British, English, Yorkshireman, Part Cornishman

Japanese landmarks & things

American landmarks I like


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I'm pretty passionate about environmentalism, that's why I chose to study environmental science because I'd like to be apart of Australia's movement to a 100% renewables future. Reaching a 100% renewable energy future is necessary and completely possible (in Australia at least). I hope in the future that I'll be working on the policies and innovations that lead to this goal.

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