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About Longhaul

  • Freight hauling pony
  • Species

    Earth Pony
  • Age

    Older stallion, close to middle age. His birthday is September 30.
  • Gender

  • Residence

  • Occupation

    Freight hauler/wagon puller
  • Character Images

  • Cutie Mark Image

  • Physical Description

    Slightly taller than average earth pony, with gray coat, brown mane and tail with strands of silver hair starting to work their way in.  He's always seen wearing a weather-worn Stetson-type hat on his head.

  • Backstory

    Longhaul spent most of his life growing up in a small village in the shadow of Manehattan, and just east of New Hayven. His given name was Dusty Hoofer, mostly for the clouds of dust he'd raise when he played and ran around. His mother was a nurse, his father was a warehouse worker, and both wanted a better life for their foal.Longhaul loved being outdoors as much as possible, constantly exploring his surroundings. This would get him in quite a bit of trouble when he strayed too far from home on one of his expeditions. This continued much to the chagrin of his parents, who wished he would settle down and choose a more sensible, stationary, and more socially acceptable lifestyle.

    Growing up, Longhaul did okay in school. While not an exceptional scholar, he managed to get decent grades and had a love for reading that continues to this day. He made few friends, mostly keeping to himself, and while he did get teased and picked on in school, he managed to hold his own against any challenge. He didn't graduate with any special honors, and never went on to college, instead heading directly into the working world.

    It took Longhaul a few years before he settled in to the career he seemed destined for. Through it all, he's been able to travel all over Equestria, seeing sights he had only previously read about or imagined. It was during these travels that he gained his nickname of Longhaul, and earned a reputation for his hard work and adherence to schedules and deadline delivery times.

  • Key Moments

    He hasn't seen or spoken to his family since the day he left home and started his career.

    Relationship Status: Single. Longhaul has had some very bad experiences in the past, and for that reason, he's wary about trusting anypony romantically again. He doesn't discuss any of his past encounters except in the vaguest of detail.

  • Personality

    Longhaul HATES crowds and crowded places. Several bad experiences in his life, combined with his shyness and lack of social interaction, make Longhaul almost paralyzed with fear when faced with large gatherings of ponies. He can usually be found at such events, when he can be convinced to attend at all, in as open an area as possible for outdoor gatherings, or if inside, standing close to a wall as near the exit/entrance as possible.

    Making friends never came easy to Longhaul, mostly because of his traveling. He does enjoy meeting and talking with other ponies, although he wonders if the others feel the same meeting and talking with him. It's for this reason that he will seldom, if ever, initiate a conversation. Anypony that approaches him will be greeted courteously. Longhaul hates to see ponies in distress, and will be quick to offer any form of assistance, be it monetary, physical, or emotional.

  • Likes

    Painting, cooking, watching sunrises/sunsets
  • Dislikes

    Dishonesty in general
  • Magic Spells

  • Abilities

    He can pull loads most earth ponies could barely budge, and does so with little difficulty.
  • Rivals

    None known

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