Easy Breeze
0 -
Last visited
Pegasus Pony -
22 -
Female -
CloudesDale -
CloudesDale -
Wonder bolt or Ariel acrobatics performer -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
Dark purplish coat deep dark purple and realism blue mane and tail and green eyes with a white snout
She was born in clydesdale at 3 am she was born along with 1 other sibling who’s a bit older but they ran away she ran away from home because of her abusive parents she ran away at the age of 8 and went to go live with her cousin Spitfire it’s crazy yes but there long distance they have been living together for 14 years and has made her way in to the academy at the age of 20 she did go to flight school at the age of 2 months and now is a full fledged Wonderbolt she’s super fast she got her cutie mark at the age of 3 years old you could say she is a late bloomer but so what she and spitfire don’t quite get along as roommates or as cousins they fight constantly and the only person who starts the fights are Athena but since Athena is short tempered she gets it from spitfire due to there squabbling she is now a full fledged Wonderbolt.
Key Moments
She was accused of stealing at the age of 19 but never did she was framed she keeps well good job and never would do such a thing.that’s all I got.
She has a very bad lisp due to a severe over bite from when she was young she has braces to correct it she has a slurred like speech and a very bubbly personality she gets very mad and also takes pride in her job as a wonderbolt.
Learning,racing people,doing flips and tricks,watching the masters (she’s a master she thinks),being goofy -
Crushanator jaws of smash a lot(washouts),not being taken seriously,people not taking there job seriously,people when not paying attention. -
Magic Spells
None -
She’s super fast she knows how to do millions of flips,she has done a sonic rainboom, she also has done 47 displacement rolls before. -
Spitfire,Fleetfoot,soarin,rainbow dash,twilight,high winds -
Lighting dust,and the washouts
Other Characters by this Player
Ashley Smurf
- Inactive
- Player: EasyBreezy