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I want to name my kid after Rarity. Good Idea?

Rarity Paige Belle

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I personally wouldn't go for it, since it's a name that could invite bullying (more than most names do), but as a name it's probably one of the easier pony names to use. But remember that baby name is something that you and your girlfriend share as a decision. Also it's her that's going through the pain of childbirth, so she probably gets a little weight in the naming process, eh? If she dislikes Rarity, she does. End of story.

  • Brohoof 1
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Like I told you in the fan club, it needs to be something you two decide on together - she has just as much sway as you do, maybe even more, since she's the one who's going to be pregnant, and that just looks like hell :D

I'd tell you to go for it if she agreed with the name, but if she disagrees, then don't do it, and don't force her to do it. It needs to be a mutual decision and her opinion has a lot of weight in this decision, just as much as you do, if not more so :D


  • Brohoof 3
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no, if you really want to name your child after a pony, go for something EXTREMELY subtle, like something that could pass as normal like maybe Flash or Luna. Luna is an actual name, it's a place in seattle, could pass as harry potter and a few people I've heard of are named Luna

  • Brohoof 2
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Yea, as others have said naming your daughter after a pony is really not a good idea, I mean think about it. When the fandom dies, or something happenes to the fandom (and it will someday, though hopefully not soon) then she will be stuck with a name of something that isn't even popular anymore. Not to mention that as stated, in her later years in high school she would probably get picked on a lot for that. You should go for something that you both agree on and like, not something that will lose it's novelty after a few years.

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Naming a kid after a Harry Potter character isn't much better than a pony, though...


...And how is Flash subtle? Then it just passes for the parent being a massive comics nerd. :lol:


ok then, Berry, Mac, something that abbreviates to AJ, Dash, and I said Luna could also refer to a place in seattle

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I generally disagree with naming children after fictional characters because it tends to lead to that child being teased. If you had to, though, I'm glad you had the sense to make it her middle name rather than her first.


That said, it should be something you both agree to as a couple. It's a child to both of you, you should be both in full agreement.

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I wouldn't go with Charlotte Rarity; I think Rarity is a perfectly fine name! Seriously, I'm not joking. A lot of people now will tell you it's a bad idea and it will lead to the child being bullied or teased. This is ridiculous; there is a chance that your kid will get teased for her name no matter what name you give her unless it's something really really common and plain, but if you don't want to go with a plain, boring name, then so long as the name isn't REALLY out there, I don't think an unusual name like "Rarity" is a problem. Here's what happens when people find out someone's name is really unusual and something they haven't heard before: they think it's weird at first, for the first little bit, but very quickly after getting to know the person they'll associate the name with the person. So when they hear "Rarity" they won't think "that's an unusual name," they'll instead think of that girl, because they've associated the name with her in their minds. This is of course all assuming that the person isn't familiar with MLP. If they are, then they might think of the pony at first before associating the girl with the name. They also might think it's really weird that you named a kid after a pony. But there's only going to be a few people who think that, and who cares what they think! The vast majority of people who hear your girl's name will either not be familiar with MLP and think "that's an unusual name" at first, until they get used to it, which will not take very long, trust me, or they will be familiar with the show and think it's really cool that you named a kid after one of the characters or they'll think it's weird but they won't care after they get to know how awesome and cool your kid is (assuming she turns out to be awesome and cool). So try suggesting just "Rarity" to your girlfriend. See if she likes it. If not, maybe see if you can get her to accept it as a middle name.

Edited by Cork Top
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I personally think it's a fantastic name.  I think it's just subtle enough to work.  I think Rarity sounds like it could be a perfectly normal name.  I think that anyone unfamiliar with the show wouldn't even know where it's from, probably wouldn't think it's from anything, and thus would not make fun of her.  But alas, as most have already said, the two of you have to agree 100%, so Rarity is probably out, unfortunately.  I've always loved the name Ophelia.  That's my backup suggestion.

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That is best as a middle name but you and your girlfriend are best to think it out however Rarity is quite a beautiful name :)

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I dont think Rarity is a bad name, but if your girlfriend hates it, it is probably not a good idea.  Maybe you could run some other reasonably normal sounding pony related names by her such as Lyra, Luna, or Octavia?

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