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Favorite superhero & villain...?



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After re-watching many Marvel films, and going over some other superhero films, I have concluded that my favorite superheroes are Iron Man (killer personality - he has a heart, too!) and Batman.


Favorite villain would have to be Arkham Asylum Riddler and Joker... also Loki. 'Cause Loki's a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of The Avengers.

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My heroes would be Yoshi, Luigi, and Rundas from Metroid Prime 3 Corruption.


For antagonist Discord for being awesome, and Scar from FMA because he's cool.

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  • Brohoof 1



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  • 1 month later...

I would say Rorschach from Watchmen for sure... By far my favorite "hero" lol after that?....hmmm....Captain Marvel or something.. I dunno haha

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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I have always been a huge Batman fan, but I have really started to take a liking to Rorschach from Watchmen :3


I'm currently reading the Before Watchmen series and it has rekindled my love for the series <3


Just look at this Badass :3


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SPEAKING OF WHICH! I'm currently working on a Rorschach Cosplay :3


I own one of the moving masks and everything!


I own model 1:




I like a LOT of them but Rorschach is probably my favourite. I also really like Osterman and V. And Death (from the Sandman series.)

But Rorschach is awesome possum. I love Watchmen so much, it's an AMAZING book, as is V for Vendetta.

ANYWAYS. Thoughts? Who are your favourites?


You read the Before Watchmen series yet? It's really good :3


So far I own the Comedian Issues #1 and #2, and Night Owl #1 and #2.


I'm looking for Rorschach issue #1, but it's sold out everywhere D: Sometimes I think he's too damn popular lol

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My favorite super hero is Wolverine from the X-men... He is just so badass it's not even funny. Plus he has those awesome claws. (Yeah... They seem like they would hurt when they come out...)


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Deadpool, Spiderman, and Magneto.

I also really like Hulk. Some of his feats are just so over-the-top I had to love him. Anybody who can jump into space, survive, and destroy a nearby planet with the shockwaves from tackling someone is amazing in my book.

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For as long as I can remember, it's been Superman (I'm wearing a Superman t-shirt right now)...but The Flash is very close behind.


I only got into Flash a year or two ago, but he's got (I think) the greatest lineup of villains in comics. I know his powers aren't very exciting to a lot of people (er...he can run fast), but I've really been enjoying the stories and characters.


I read a lot more DC than Marvel, but I've been a fan of Spidey and Cap for a long time...and I've grown to like Deadpool over the past few years

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Deadpool will forever be my favorite superhero...


But if I had to pick another one, it would probably be Adam West's portrayal of Batman, just for the sheer corniness of it all.

Always off-topic and always derailing.

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ok this is a very tough choic for me so ill start with the Honorable mentions


Wolverine: i have never been a fan of him because like batman he is a very ctrl C +V character up until the Old man Logan side series started which is basically 80 years into the future and is just a great comic that i recommend reading (i think there on you tube if you look)


Spiderman : i prefer the 616 and the avenging spider man over ultimate and his mention here is a given he was to first superhero i got into and started it all for me with the animated series (i recommend people read the death of Spiderman,( there is a motion comic on youtube)


Batman (not Noland's) : again i have to give thanks to the animeted series but more recenly Batman has degraded... does anyone remeber the Batman is the ultimate detective, not a symbol i like my batmen to be as far away as nolands as possible ( i recomend people read batman Earth One its a great comic ) but i'm starting to like Nightwing more now days


All new Spider man - this is basically just ultimate series and he has only had 13 issues but there all so good, the new Spider man is a kid called Mile Morales and he got bit by a completely different spider berfore the death of Spiderman but he then began to become a super hero after (seriously if yo are interested try to find all the issues the all great )


now i do have more but i'll just give names HitGirl, DareDevil, the Punisher, Agent Venom, Captain America, Sentry (the most op superhero ever) and some more but lets get to my favorite



I love Aquaman and will defend that to the death.

now the reason i love him so much is basically how he has been written for the past fiver years as well as the fact that he has the best comics in the new 52 because before then he suffered the same as Batman before Tim Burton came along.

also i get tired of all the Aquaman joke so i'll make these points

Aquaman can go 3 week with out water and can rip it out of people and because of the fact the he can survive at the very bottom of the ocean with all that pressure coming onto him and he can still move so fast so think how powerful he should be above water and how he can go toe to toe with superman and win.

and now i'm rambling





I would say Rorschach from Watchmen for sure... By far my favorite "hero" lol after that?....hmmm....Captain Marvel or something.. I dunno haha


hhmm just wondering which Captain Marvel are you talking about because DC lost the name and that character is now called Shazzam or the new one from Marvel comics where its just Miss Marvel taking the name Captain

because iv never seen the interest of Shazzam until recently when they made him a 10 year old kid how become the super hero , but the New Captain Marvel tho... that comic has had a great start with its first 2 issues and i highly recommend them

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Batman is smart, strong, sexy, determined, billionaire, unstoppable, uncorruptible and unmatched.


He is the prime exemple of what a man with a goal and an iron will can become. He is not like all these shit heads super heroes who got their powers by pure luck or because they come from another planet. While all these trashes parades in their bling bling costumes, their invincibility and their god like power, Batman only use his human body and mind while staying in the shadows to overcome his opponents.


I always compare Batman with superman. One has no charisma, is a fucking joke "oh oh, I'll invent a new power for that MOFO since it's been 10 page he didn't do something who will never be used again" and has a shitty "real life" and the other one has so much presence and charisma while being a billionaire in his real life and having "being Batman" for only super power.



I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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My favorite superhero is none other than MARIO! Posted ImageHe doesn't have to be from a comic book, so why not put him in? His games are fun, he's an enjoyable character, and he is just fun. What about super powers? He uses POWER UPS! Fire flowers, mushrooms, and the star! Posted Image Edited by DJ PINK-3

I'm a Y2K Survivor™ 


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  • 5 months later...

Iron man is where it is at. His gadgets are bad to the bone, and he is just father up than batman because of his awesome looking suit and ability to fly without some unnatural ability. Though I well give credit to batman, he is too a ba superhero.

Edited by Retro✮Derpy


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My favourite super hero would have to be... Roboroach, because the heck with the standard marval/DC choices!


His ability to transform have helped his town numerous times, but he chooses to continue to live the empoverished life he lived before gaining his powers. Roboroach is consistently offered money, yet he always denies it to his brother's dismay.


Roboroach is certainly not invincible and he is about as bumbling as inspector gadget, but his modesty, morale and desire to do good push him up to favourite status.

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My favorites are the traditional top 3- Superman, batman, and Spiderman.


Superman gets a lot of flak these days for basically being a Mary Sue.  But a Superman story, when well written, really strikes a chord in me that ways others can't.  There's something so epic and mythological about his story- of course it echoes a lot of the themes explored by joseph Campbell (Especially the first two Christopher Reeve movies). 


Batman- if anyone needs to know what makes Batman so incredible i direct them to the Dark Knight trilogy.


and Spidey- if Superman is Greek Myth, then Spider-man is Greek Tragedy.  I particularly like Silver Age Spidey- there are tragic moments, to be sure, but it's not bogged down in the drama.


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I like Batman...the second one. Yeah, I've always liked the second Batman (Terry Mcginnis) better. The design of the bat suit was awesome, and his personality was easily likable.


Nevertheless, I've always been a Batman fan.

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  • 3 months later...

Title is pretty self explanatory, whose your favorite superhero and villain.


mine are:


Villain: Harley Quinn- I don't really know why,but I have many comics shes in and I like her in Arkham city and asylum 


Hero: Swamp Thing- I like his design and hes got some great comics


Can be from anything I just put it in books Cos comics

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Can't really pick just one:


Heroes: Batman, Captain America, Superman, Aquaman, Darkwing Duck (he had a comic, he counts!).


Villains: Joker, Ozymandias, Scarecrow, Two-Face (ironically though, I'm half-and-half on him :derp: ).

  • Brohoof 2


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Favorites:  Superman, Batman, Spider-man. 


Yeah, cliches, but they're such big icons with such powerful stories behind them that are capable of moving me so much.  Even the "unrelateable" Superman- his story is straight out of Joseph Campbell's Hero of a Thousand Faces.  You see the Superman origin, you know you're in for something mythic and epic.  That's what the best superman stories are. 


Favorite villain:  The Joker.  The perfect antithesis of Batman.  While Batman is a grim and brooding but ultimately good man who uses the iconography of darkness to instill fear in criminals, Joker is a brightly colored and eccentric psycopathic monster who dresses up in bright purple and green clothing and has the face of a clown.  It's the ultimate battle of Order vs. Chaos, the Unstoppable Force vs. the Immovable Object.  Joker is always trying to push Batman to his limits, make him question himself, but Batman *never* budges.  I love that dynamic. 


Heath Ledger's Joker, the definitive version, IMO, summed it up perfectly:


"I don't want to "kill you"!  What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers?  No.. no... no.  No.  You... complete... me."


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If "anti-heroes" count, then mine would be Spawn. He is such a bad ass, and I love his dark theme. For a "superhero" I would have to guess...Iron man. I like how he has no powers, but forged them with his mind, and wealth.


For villain...this is very hard..I have a few that I feel are worth mentioning.


Suigintou (Rozen Maiden): She's the first main villain in the series. She is a magical doll who was still in development while as her creator died making her. Being an incomplete doll; she seeks to murder her sisters to become a complete doll. She isn't the most evil, but she is a very sad, and emotional (despite being cold for the most part) character who we can all relate to in some way. 


The next one contains spoilers, so if you are watching Madoka Magica; you've been warned.


Kyubey (Madoka Magica): This has to be the most evil, and adorable character I've ever seen. He plays the role of a contractor, looking to recruit young girls for his doing. Which is to become "Magical Girls" to fight "Witches". He baits them into singing such contracts by granting their wish. Once they accept, they take the role to slay said witches until they become the witches themselves. It's an endless circle of meaningless killing.


This leads him to be ultimately deceiving. The worst part about it is he feels there is nothing wrong with it. He sets his eyes on innocent girls to turn into monsters, being most Interested in Madoka; she could be the most powerful witch created. Pure evil in the form of cute.



Oh, and Frezia, who committed genocide, and enslaved planets for no other reason because he could.

Edited by Hayze


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For heroes, I definitely like Spider-man. Outside of comics though, I like Danny Phantom. 

For villains, my favorite is Vandal Savage. Intelligence, class and immortality? I think that's very interesting.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Batman and the joker (as long as he's voiced by Mark Hamel) I don't think I need to explain as its pretty obvious why. Mind you though Harley Quinns a runner up.

  • Brohoof 1

Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain.

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