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About Thunderstrike

  • Rocker
  • Species

    Earth Pony
  • Species (Other)

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Residence

  • Hometown

    Canterlot city
  • Occupation

  • Cutie Mark Image

  • Physical Description

    He's small, His fur is electric blue, and his mane and tail is dark electric blue, His eyes are lightning yellow, and his cutie mark represents a bowling ball knocking pins over with thunder symbols in them.

  • Backstory

    Thunderstrike was born in canterlot city, He was flash sentry's little brother, One day, when he saw flash sentry playing the guitar, Thunderstrike told him that one day, he's gonna be the best rocker, Since then, He has been listening to rock music ever since he dreamed of rock, Thunderstrike likes dancing and singing to rock music, One day, Thunderstrike and his big brother, flash sentry, performed at a stage in Canterlot high school, They both were rockstars and a brother and son artist, But as usual, Whenever Thunderstrike sees flash sentry spending time with twilight sparkle, He felt delighted as he could please her greatly. Every day, Thunder strike has been working hard and hard to create and make songs for flash sentry. and even helping his brother out with songs.

  • Key Moments

    Hearing rock songs, He feels a underestimated rule of thunder and the god of zeus.

  • Personality

    Creative and Sensitive, Can also make intense music too.

  • Likes

    Drums, Guitars, Rock music, Performing on stage, Bowling, Eating Hot dogs, Dancing, Writing songs, etc.
  • Dislikes

    Bullies, Being a bad performer, Being pelted by tomatoes or other stuff, Bad music, and a few more
  • Magic Spells

    No magic spell
  • Abilities

    When playing the guitar, He'll unleash a heavy shockwave strike for everyone to see
  • Friends

    Flash Sentry (Big Brother), Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow dash, Sweetie belle, Scootaloo, Apple bloom, Sunset shimmer, Starlight glimmer, Trixie, Silver spoon, Diamond Tiara
  • Rivals

    Sonata Dusk, Aria Blaze, and Adagio Dazzle

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