Nightfall Gloam
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Nightfall Gloam
Unicorn Pony -
22 -
Male -
Baltimare -
Canterlot -
Filmmaker -
Character Images
Physical Description
Nightfall is a tall, fit, darker blue pony with a lighter blue, curved mohawk mane, dark blue hoofs and dark blue eyes with a short, lighter blue tail. His cutie mark is three white, six pointed stars forming a triangular shape around each other.
Nightfall Gloam was born in Canterlot to a family of successful entertainers and entrepreneurs. He is the younger brother of Melody Radiance, a talented Pop singer/musician famous throughout all of Equestria and beyond.
In his childhood, Nightfall used to draw cartoon characters and imagine them going on adventures similar to most cartoons you see on TV. Ever since childhood, he also had the idea for an action, sci-fi cartoon, an idea which he has kept ever since and continues to develop new ideas for. Nightfall Gloam was not a very popular kid in school, and usually spent his time roleplaying the cartoons he made up. He was not a fan of mathematics and like most other kids, did not always enjoy going to school even despite his parent's wishes.
As he grew older, his love of films and entertainment continued to grow with him and he got into a phase where he did nothing but read film critic magazines and often tried to look at any film he watched with a similarly critical outlook. When Nightfall became a teen, he started to get more interested in gaming, although not usually the same games as his peers liked, he usually preferred games with a unique idea or story that couldn't be done elsewhere. He had a small group of like minded and nerdy friends he hung out with every day during this stage in his life, and would sometimes play Ogres & Oubliettes with his friends. During this time of his life, he really wanted a marefriend, but usually couldn't get one and the few relationships he was in unfortunately didn't last too long before breakup.
Later on in his life, shortly before he became a young adult, he met an Earth pony mare named Raven, who he really liked at the Summer Sun Festival in Canterlot several moons ago. They got along really well and it seemed like they were made for each other, and even stayed in touch over a long distance, often delivering letters, snacks and gifts from their home countries to each other, but, unfortunately, their relationship did not last long before it fell apart, as was usual for Nightfall even before he met her. Since then, he managed to mostly move on from Raven, but does still think of her sometimes, but usually tries to avoid the topic since it can get depressing for him to think about, and since the relationship failed, has not tried to get a marefriend ever since and usually spends time on his various hobbies today.
These days, Nightfall is a successful independent film maker who is famous for his original films, TV shows and cartoons which often have lovable characters, experiment with new ideas, sometimes offer a unique perspective on the world and have creative plots, but are sometimes not popular with either critics or the general public, usually for being too ahead of their time. His film company, Saddlehoof Productions Ltd., located in Baltimare, Equestira, offers tours of their studio to the general public and as part of high school and university excursions. Despite not being a big fan of the whole celebrity aspect of being a film maker, he does enjoy teaching aspiring creative ponies how he makes his films and may sometimes go to conferences to speak about his methods, sources of inspiration and tips for other creatives.
Key Moments
- Opening of Saddlehof Productions
- The start and end of his relationship with Raven, the mare he met in Canterlot during the Summer Sun Festival.
Nightfall Gloam is a cheerful, creative, lighthearted pony with a strong sense of humour. He always looks out for his friends and tries his best to help them when they are feeling down. Nightfall may also be a bit over analytical and sometimes worry about small things. Unlike most other ponies in his field of work, he's not that into the idea of being famous, and just wants to have fun making films and cartoons at his studio.
Film production and directing, creativity, watching movies, cartoons, drawing, gaming, music, hanging out with his friends, food, travelling, reading, cats, birds -
Overly salty food, overdone cliches, staleness, stealing other ideas or copying existing ideas, false assumptions, being crowded by ponies -
Magic Spells
Basic Unicorn Spells, Camera Operation, Film Editing, Drawing, Cel Animation, And Some SFX -
Melody Radiance, Smooth Symphony, Aria Melody, Skip Frame, Fuchsia Quill, Velvet Stitch, Roseleaf
Other Characters by this Player
Melody Radiance
- Famous popstar in Equestria and beyond!
- Inactive
- Player: Nightfall Gloam