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Solar Dusk

Everfree Roleplay
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About Solar Dusk

  • Coffee Shop Sarcastic
  • Species

    Earth Pony
  • Age

  • Gender

  • Residence

  • Hometown

  • Occupation

    Coffee Shop Barista
  • Physical Description

    Sol (Nickname) Is a White Earth Pony with bright Red eyes that almost always look blood shot, this is due to her almost always never having enough sleep.

    She is short in stature compared to most other ponies and is always seen with a bright and adoring smile.


  • Backstory

    Sol was raised by Two Pegasus, born an Earth pony due to recessive genes they had no choice but to stay in Ponyville - where she was born - due to her not being able to walk on clouds.

    Her parents opened up a small barista shop located on the outskirts of Ponyville which helped them stay afloat for a while. When Sol reached adulthood she took over the coffee shop, allowing her parents to move back to cloudsdale, they still stay in regular touch.

    Sol goes on adventures with her friends often, but she always knows her home will be a small coffee shop located in Ponyville.

  • Key Moments

    Solar Dusk is friends with a very intelligent gecko named Otis, the beret he wears was Sol's from when she was a little tiny filly. 

    Otis is bigger than usual geckos, he is a breed of gecko that is rare to come across, he lives with Sol as a sort of pet, although he is smart he is still but a gecko. He enjoys the coffee that Solar Dusk brews and is often found sleeping, in contrast to Sol who is almost always awake.


  • Personality

    Sol is a sarcastic and humorous being, she can often come across as arrogant but she doesn't mean too.

    She is a quick thinker and keeps her friends around her grounded. She doesn't act on impulse in the slightest and always thinks carefully before she does something and commits to an action.

  • Likes

    Coffee, making drinks for her friends, occasional bartending, playing video games, partying, colouring in.
  • Dislikes

    The morning, waking up early, schedules, rules, running on a timer, being rushed, things that are too organised.
  • Magic Spells

  • Abilities

    Grinding up coffee beans and making the best of blends
  • Friends

    Dandy Heart
  • Rivals


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