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Would Rarity And Rainbow Dash Respect/Like You As A Friend Or Even More?


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In real life some girls or even guys would judge people negatively and look down upon people who might be shy or just dont have the qualities that they are looking for in a friend while not looking at the postives.


Why there are a lot of people like this, I must also say that I have met a lot of people who seem very judgemental, but who are actually very interested in people with different views on life. As a matter of fact, most judgemental people I know eventually started asking questions, and by simply answering them, they lightened up quite a bit..


I also think this has something to do with age and life experience. Adults tend to try harder to understand other people then teenagers do, in general. 

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Why there are a lot of people like this, I must also say that I have met a lot of people who seem very judgemental, but who are actually very interested in people with different views on life. As a matter of fact, most judgemental people I know eventually started asking questions, and by simply answering them, they lightened up quite a bit..


I also think this has something to do with age and life experience. Adults tend to try harder to understand other people then teenagers do, in general. 


I have met people like this as well.

Edited by GXPBlast
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However, RainbowDash wouldn't like me because I hate her.

Well of course she would not like you if you have dislike her on the first place before you even meet. What I mean if somebody likes her back but just is not super athletic and very outspoken like her would she like the person/pony back despite some traits that are lacking. Edited by GXPBlast
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They would like me as a friend, for them to like me even more our relationship would have to grow and flourish from its original foundation. So, there's your answer.

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 I made friends in my life was surprisingly they just walked up and said let's be friends which is random. :o

I have met some great people that way too. They did not say "lets be friends" that bluntly but eventually we became friends when we had an awesome conversations about intereting stuff such as mutual interests. This happened a bunch in college for me when we had class together.

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*Sees Rarity-related topic*


*Finds @ghostfacekiller39's already made post*




Between Rarity and Dashie? I would prefer Rarity to be my friend. ^^



My heart belongs to Twilight Sparkle, the true high king of Skyrim!


Wait, what?

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We'll I ain't into sports (except for really wierd ones I can't remember the names to :derp: ) so no befriending rainbow dash and I am also a kinda where whatever is comfy also so I not very positive for rarity

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We'll I ain't into sports (except for really wierd ones I can't remember the names to :derp: ) so no befriending rainbow dash and I am also a kinda where whatever is comfy also so I not very positive for rarity



Would not having interest in sports, being super assertive, overly confident, or being obsessed with fashion be a reason for them refusing to befriend you?


Remember all of the mane 6 have different interests yet they are best friends.


So if you really wanted to befriend them and were were kind of shy or just did not have the same interests as them cause both to refuse befriending you or look down upon you?


Or would they look at the other positive traits you have as a person/pony (depending which universe you are in) and like you for who you are?

Edited by GXPBlast
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I would gladly be Rarity's ugliest fashion model lol.  I could benefit from her expertise, I'm sure.  Perhaps, optimistically, that would be my "in" to a friendship with her.  I'm very fond of Rainbow Dash.  Maybe so much so that I'd annoy the heck out of her.  Or I'd be too intimidated / busy swooning to even approach and befriend her.  I'm not even an approacher of non-pony ladies, so how does one talk to Rainbow Dash!??!  A lovely blue lady that FLIES.  I don't know how fast I am (not something I've pondered long xD), but I can speed run the hay out of a stage in Super Mario Bros.  Would Dashie be a gamer????

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I suppose on honest introspection I would probably get along with them ok. But i can see problems.


I'm snarky and sometimes short tempered, especially if I'm absorbed in work or something of interest. Plus, if pushed to it, I can be an absolute smart ass, though I have worked on that a lot over my life. Not to mention, I just come off weird under certain situations.


For example, I was on break and was trying to watch the last episode on my phone out behind the restaurant by the dumpster. Right in the middle of the show two of my co-workers had the unbelievable audacity  happened to choose that moment to pop out the door looking for me.


One asked, "Hey, can you show X that dark humor video.."


And before she even finished her sentence I snapped my head up with a wide eyes stare, that judging by her expression, probably gave her the impression of the way a tiger would look if you suddenly popped out of thin air in front of it. I tried to disarm her apprehension with a smile, but it came out as a wide face splitting grin, which accompanied with my eyes that had yet to narrow down in size, probably only added to her growing discomfort.


"I'm in the middle of something. Later," I shortly said to her, my face still not having changed expression.


After this, my co-workers both crept back through the door...Now you can imagine how one with mannerisms like mine would make an impression on ponies. I wouldn't matter which pony it would be. I would be cordial and nice in the beginning, but after a long term acquaintanceship with any of them, sooner or later, one of them is going to bug the living shit out of me, pop in at the wrong time, and I'm gonna snap. Worst case scenario, I'm gonna bite a head off.


I can see this happening a myriad of ways.




R: *sees me in drab clothing* Oh no no no! Those simply won't do! I think I have just the thing at the boutique for...


K: I like my clothes.


R: Um, well, I'm not saying they're...bad...however, why settle for...that, when you can be-


K: I like my clothes.


R: ...well, you said that already, darling, but I promise you'll love what I ha-


K: I like my clothes.


[it goes on like this for however many times it takes]


R: Um...


K: *gives neutral 1000 mile stare that leaves no room for debate*


R: Oh, heh, well would you look at the time! *flees*


Rainbow Dash


RD: *flies through window of my house* Hey Kel! Wanna see somethi-


K: *stares*


RD: ...um. *stares wide eyed, realizing she flew in at the worst possible moment to ever interrupt somebody* What are you-


K: Fly, you fool.








K:...the fuck is wrong with you?


RD: *flees and buries what she saw to the furthest reaches of of her mind.*




K: *walks into his home* *turns on light*


P: *pops out of nowhere* SURPRISE!




P: *unconscious on the floor*


K: *realizes what happened* Um...well...shit.


As you can see, circumstance is very relevant, and I could screw up and leave a bad impression in a variety of ways. Generally, I'm nice, but I don't really like company too often, and I can be a little anti-social at times. It's like with everyone, really, you can get along with folks great at first, but after a long period, certain lines need to be established and drawn.


I think I would get along ok with Rainbow Dash and Rarity, but I don't think we'd be absolute best buddies or anything. RD is a little too full of herself, and Rarity is a little vain. That's not to say I wouldn't bullshit with RD and poke fun at her in good humor, or that I wouldn't settle down every once in a while over a cup of tea with Rarity and discuss aesthetics and art, it's just I wouldn't really seek them out that much. Not enough in common, to ever want them to be around me all time, and I think after getting to know me, they might feel same way. Friendly acquaintances.


Pinkie Pie, would be really fun to hang around with, but only depending on my mood. Eventually, her antics would overload me, and I'd have to find the nicest way to tell her to take a chill pill before I she drove me up the wall, and I go ballistic...after a long enough while, though I think I might learn to tolerate it the same way Maud does.

Edited by KelGrym
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Why yes it is. I might be more into fashion than I want to admit :D

I knew it another fedora brony detected lol. Edited by GXPBlast
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