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Ionic Sunset
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Species (Other)
Geode Pony (Pegasus) -
23 -
♀ -
Homeless -
Mesosphere, Sunstone, Shale Chamber, Geode -
Odd jobs -
Character Images
Physical Description
Dragonfly, the explorer, the adventurer, the keeper... Well, to start with, she's mostly gold, obviously. Though her hooves and the tips of her feathers are silver, contrasting well with her gold coat. And her mane and tail are ruby! Then there's her cutie mark, a globe with four wings. Usually dirty, she normally looks like a recently unearthed bit of pirate's treasure! But due to one of the unusual magical quirks of being a Geode Pony, when she's clean...
Dragonfly shines! Not like... She doesn't glow or anything- not usually anyway- but it's like she's genuinely made of polished gold and silver, she's shiny! And though her ruby mane and tail don't suddenly become transparent or anything like actual ruby, they do both still acquire the metallic shine when she's clean.
Speaking of features that'd be unusual to a surface pony, her eyes! Yes I'm saving her wings and collar for last, those are the most unique parts, why wouldn't I?
Back to her eyes though, they're purple. A vivid purple. But that's not why they're unusual, plenty of ponies have fun eye colors! No, what's usual is that they change with emotion. Not into different colors, but into different gems¹! Actual gems, too, not gem-like colors. Usually the opposite, in fact, the gem is decided off what color Dragonfly- or any Geode Pony- associates with whatever emotion they're feeling! For example, if Dragonfly associates fear with black, her eyes'll turn obsidian¹ or onyx! But this is plenty on her eyes, the smallest part of her, how about we move on?
To her wings of course! Now the thing about the tips of her feathers being silver, we went over that before. What we didn't go over? She has two pairs of wings, of course. An outer pair and an inner pair! Or an upper and a lower, either works, you could even mix them!
It's not... It's not really a Geode Pony thing, though, unlike everything else. I mean, it kind of is? It's a mutation from extensive exposure to too much magical radiation before birth. A relatively common occurrence in a massive cave full of extremely magically active crystals. Though it's not like her extra pair is just a birth defect, they are functional, if a little odd! Though it still makes flying a hassle with not just four wings, but when two of those four are built entirely different. Where the outer wings are of pegasus origin, the inner ones are a cross between bat and birdpone wings. Membranous, finger-having, while still being covered in a down of short feathers! Great for object manipulation, not so for flight.
And then the final bit to her! The collar and the Opal! The collar is pretty simple honestly, just some strong Geode mushroom leather, a steel-driftstone alloy socket, and- the strangest bit- no way to take it off! There's no clasp or hook or anything, like it was made right there on Dragonfly's neck. Much more interesting though is the Opal. Not really an opal despite the name, it just looks closest. A shimmering white-blue gem trapped in the collars metal socket. When you look at it, it feels... off. Like it's watching you, too.
Why don't you just take it to find out? Aren't I a pretty little thing?
Dragonfly was born to Silver Shimmer- descendant of the founder of Sunstone, capital of Geode- and her husband Coal Vein. Being both high-luster and daughter of the current owner of the city's namesake Glow claim- the Sunstone- Dragonfly was practically guaranteed a good life.
Unfortunately, she didn't like the idea of a guaranteed anything and neither did fate it seems. Her quad-wing mutation made her unfit to inherit the family Glow claim. It didn't bother her much, though, not when she was old enough to understand, it meant her life was uncertain! Still with an easy life to fall back on however- at least until her parents pass- she took up quite a fun life. Exploring her city, and then the mines, and then the cave around the city! In her youth quite the heartbreaker, she grew out of that phase, focusing instead on her explorations and learning as much as she could!
A few years before her exile and present day, she took a job in the Glow mine over Sunstone. It was here, after a few months, she found it. The whispering gem. 'Use me, go anywhere.' Underestimating her compassion, the first time she saw it eat a soul to cast magic, she decided to keep it with her forever, only using her own soul as power when needed. The murder was covered up by her parents, though she was still disowned. Forced to live a homeless life, like most things, she learned to see the silver lining and love it.
But, 'Go anywhere.' It stuck in her mind, the gems first whisper. And so she decided she would. Pleading with officials and authorities to make her the first authorized surface scout in Geode history, she had no luck. They were too scared of the windigos on the surface, what happens if opening up the cave lets them in!? So she left on her own. Using the gem to blast a hole through the ancient collapsed cave entrance, and then to close it back up, going back now would likely be a death sentence. Quite literally!
To explore the surface! To know as much as she can! What no other metallic pony ever has! To keep the whispering Opal from hooves it could manipulate! That is the Dragonfly of today, the one you encounter.
Key Moments
In Progress
She can be serious when it comes to it, but her default is very much excitable curious. Occasionally Dragonfly might seem almost childish, and.... She is! Sometimes! But when something serious comes up, she'll push her childishness away, and she's always noticing more than she seems to. But shiny things are her kryptonite. There's a reason one of her nicknames was Magpie, when something glints or flashes or shimmers or shines, her eyes go wide and brain goes fuzzy. With effort she can tear her focus away, but even in serious situations, anything shiny is her weakness.
She is somewhat trusting, but with the Opal always looking for a new host, she's also somewhat suspicious of anycreature new. Despite that, her compassion and love for those around her is overflowing, and a smile is the only thing she wants to see on the faces of others. Sometimes to the point of actively avoiding very necessary conversations, to her detriment.
Flying... Isn't really her favorite activity. You'd think more wings equals easier flight- or you wouldn't if you know anything about flight- but it doesn't. Instead, she tends to use her four wings like arms and hands, gesturing and grabbing with them. She can fly, but it's definitely not easy.
This is likely for the best though, considering the Opal is always trying to escape. And this leading to another trait of hers- extreme paranoia and anxiety when the Opal isn't on her collar. Something that can very easily lead her to unnecessary hostility and nearly unprovoked threats. Despite the raw evil of the Opal, having it at her neck is even occasionally a physical comfort, seen as she puts wing or hoof to it when she needs to calm down.In relationships, she's very casual. Her home country had a culture of open or polygamous relationships- reaching as far back as it's founding- so commitment isn't an easy thing for her. But she'll let surfacers know that. She tries to be the fun partner, always teasing or messing around, but when she's teased or something intimate happens, she has no idea how to respond and becomes an awkward blushing mess.
Shiny, rain, spiders, dark chocolate, adventuring, knapping, the surface -
Sugar, flying, others having the Opal, mushrooms, artificial light -
Magic Spells
Healing spell -
High levels of weather magic control -
The Opal
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