Night Seed
0 -
Last visited
Unicorn Pony -
20 -
Male -
Ponydorf -
Manehattan -
Exotic Herbalist -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
Night Seed is a grey Unicorn with silver-blue mane and tail.
His eyes are Purple.
Night Seed (inspired by @donutmasterjoe) is a unicorn from a rich family in Manehatan. His parents and sister are entrepreneurs, his Father being the director of an academy who teaches languages, cultures and a bit of magic and his mother and sister are CEO's of her own hotels in the city.
Night Seed discovered his Cutie Mark when his family traveled to the countryside, in Ponyville to watch and taste the Zapp Apples. His interest of rare and special trees, fruits and vegetables and his adventurous and curious personality turned him into a adventurer Pony travelling all Equestria and beyond to find those special seeds and share his knowledge with every pony.
Years later he knew a Rocker Pony pony called Power Chord that was touring in Manehattan playing Rock'n Roll and he encouraged Night Seed to made his home in Ponydorf, a Swiss styled pony village in the mountains. From there, Night Seed acquired a home and an orchard, when sells and experiment with new plants he discover in his adventures.
He's a cultured, very curious and resilient unicorn who loves to discover new plants and share them with other pony's so the plants and the pony's can benefit mutually.
He like's to read and write, learn new things and agriculture.
He has a dark interest for magic: he only learns spells that can control or cause damage to others. For that reason he very rarely uses magic, even telekinesis. In desperate situations this darker tendency appears and he turns very cold and serious.
Agriculture, plants, mead, books and learning about other cultures. -
Creatures that don't want to share food. Bully's. -
Magic Spells
Energy Beam, Beam Volley -
Survival, Agriculture, Culture, Fight. -
Power Chord
Other Characters by this Player
Power Chord
- Rocker Pony
- Everfree Roleplay
- Player: Arrlong28