Nozomi Kaizoku/ Strawberry Cloud
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Unicorn Pony -
17 -
Trans Male -
Ponyville -
Dodge City -
Unemployed (due to not having a cutie mark) -
Character Images
Physical Description
A pink fur coat with cloud-like markings all over, a curly dark pink mane and tail, a desaturated purple horn with cracks, large two-toned lips, a black eye mask marking on the face, and three scars, one on the face from an injury as a filly, the other two being self harm scars (which I will talk about more in the backstory).
~Bullying (In violent and nonviolent ways)
~Self Harm
~Mentions of the foster care system
Also, the reason why I refer to Strawberry with she/her pronouns is because a lot of this backstory happens before the start of his FTM transition, so keep that in mind :>
SpoilerOne faithful day in Dodge City, Equestria, a young unicorn filly had been born in the Dodge City Hospital. Happiness for the family had grown as they got to see their baby girl for the first time.
Only, this filly was.... different, from the rest.
This young filly was covered in strange markings on her body head to toe, similarly to the afternoon clouds of that day, Her horn was a different color compared to the rest of her pink strawberry coat, and her eyes had been expressively marked with a black mask, completing the strange look. This was something that had never been seen in other ponies in the are before, "how was this possible?" Some ponies asked themselves. Many doctors had looked into this peculiar sight, only to find no answers as to why.
On that day, the young filly had been given the name, Strawberry Cloud.
For the first 3 years of her life, Strawberry was raised by her biological parents, however, due to the fact that they were struggling to pay bills and keep a roof over their heads, they couldn't take care of her any longer. When Strawberry was 3. they shipped her off to the Dodge City orphanage, hoping that she would have better luck with a new family.
When the orphanage took her in though, they noticed that she acted... strange, compared to the other fillies.
She wouldn't play with the other fillies, despite the pressure, she hated the texture of certain foods, and therefore would refuse to touch them, rather than playing with her toys like every other filly had, she lined up her toys in a line, then knock everything over and do it again, she hated loud noises, and would cry if the room was too loud, alongside other strange behaviors.
There was something clearly different about that filly, and everypony knew it.
Eventually, Strawberry was taken to the orphanage's psychology facility to be tested. they had seen this kind of behavior before, but there was just no way, since this had only been seen in boy ponies beforehand.
The tests were ran, and it was confirmed: Autism spectrum disorder.
Soon enough, word got around about this new diagnosis, everypony were astonished. Because of the common stereotype of the time that ponies with this condition were extremely smart and talented, they all believed that strawberry would develop her cutie mark earlier than the others!
They all waited, but after years of waiting... nothing.
[Note: it's best to keep in mind the average age that a cutie mark would develop is 10 years old, and right now it's around strawberry's 10th birthday]
Because of this late development, many of the fillies in the orphanage began to ostracize her, and even bully her for her differences. it didn't help that this was paired up with her already existing disability and the fact that she couldn't perform magic like all the other unicorns could.
They constantly mocked her behaviors, making her do silly acts and pretending to enjoy it, then would turn around and laugh at her. Some went as far as pretending to be her "bestie" and even ask her out as a joke, once again, laughing at her when she wasn't looking. Some just flat out gave her weird looks when she did anything remotely weird, or would leave where they were sitting when she came to sit with them. Other ponies had took a less subtle approach to their torture, calling her really mean names, slurs occasionally, they would say mean things about her Infront of her, pretending as if she was an intimate object. The frequently took her toys, shoved her off of playground equipment, shove her into the sandpit, some of it getting into her mouth, they would tear up her drawings and homework that she worked on, and even force her to eat dog kibble. It didn't help that some of the staff had denied her help when she needed it, and even yelled at her when she was struggling.
Those years in the orphanage were traumatic for poor strawberry, and because of the behavioral record they had on her whenever she had a meltdown, she was deemed unadoptable.
At night, Strawberry would sneak outside to the woods nearby, and cry to herself, wondering why everypony hated her, and even believing that she was the problem.
When she was 12 years old, she finally had enough. If she wasn't going to develop a cutie mark on her own, she might as well make one herself. One night, with a razor she found in the janitor's closet, she cut a score-shaped mark into her sides, where a cutie mark would be, and cleaned it with a wet rag. it burned her skin as she wiped the excess blood from her thighs, but she can't stand being picked on any longer for being so different. Once she was done, she looked down at her new scarred legs.
It wasn't pretty, but it'll do.
Unfortunately, she was still bullied, but for a new reason. She now was known as "little miss cut herself" by her bullies, and ever since then, the bullying grew worse, getting slammed into walls, being jumped, and even being told to kill herself. And all for what???
But then, when she was 14, something happened. Something that would change her life forever.
It was just your typical day for Strawberry Cloud. sitting in the courtyard while everypony else .had their usual conversation, her sitting beside a tree, drawing. While she had never developed a cutie mark, she always loved to draw. It was like a coping mechanism to her, an escape from the harsh reality she had to face. In those moments, the group of ponies that would pick on her the most came around the corner, and Infront of Strawberry. Strawberry looked up, and sighed. putting her sketchbook down and looking up at her bullies, knowing how this was gonna end.
"Hey freak! You know you're sitting in OUR spot right? How rude of you!" Ivy Jewel said as her friends, Delilah Cake and Duke Starlight laughed, as if this were a comedy show.
"I-I'm sorry, I'll go--" Strawberry said before being interrupted.
"'I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-Im sOrRyie' God, such a pick-me, am I right??" Ivy questioned mockingly. "you know it's impressive how you're still even alive considering you're so fucking [insert slur], your brain would be comparable to a rock!" Delilah and Duke laughed. "Enough with the mockery, I say we punish this dork for stealing our spot.." She said as she turned to Strawberry with a menacing grimace. Strawberry panicked and immediately shoved her sketchbook into her saddlebag, when Delilah slammed her against the tree.
"Oh no, little filly, you ain't going nowhere untill we're done." She said, grabbing Strawberry by the horn with her magic. Strawberry began to hyperventilate, clearly afraid. Duke grabbed a large stick found on the ground and handed it to Ivy,
'Let's see how long she lasts this time..." Duke said, grinning.
Strawberry began to panic further as Ivy got closer with the stick, dragging it across the grass.
"Celestia, if you can hear me.... please...." Strawberry thought to herself as Ivy lifted the stick
".... get me OUT OF THIS HELL!!!!!!"
In an instant, a loud bang was heard, and a flash of yellow light filled the area for a brief moment. Strawberry slammed against the oak tree behind her, causing her to hyperventilate for a moment. She opened her eyes to see Ivy, slammed against the wood walls of the orphanage, Delilah, trying to assist her friend, and Duke and the other ponies staring in shock. Strawberry sat there for a moment, confused, then looked up, so see her horn.
For the very first time, her horn had glowed, bright as the morning sun, and the evening moon. This could only mean one thing.
"...I... Can use magic..."
She sat there, and for the first time in years, she began to smile. She started jumping around in excitement, obviously happy at this accomplishment, as her horned glowed a beautiful gold aura. She bounced around happily, that was, untill she started to feel dizzy. She began to collapse on the ground, Before finally passing out from... exhaustion???
When she finally woke up from her unconsciousness, she was in her bed, her saddlebag and sketchbook by her end table. Was that all a dream? She decided to test that theory, by attempting to pick up her sketchbook. To her surprise, it worked, that gold aura came back, but instead of just on her horn, it also got on her sketchbook, levitating it above the ground. Her tail began to wag excitedly, untill she felt a sharp pain in her head, causing her to drop the book. She sat there for a moment, needing to process what just happened, and then began to smile again. that was, until someone had opened the door. She saw her bully, Ivy Jewel, who had a cast on her leg from the injury. Strawberry was frightened for a moment, scared she was going to get jumped again, but surprisingly, Ivy just handed her a note. Strawberry grabbed the note, and looked at it for a moment, then opened it.
"Dear Strawberry Cloud, I'm so sorry that we treated you so horribly over the past several years. I never wanted to bully you, I thought you were really cool, but my "friends" had pressured me into doing this to you. They thought you would never be able to use magic, or have any talent for the matter, Until yesterday. I hope you can forgive me. Sincerely, ~Ivy Jewel
Strawberry looked at the note for a brief moment, then turned to Ivy, and nodded, nervously. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to forgive Ivy or not, or if this was even real, but at this point, at least she has magic, something she's wanted since she was a filly.
After that, however, she started to feel like there was something still... off, about herself, and one day, before she was about to hit 15 years old, she had realized a detail that was messing with her all this time.
She wanted to be a boy. She wasn't sure why, but she felt like a boy. She cut her hair short, and smiled again, happy with her... or should i say, his.... appearance. After some time, he felt like it was finally time to finally tell people.
He came out to Ivy, who, despite years of torment, had finally accepted him for who he was. He was finally happy.
They eventually moved in together when they both hit 15, and were finally old enough to move out of the orphanage on their own. They both eventually decided to move to Ponyville, hoping to be a fresh start in life.
He has been having trouble finding a job in Ponyville, unfortunately, due to the fact that he has not developed a cutie mark. He and Ivy decided that Ivy would take up the job as a gardener, while Strawberry helped out around the home and took care of their cat, Biscuit, who they adopted after they moved to Ponyville.
Strawberry is currently seeing if he can sell some of his artwork for money, preferably his paintings, and he is currently roommates with Ivy Jewel. He has a crush on her, but isn't sure if she will feel the same way. He plans on asking her out at the summer sun celebration (by that time he'd be mentally prepared)
He has also decided to pierce his left ear to further express himself further, and is also going under the nickname "Nozomi Kaizoku" because he finds the name suiting for him.
Key Moments
Strawberry Cloud timeline (with more added on, and in order)
Age 0: Born in Dodge City Hospital
Age 3: Sent to Dodge City orphanage and diagnosed with autism
Age 5: Bullying begins (just simple judgmental glances)
Age 10: Late cutie mark development discovered
Age 10: Bullying gets worse
Age 12: Strawberry Self Harms
Age 12: Bullying gets even worse
Age 14: Able to use magic for the first time
Age 14: Ivy befriends Strawberry
Age 15: Strawberry and Ivy move to Ponyville
Age 15: Strawberry and Ivy Adopt Biscuit
Age 17: Present day
The way Strawberry's personality works depends on your relationship with him.
When you first get to know Strawberry, he's pretty shy and quiet, but will occasionally say hello and/or complement the outfit you chose for the day.
When you become his friend however, he will start to open up to you and stim with you every chance he gets, and he gets excited whenever his friends vocal stim with him :> he also talks about his interests with you, mainly magic, since he's loved the idea of it ever since he was 14, when he got magic for the first time.
He generally acts like a goofball around those he trusts, though sometimes he can get carried away and accidentally make someone uncomfortable, which he quickly apologizes for. He stands up for the people he cares about most when they get targeted by some jerk pony, and is willing to be there for his friends in the best way he can.
He does however, tend to come off as "rude" or "mean" at times, even if it's not intentional, and he also occasionally struggles with communication, which can cause him to verbally shut down for brief moments of time. He also has a strong sense of justice, which can be both helpful and harmful depending on the situation.
Special interest: Magic
Likes: Drawing, quiet spaces, vocal stimming, muffins, nature, bugs, his friends, Ivy, his cat Biscuit, anything sensory related (unless he's overstimulated), and just being accepted in general -
Loud noises, large crowds, ponies being jerks to him and his friends, Pies, being surprised (because of anxiety), orphanages (due to his trauma), having headaches -
Magic Spells
Levitation -
Picking up a pencil with his hoof and actually being able to use it -
Ivy Jewel (crush), Quirk Hoof, Saffron, Obsidia, Pinkie pie (they don't talk much but they hang out occasionally when the mane 6 aren't off doing mane 6 stuff :p -
Ivy Jewel(former), Delilah Cake and Duke Starlight
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