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open Zombie Survival RP


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Missy put the needle and thread down.

"Look, I don't know what your connection to him is, I can tell you're close on some level, but the bandages are only a temporary fix, the wound won't be able to heal properly unless we do something..." Missy said. "But okay, if you think it's best to wait... then I can't really argue, can I?"

Edited by The Ponyville Critic
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Broken tilts his head. "A healing spell would work better, would it not?"


Now that she mentions it, he did underestimate the damage Flame had sustained before... perhaps he was too used to the efficiency the Diarchy displayed in its medical practices.

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"Healing spells are for high-level unicorns, alicorns maybe... but I can't even begin to comprehend a spelll of that magnitude, even if I tried, I couldn't heal a wound as bad as this one." Missy looked around. "This isn't optional, if not now, then later... it has to be done some time."

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Broken closes his eyes and sighs, "Very well. Do what you must, I cannot guarantee that you will not receive a hoof in your face for your troubles, however..."


Broken hears quiet hoofsteps outside and freezes up.


"There is somepony outside. Unknown number. Unknown alignment. We do not have time for this. Remain here and take care of Flame..."

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Thunder walked flank-to-flank with Warfluttershy.


"Should we split up as soon as we enter?" He asked. "Or stick together as a group?" His ears fuzzy black ears swivled around, searching for threats.


"Everypony stay at attention. No injuries, understood?" He said.

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Thunder nods, his muscles tense. He tries to quiet his hooves on the tile floor.


A movment caught his eye.


"Meatbag, 8:00" he said to Warflutters. He branched off widening his protection of the others. He and Warflutters could take this one.


He redied his hooves.

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Broken silently jumps to his hooves and listens to the sounds in the store. He ignores the mares and the two children for the slight sounds of approaching hooves. They aren't shuffling- not corpses. They are tentative- they are discovered. They are more than one- Broken cannot risk an ambush.


He starts to walk down the aisle back toward the tents that the filly came from and presumably her mare caretakers came from. He hates not being able to fly, but at least his frozen wings will act as front and side armor.

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"Okay, it's okay... you learned this in first aid... there's nothing to worry about, it's just a simple wound. Missy levitated the bandages off, realising the bleeding had stopped. "Good, it's not bleeding as much, this should make it easier." She picked up the needle and thread. "Don't freak out..." Missy started work on the wound, putting the needle through his skin for the first time.

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Thunder sees the movment again, heading twards the tents.


"Wait" he whispers "I don't think its a zom."


He peers through the darkness, but he doesn't see it anymore.


"Warfluttershy" he says softly. "I think there is a live pony in here." He nods in the direction he saw the movment. "We need to investigate."

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@WarFluttershy @SkyHearts

Dust whispers in War's ear:"You sure we want more survivors? We nearly have enough supplies ourself" Dust walks towards Thunder:"Sorry i have been so quite,i was thinking if this would end someday" Dust takes her axe out:"In case off emetgency"

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Thunder stepped next to Warfluttershy. He kept on alert.


"No, that's good" he said to Dust "never know when a threat will apeare"


He waited for a response to the pony in the shadows. This could either go well, or turn sour, very quickly. He prepared himself, but hoped for option one.

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I woke up and suddenly noticed that Missy was putting a needle in his leg. "ouch... wait a second... where did Broken go!?" I tense up looking around for Broken. I stay still because i'd rather not have a needle stuck inside my leg.


(OOC: Just got home from school lol... perfect timing... kinda...)

  • Brohoof 1
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"Broken... went to check a sound that he heard, other ponies, could be hostile, and you need to not move, it's going to hurt a little, but this is the only way the wound will actually heal properly..." Missy continued with her work, the first time she did this it was just on a practice dummy, this was a real situation though.

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Broken assesses the new ponies that enter the store. At least one warpony- a pegasus, one pony that looks like a civilian- another pegasus. Broken ruthlessly crushes the feelings of jealousy he feels that they have working organic wings. He spends a few precious moments considering how to address the newcomers before giving the equivalent of a mental shrug and continuing with his usual, blunt declaratives.


"Greetings. Identify yourselves." He shifts slightly to aim his weapon wing at the warpony. He is counting on his observations of this worlds technology that his slug thrower will be effective against armored enemies.

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Thunder spreads his wings, his spikey pink hair glinting in the dim light, his black coat blending him into the shadows.


"Wow, there, terminator!" He said "we're on YOUR side. If you had'nt noticed, we're ALIVE!"


He stepped forward, showing that he wasn't afraid.

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"Oh... Okay i guess... I hope he'll be ok." I started to feel somewhat weird. "hey... what are you putting in me anyways? My leg hurts really bad..." I start poking everything with my wings just to amuse myself. "This is sooooo boring... when can I move?"


(filler filler filler)

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"I am WarFluttershy..." i start off, "and you are?" i notice the mechanical wings also the revolver mounted on one, and i wonder why some one would have something like those on them. 'Must of been painful' i thought to my self and look at the group to drop out their weapons down in good faith. "We are not hostile unless you proceed your self as hostile to us" i calmly say to the mecanical wing pony.


((Everyone is a ninja to me... i'm using my tablet btw..,))

Edited by WarFluttershy
  • Brohoof 1
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Broken nods. "As you can see, I am unable to... lower... my armament. I am Broken."


Broken hears Arial Flame's complaints from the back of the aisle but slams down his warpony mask to hide an involuntary smile.


"It is good to know that there are more ponies in this world than simple corpses."


(OOC: Flame is carrying the revolver. Broken is carrying the sporting rifle.)

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"I'm suturing the wound, don't worry, it'll be done soon, we don't have any painkilling medication, so you won't be walking anywhere on four legs any time soon if you want this to heal." Missy said. "And stay still..." And just like that, a pull of the needle and the cut was closed, Missy then worked to bandage the newly stitched cut, and done. "There, done!" She said, slightly proud of herself.

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"Thank you!" I start to try to walk but I can only limp. Putting weight on on my leg hurts really bad. "uhhh... whatever i'll... fly!" I get into the air and just wait there. Doing nothing. bored. "What can i do? I'm really bored..." I just fly around the room. "At least I can fly... kinda... im not too good at it."

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"You have a colt back there?" I ask wondering. And then turn to see @@Twinkfeather missing. "Hey... where did he go" refuring to (twink's character) i look for him in the group, then sigh as i don't see him.


(Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filer filler)


((Occ: where is @ and the others? Other than skyheart and glorious.))

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"uh... Hello?" I was confused by everything suddenly turning silent. "is anypony still... alive?" I just flew around the room like nothing was happening. the silence was awquard though.


(filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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