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Select three ponies to define your personality


Select three ponies to define your personality  

208 users have voted

  1. 1. what pony you feel more identified?

    • Fluttershy
    • Twilight
    • Applejack
    • Rarity
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Derpy Hooves
    • Luna/NMM
    • Celestia
    • Other Pony

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Hi everypony! you choose three ponies to define your personality by percentage, i'll start


I am:


-40% like Fluttershy because i understand animals than humans and like fluttershy. i name myself quietly with new people i met



-30% like Rarity because i feel creative with my designs and i never end them until i like them



-30% like Twilight because i read sometimes and im interested in everithing


EDIT: i made a poll! lets see what pony represent the most of our personality!

Edited by Balareth
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  • 75% Rarity because of my generosity, gentleman like actions, and self respect to me and others.
  • 15% Twilight because of how smart I can be as well as dedicated.
  • 10% Rainbow Dash because of my slight competitive streak as well as liking to do everything fast.
  • Brohoof 3
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I'd say I'm...


50% Twilight - I love reading and writing and I've always thought of myself as a bit of the nerdy one of the bunch (kinda like her :D)


40% Pinkie - I love being happy and having fun! But like Pinkie I have that inner rage and insecurities just like everyone else.


10% Rarity - I'm normally a reasonably generous person and I like to do nice things for people!

Edited by NocturnalRainbow
  • Brohoof 1


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Let's see...


I would say I'm one third Fluttershy, as I am socially reserved, and shy just like her. She seems to have social anxiety, which I think I have a little bit too.


I'm one third Twilight, since I'm really nerdy when it comes to things I like. I like to read, and I am pretty awkward too.


Finally, I'm one third Rarity since I like to be clean, and I try to be generous.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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  • Twilight Sparkle - 50% - I tend to enjoy reading, I've been called intelligent, purple is best color, and I'm pretty OCD about cleanliness. 
  • Rarity - 30% -  I tend to be very organized, I'm pretty creative, I hate getting messy, and I enjoy fashion.
  • Fluttershy - 20% - I'm extremely shy and reserved. I also enjoy most animals.

I think that sums it all up. 

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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30% Twilight: I have a lot of smarts and I've gotten used to analyzing scientific works and using critical thinking to them.

50% Pinkie Pie: Lots of my friends say I'm a stiff. You can see that in how Pinkie doesn't really see how people react to her jokes and the like. I'm also very eccentric and can be very raucous at times. Plus, I'm a HUGE musician like Pinkie Pie.

10% Applejack: I'm a hard worker, and it shows in my work ethic.

10% Fluttershy: I can be shy when it comes to meeting strangers, but once I find that they're friendly, I'll be fine.

  • Brohoof 1
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Personality by percentage? hmm...


70% Fluttershy - There is no denying it. I can identify with that character so much it's unreal. Similar personalities, immense love for all my pets, even some of my own life experiences I've seen reflected in that character.


20% Applejack - While I'm pretty educated, love technology and hardly the country type, I am a really hard worker and someone you can easily talk to. In fact, it annoys me when my coworkers don't have the same sort of attitude when I want to get something done.


10% Twilight Sparkle - Mainly because I'm also a book worm and a bit of a geek :P

Edited by Celtore
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I would be:


40% Rainbow Dash: I enjoy challenging myself when it involves physical fitness.


35% Applejack: I have a strong work ethic.


25% Rarity: I tend to act like a perfectionist and give myself high performance standards.

  • Brohoof 1
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37% Applejack because I act dependable but can be stubborn too, and have a hard time accepting help from others.


38% Rarity because I'm generally an artsy person.


25% Pinkie Pie / Pinkemena because I can most of my joy from the joy I bring to others. I also have an insane side :blink: .


I also hate telling lies and pretty generous but I don't feel like those tack on to a specific character. The mane six are all pretty generous and honest.

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Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle.


Fluttershy, because I care a lot about kindness and defending friends, as well as being really really shy IRL, Pinkie Pie, because I love comedy and also have a darker depressed side, and Twilight Sparkle because I am a huge nerd and love doing nerdy things, as well as being socially awkward as her.

  • Brohoof 1
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75% Twilight: I share a lot of characters with Twi. Intelligent. Bookish. Nerdy. Curious. Scientific. Likes to learn.


20% Fluttershy: I am usually shy around others that aren't my close friends and can be quiet and outspoken at times.


5% Pinkie Pie: You don't wanna know...

  • Brohoof 1
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70% twighlight sparkle because of my useless knowledge about how to beat video games, and my machinima skills.

25% rarity because im somewhat a perfectionist

5% pinkie pie because i tend to have too much fun at parties..but i rarely get invited so yeah :/

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50% Applejack: I am not perfect but do have a strong sense of right and wrong, a fairly hard worker. Family is very important to me and I can often be very stubborn and set in my ways.


35% Twilight Sparkle: I have an inquisitive mind and love of knowledge and learning and a fairly strong inner nerd. I also once had trouble making friends and often related more to my teachers than my fellow students.


15% Rainbow Dash: Most of what I can say I have in common with Rainbow Dash can just as easily be attributed to Applejack like my athletic side for example though I am not nearly as competitive except for maybe with myself.

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50% Pinkie Pie - I'm crazy, energetic, and in my trio of friends I'm the comic relief (The one who is always made fun of).


25% Berry punch - I love wine. Don't you dare judge me.


25% The barking patient in Read it and Weep - I talk to myself all the time, and get this, I have inside jokes with myself.

  • Brohoof 3

Half insane! Half jokester! All brony!

My main OC: Jack Spades

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Hmm, let's give it a whack.

  • 65% Fluttershy - Pretty obvious, I am shy.. Very shy.. Unbelievably shy.. In fact, my social anxiety even makes me feel nauseous and  throw up at times.
  • 20% Apple Bloom - I'm still not incredibly sure what I want to do with my life, and my search for career paths is kinda similar to Apple Bloom's search for her special talent.
  • 15% Twilight Sparkle - I'm a huge Geek and am rather obsessive.. Just replace books with video games, guitar, or drums and there you go.

I wish I could put Pinkie on here as she's like who I want to be, but alas.. 65% of me says 'No!' :okiedokielokie:

  • Brohoof 1

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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50% Rainbow Dash, I give my 110% effort in sports and try to out do people.

30% Pinkie Pie, People don't under stand what I say some times and have a bright presonality

20% Rarity, I take forever to make up my mine about my clothse and come up with creative ideas.


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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Rarity: Nope, I don't care about how I look and I,m far from being her.

Pinkie: I'm not very sociable and dislike parties.

Applejack: Not like her, and I don't like physical work anyway.

Fluttershy: I don't like animals, but I'm quiet

Rainbow Dash: I hate bragging, and I sit on a chair all day long.




Twilight: 95%

Fluttershy: 4%

and 1% derp.

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50% Twilight Sparkle: because I like research and become easily sucked into whatever new experience that interests me, plus I'm anti-social but try my darnest to do right by my friends.


30% Fluttershy: because I'm emotionally insecure and get upset with myself for being a failure very often.


20% Lyra Heartstrings: because I like having an easy-going, care-free lifestyle, but that often comes into conflict with the other half of my personality, so that's why Lyra is only 20% like me.



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70 Percent Trixie - I came to terms with this side of me a long time ago. I'm a bit of a show off trying to put on some big magnificent act in my life to make people happy or the other way around. I'm really arrogant at times and find myself making unsupported claims about myself.


20 Percent Twilight Sparkle - I'm a smart guy though when I'm not being a show-off. A really deep thinker when I get the chance and a skeptic too.


10 Percent Pinkie Pie - In the end of the day, I like a good laugh and a smile though. 

Edited by MichaelxXxTrixie
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Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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50% Twilight: I can relate to Twilight a lot, as I get caught up in things easily. I read often as well, and I would react similar to how Twilight reacts in many moments in the show.


30% Applejack: I can be very stubborn, yet I try to be honest and I do love being with my family.


20% cooler Rainbow Dash: Mostly because of her athleticism, but I like to challenge myself as well. 


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70% Luna - I let nothing get in my way, but I seek friends. I also love the darkness.


20% Dash - Cool gal to hang out with, and I'm more of a Tom-boy


10% Fluttershy - Sometimes I get a little shy when I want to do something that relates to performing.



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Okay lets do diss!


I would be like


50% Rainbow Dash cuz shes cool

30% Pinkie cuz were both crazy

19% Twilight cuz she reads EVERYTHING.

1% Spike cuz hes a boy. WAIT A SEC, hes a GIRL!?!?!?!?! NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Brohoof 1


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